BRN Discussion Ongoing

Hi BL,

In the US, patents are filed in the name of the inventor - it's a constitutional thing.

Thy can then be assigned to another party, in our case to BrainChip Inc.
Tried to admit defeat on my phone but it was playing up so had to come on the PC. You might have won this round Moriarty but this game is not yet done. LOL
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Well, I have just joined all you nice people in this new forum, having just read quite a few posts.
The content here is certainly a blast of fresh air after the other place, where It was becoming very difficult to find the good stuff in between the rubbish. I'm looking forward to enjoying adult BRN content at last.
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Tried to admit defeat on my phone but it was playing up so had to come on the PC. You might have won this round Moriarty but this game is not yet done. LOL
See you at the Reichenbach Falls ...
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Never have I seen so many posts moderated. When free speech is gaged when that speech is totally honest, you know that environment becomes toxic.

That toxicity will be revealed as corruption in the following months as BRN forges ahead in the oncoming 60 billion market penetrating what I believe will capture at least a 15 percent stake from my research via Deloitte’s, JMRC and a few others our FF have named. A ten billion market is realised quite quickly and I only take this as our stage one in three. Stage two implies half our EAPs on board and substantial cash rolling starting the third quarter 2022.
Then there’s the blow off that supercharged stage 3. Not only everyone’s on board but that till is ringing so hard because the market keeps raising its PE valuation. We are still so much in our infancy here and my hope for all holders here, nowhere else is to hold until you get what you want.

Best wishes…..Greatlake.
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I was thinking just now that in due course someone like Slade who if I remember correctly has an interest in education could give some thought to how we might best set up or go about providing a question on answer hub for new to the market and Brainchip investors. I am not a person who follows the charts but I was on the chart thread this morning, and reading through was impressed with how it is running now that it is a civilised thread unpopulated by those with other agendas. I thought to myself that these guys have a real opportunity to educate those that are interested in charting and I think some if not all probably enjoy the educational aspect of speaking about what and how they do it.

Anyway just a thought for a future time.

I think the chartists do it by the pricking of their thumbs,
in thunder lightning or in rain,
when the hurly burly's done,
when the battles lost and won.
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Hi Vlad
Great you and your passion are here but I think that this sort of information would rate as highly price sensitive and therefore unlikely to be disclosed in a podcast.
I believe it is clear going back to the former CEO Mr. Dinardo that an eventual dual listing with Nasdaq is contemplated beyond that we will need to meet the necessary criteria which all being equal will occur sometime in 2023.

IF and I mean ‘IF’ we can create a safe place for shareholders to come where even if you have only a few shares and have never invested before you can become educated about the quality of Brainchip and its market potential, so that you are unlikely to become a victim of misinformation we can hasten the establishment of Brainchip’s status in the Ivy Leagues.

My opinion only DYOR

G’day Fact Finder great to be here with our crew. Yes it would no doubts be price sensitive and a Huge step in our world saturation plans. Hopefully it comes sooner rather than later. Vlad.
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Still today there's at least 131 posts on hotcrapper BRN and we're still their most talked about stock. Maybe we need to troll a little bit less so it stops rewarding them with such high levels of activity.
I've heard that the best Defence, is to know your Enemy, sometimes playing games to keep them busy can be fun
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I think the chartists do it by the pricking of their thumbs,
in thunder lightning or in rain,
when the hurly burly's done,
when the battles lost and won.


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I’ve misplaced how to see all brn comments between the forums, eg BRN 2022, charting, announcements etc, any assistance appreciated
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Never have I seen so many posts moderated. When free speech is gaged when that speech is totally honest, you know that environment becomes toxic.

That toxicity will be revealed as corruption in the following months as BRN forges ahead in the oncoming 60 billion market penetrating what I believe will capture at least a 15 percent stake from my research via Deloitte’s, JMRC and a few others our FF have named. A ten billion market is realised quite quickly and I only take this as our stage one in three. Stage two implies half our EAPs on board and substantial cash rolling starting the third quarter 2022.
Then there’s the blow off that supercharged stage 3. Not only everyone’s on board but that till is ringing so hard because the market keeps raising its PE valuation. We are still so much in our infancy here and my hope for all holders here, nowhere else is to hold until you get what you want.

Best wishes…..Greatlake.
Hi GL,

The thing about forecasts is that they are invariably wrong.

However, without having read the basis on which the forecast was made , I would think that the AI market would include much more than NN chips. There is usually a lot of other stuff, sensors, displays, WiFi ... which make up the components sold in the AI field.

So I take a smaller proportion of the forecast market as being the NN market, eg, 10%, and then I allocate another fraction, eg, one fifth to BrainChip. So assuming $US60 billion to be in the ballpark, I would be pleased if BrainChip's share got to $US1.2 billion, which could be rounded up to $AU2 billion. Even with a moderate multiplier of 10, that would be a market capital of $AU20 billion.

Of course, my estimates of 10% and one fifth are plucked from thin air and have no basis in reality, other than to dampen my vaunting hubris.
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I’ve misplaced how to see all brn comments between the forums, eg BRN 2022, charting, announcements etc, any assistance appreciated
Click on Forums > Forums List > Wait moment then type in BRN in space at top.
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Maybe this is where Tech Laden's 49% sale might come into play. ARM publicly listed in UK or USA. Buys 49% of Brainchip for ??? billions and off to the neuromorphic races or not.
Just wild speculation so DYO

To me brainchip and ARM partnership something made in heaven. It will benefit both the companies. Arm can reach to the market segments which are untouchable till date for them and brainchip will get a lot more customers who are ready to use brainchip IP.
Regarding take over or partnership deals what do you think Softbank can think about that without brainchip approaching them.
2ndly if Softbank does not approach right now that will mean there will be much more regulatory pressure just like the present nividia and ARM deal.
3rdly if softbank makes an offer what could that look like. And if softbank just buy extra shares from brainchip what will brainchip utalise that money for.
Sorry too many curiosities here.
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Hey @Zeebot, have you thought about approaching Brainchip and seeing if they would post a link to this forum on their site perhaps under the "investor" section? A win win I would've thought. Certainly a win for investors that don't know about TSEx
A good idea but not too sure if a company can take a step like that.
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Hey @Zeebot, