BRN Discussion Ongoing



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May we remember - Infinite Intelligence is not to be understood only to be experienced. Enjoy the experience.

WhatsApp Image 2021-09-19 at 6.59.26 PM.jpeg
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Just had a quick look at HC to see what the balance of posts are like.
It was good to see that BRN is finally off the most discussed stocks, whilst at the same time the top rated post is Mr Tech's resignation from HC.
BRN most disc.JPG
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And the staff expansion goes on (y)

Liked one preferred attribute wanted of the successful candidate ;)

FAE Role - 1.jpg

FAE Role - 2.jpg

FAE Role - 3.jpg
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Founding Member
I haven’t been checking anything for a couple days on here as I’ve had covid (still recovering but much better now) so I hope I haven’t missed anything, but I did get to listen to the new podcast this morning and doesn’t Sean speak so well, glad to have him on our side!

Also great to see the community rallying away from hotcrapper and onto this great new website thanks to @zeebot.
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Founding Member
I am a long-term holder from AZK days. I rarely post, but for many years I have read the daily threads on hotcrapper and have been extremely grateful for the insights and valuable information so generously provided by the 1000 eyes. Up until recently of course, when the daily read became a chore.

Living in the UK, I have set my sights on attending the $10 party, and hope to thank many of the contributors in person and buy them a beer or two. This led me to wonder, how many beers @zeeb0t would have to drink for setting up this wonderful resource.

I have absolutely no idea of the time, effort or cost involved in putting this together in such a short space of time, let alone the ongoing administration. I just wanted to say that as I can’t buy you a beer yet @zeeb0t, if you were ever inclined to set up a GoFundMe account to help with admin costs, I would be happy to contribute, as I am sure would many others.

Your considerable efforts are much appreciated.
Ditto this. I think if @zeeb0t were to set up a Patreon page with a $1, $2 or even $5 per month patron fee we'd easily be able to cover the admin costs for Z. There might even be some money left over to go into the marketing kitty.
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I haven’t been checking anything for a couple days on here as I’ve had covid (still recovering but much better now) so I hope I haven’t missed anything, but I did get to listen to the new podcast this morning and doesn’t Sean speak so well, glad to have him on our side!

Also great to see the community rallying away from hotcrapper and onto this great new website thanks to @zeebot.
Pleased you are making progress and recovering @chapman89 While you have been away it has been entirely left to me to keep an eye on matters and respond to those with their many queries. I've taken on the role of technical engineer, data analyst, principal researcher, and financial and human resource adviser. ;) However, the role that has taken most of my time and given me the most pleasure has been responding to those who sought recommendations on where they could get a tattoo. I encouraged a couple of blokes to try a creative art studio in Preston, Melbourne. One may have been @JK200SX I haven't heard back from them. The name of this joint was hot crapper, so perhaps they were deterred for some reason.
Anyway, very good to have you back.
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Founding Member. It's ok to say No to Dot Joining
Ditto this. I think if @zeeb0t were to set up a Patreon page with a $1, $2 or even $5 per month patron fee we'd easily be able to cover the admin costs for Z. There might even be some money left over to go into the marketing kitty.
I agree with you here @SERA2g I'll chip in if required.
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Makeme 2020

Still ticking away nicely ladies and gentlemen todays count 1247 people have registered on the new Forum Well done to all..........$$$$$$$$$$$$
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I'd be interested in @Dolci sharing her charting experience now that she's in a place where she may not get 100% agreeance but will still at least get 100% respect.

.....can we see this EW play out in the next 12 months ...

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Founding Member
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Founding Member
Sean at it again
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Makeme 2020

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Dang Son

Hi Dingo
I suggest communicate with and maybe email your hypothesis to Stock Swami asking is there anything he could add on the topic. He hates HC and would know heap
I was imagining jam sanger rounding up all the village idiot's in his vicinity to share in his high roller festivities in return for stock bashing loyalty
I think S Swami was sued by sanger for Twitter slander couple years ago. Not sure how it ended
Not BRN Related !!!
Sorry i'd like to make a correction to my yesterdays post .
It was not Sanger suing Swami , it is
Tolga Kumova, Stock Swami defamation battle takes another twist
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Pleased you are making progress and recovering @chapman89 While you have been away it has been entirely left to me to keep an eye on matters and respond to those with their many queries. I've taken on the role of technical engineer, data analyst, principal researcher, and financial and human resource adviser. ;) However, the role that has taken most of my time and given me the most pleasure has been responding to those who sought recommendations on where they could get a tattoo. I encouraged a couple of blokes to try a creative art studio in Preston, Melbourne. One may have been @JK200SX I haven't heard back from them. The name of this joint was hot crapper, so perhaps they were deterred for some reason.
Anyway, very good to have you back.
Lets just say I chickened out, as I hate needles:)

@Mn2019 got his Synapse there, and can perhaps post a pic of his artwork?
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
I haven’t been checking anything for a couple days on here as I’ve had covid (still recovering but much better now) so I hope I haven’t missed anything, but I did get to listen to the new podcast this morning and doesn’t Sean speak so well, glad to have him on our side!

Also great to see the community rallying away from hotcrapper and onto this great new website thanks to @zeebot.
Get well buddy 💊😷
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It's great to see Sean doing these interviews and spreading the Brainchip message far and wide.
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I haven’t been checking anything for a couple days on here as I’ve had covid (still recovering but much better now) so I hope I haven’t missed anything, but I did get to listen to the new podcast this morning and doesn’t Sean speak so well, glad to have him on our side!

Also great to see the community rallying away from hotcrapper and onto this great new website thanks to @zeebot.
Did you have it last year or were you just a close contact and required to isolate. Either way get well soon and do not treat it lightly it can be a randomly nasty thing. Good luck.
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