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I only just saw Mr Tech Ladens farewell message
Has he joined the revolution or retired from commenting completely? Shame if it’s the latter
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
I agree AusEire it was quite damning and uncalled for (n)
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Who's clooch anyways?
There are a large number of new posters on the HC BRN forum since we all left, many of whom have negative sentiments. Funny that..
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That infamous post by Unknown Soldier threatening Dolci with sexual violence inflamed me like no other. I spent two weeks trying to find some government body to do something about it. In the end I discovered there was not one regulatory body with the power to take action.

Then this poster who claimed to be so in favour of women and attacks the company over this issue claiming they were breaching good corporate governance and this was not playing well with US institutions claims never to have placed any one on ignore including that low life grub.

Just never rang true for me.

Sorry I still get extremely angry when I turn my mind to that incident with Unknown Soldier.

Will shut up and say no more.

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Does anyone know when we could expect to see the impact of DTC on our trading volume? Is there a period between approval and activity?

Cheers in advance :)
I don’t think anyone can honesty predict that any more than we could have predicted the German Institutions buying up.

For all we know some of the large volume off market trades during the more recent high volume days were being accumulated for US Institutions.

One German institution has according to the last 4C 64 million odd shares yet every day all we saw on the German exchanges was what appeared to be small volumes.

We are the compost without even the status of mushrooms where these events are concerned.

The release of the top twenty with every 4C is an attempt by the CFO Ken Scarince and Investor Relations Tony Dawe to give greater visibility to ordinary retail. This initiative came about after much agitation behind the scenes from a number of retail shareholders.

I personally do not have experience of any other ASX listed company providing the top twenty every quarter.

My opinion only DYOR

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View attachment 616
Clooch isn't happy the "blowhards" in here left! He/She had unfortunately missed the point of why people left.

We'll soon overtake HC. I've no doubts about that.

Akida Ballista
Yep taken our "bat and ball" and now playing in the World series. Good luck to those in the minor leagues.
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That infamous post by Unknown Soldier threatening Dolci with sexual violence inflamed me like no other. I spent two weeks trying to find some government body to do something about it. In the end I discovered there was not one regulatory body with the power to take action.

Then this poster who claimed to be so in favour of women and attacks the company over this issue claiming they were breaching good corporate governance and this was not playing well with US institutions claims never to have placed any one on ignore including that low life grub.

Just never rang true for me.

Sorry I still get extremely angry when I turn my mind to that incident with Unknown Soldier.

Will shut up and say no more.

I remember that post FF. It may have been directed at Dolci but clearly offended the females who read the post. I ripped into the fellow and my post was curiously removed. And as we saw more recently his repulsive behaviour continued and he was suspended from HC. I'm not really up to speed with these matters however occasionally I hear a parliamentarian pass comment about the need to eradicate cyber bullying by anonymous persons.
Yes, I too am rankled over this and best button my lip.

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I only just saw Mr Tech Ladens farewell message
Has he joined the revolution or retired from commenting completely? Shame if it’s the latter
No he sent me an email saying he will be here but has a lot on so he decided to take a short break between the two places. FF
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No he sent me an email saying he will be here but has a lot on so he decided to take a short break between the two places. FF

Awesome mate thanks for the update 👍🏼
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
No he sent me an email saying he will be here but has a lot on so he decided to take a short break between the two places. FF
Correct FF .. I had a chat with him yesterday (y)
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Top 20
"What I envision for this company is that if we proliferate the technology, prove it out even more in many, many industries and use cases, that we become the defacto standard. That is the vision I have for the long term. There is absolutely no reason we cannot be the predominant standard for edge AI in the coming years"

- Sean Herir, BrainChip Podcast
Quite agree. A few years ago I suggestes Akida would become the 555 timer of AI.

The 555 timer is the clock chip included in a majority of semiconductor circuits.
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OK have been toying with how to approach this so I will do one of my how I think an employee at Brainchip who I respect might respond to a question like ‘What’s your opinion of the new CEO”

My hypothetical answer:

“ I have to tell you, Sean is an absolutely top-notch leader and there is no question we got the right man for the job. I could go on and on about all the good things he’s already done in his short time here but I won’t waste your time. If there are any doubts out there, they can and should be put aside. He is exactly what this company needed at this time. We are in much better hands than we’ve ever been before. I say that with 100% confidence.”

Now remember I am an anonymous poster so when you have an opportunity in the future to communicate with someone at Brainchip see how close I am to the mark.
My opinion only DYOR

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Quite agree. A few years ago I suggestes Akida would become the 555 timer of AI.

The 555 timer is the clock chip included in a majority of semiconductor circuits.
Strangely I remember you saying that because it caused me to remember a brand of pickles that my father liked.

You are a true visionary.

My opinion only DYOR

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Founding Member
OK have been toying with how to approach this so I will do one of my how I think an employee at Brainchip who I respect might respond to a question like ‘What’s your opinion of the new CEO”

My hypothetical answer:

“ I have to tell you, Sean is an absolutely top-notch leader and there is no question we got the right man for the job. I could go on and on about all the good things he’s already done in his short time here but I won’t waste your time. If there are any doubts out there, they can and should be put aside. He is exactly what this company needed at this time. We are in much better hands than we’ve ever been before. I say that with 100% confidence.”

Now remember I am an anonymous poster so when you have an opportunity in the future to communicate with someone at Brainchip see how close I am to the mark.
My opinion only DYOR


Thank you FF. Nice musings ;)

Can I also say, old habits die hard.. but I don't think we have many here to report posts for ''unsubstantiated information''.

Just saying. 😊
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Thank you FF. Nice musings ;)

Can I also say, old habits die hard.. but I don't think we have many here to report posts for ''unsubstantiated information''.

Just saying. 😊
No and to a certain extent that is a problem when posting such a strong statement. We need to remember how anonymous we all are. FF
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There are a large number of new posters on the HC BRN forum since we all left, many of whom have negative sentiments. Funny that..
The majority of them would be wolves in sheep‘s clothing playing the passive aggressive card. Transparently fake reporting with an agenda bias..
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Top 20
There are a large number of new posters on the HC BRN forum since we all left, many of whom have negative sentiments. Funny that..
When a patch of forest is cleared, it's the lantana which fills the void.
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Quite agree. A few years ago I suggestes Akida would become the 555 timer of AI.

The 555 timer is the clock chip included in a majority of semiconductor circuits.
Hi Diogenese,

Firstly love your new pseudonym. After researching who he was: from my take on you it matches you very well! You obviously put some thought into it. To value honesty is a great thing!

“Unassumingly, Diogenes was a very smart man, having a sharp mind that can (and does) challenge and roast the most pompous of scholars and philosophers. He was critical of his philosopher peers, mainly Plato (Socrates' student).”

Regarding you‘re 555 timer theory. I see Brainchip at the commercialisation stage similar to the early video tape days when there was VHS and BETA. They were both in competition to become the default standard. Only at the moment there is no BETA - just BRAINCHIP we have a 3 year lead before BETA arrives!

I’ll take them odds every day of the week.

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Hi Diogenese,

Firstly love your new pseudonym. After researching who he was: from my take on you it matches you very well! You obviously put some thought into it. To value honesty is a great thing!

“Unassumingly, Diogenes was a very smart man, having a sharp mind that can (and does) challenge and roast the most pompous of scholars and philosophers. He was critical of his philosopher peers, mainly Plato (Socrates' student).”

Regarding you‘re 555 timer theory. I see Brainchip at the commercialisation stage similar to the early video tape days when there was VHS and BETA. They were both in competition to become the default standard. Only at the moment there is no BETA - just BRAINCHIP we have a 3 year lead before BETA arrives!

I’ll take them odds every day of the week.


Regarding my “I’ll take them odds every day of the week” line.

I should point out: I’m not a gambler. Some people in my workplace have queried my recent interest in the stock market referring to it as gambling. I don’t disagree there is risk on the stockmarket. However with research and knowledge you can reduce the risk.

A simple example is crossing the road: if you don’t take the time to look both ways you could get hit by a car. Careful checking of the roadway you can select a safe path.

I don’t bet on the Melbourne Cup because I don’t believe that I for one day a year I can suddenly become knowledgable in the horseracing industry.

Warren Buffet had a story using baseball. Let all the errant balls (companies) pass through. Only hit (buy) the ones in your hit zone, that way you know every time you swing you will be hitting a winner.

I initially bought $1000 worth of Brainchip in Feb 2021 after some initial research. Then with ”Skin in the game” the interest level goes up and the research becomes more thorough and continuous. I can’t recall exactly but I think I have bought now on 22 occasions at variable amounts and prices: never selling, just accumulating. Thanks to the 1000 eyes I bought on open the day the Mercedes information broke at a price of 71c to reach my target total (it was earlier than planned and I was in financial discomfort for a month but I realised the price was about to explode).

The podcast today with Rob and Sean reassures me again, not that I needed it:
Game changing disruptive technology.
World first: little to no competition in the field.
A goal to become the industry standard default.
A champion team with a leader focussed on winning!

Music to my ears.

All my opinion, please DYOR.
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Strangely I remember you saying that because it caused me to remember a brand of pickles that my father liked.

You are a true visionary.

My opinion only DYOR

Just had a flashback of Albert Steptoe dunking for pickled onions in his bath.
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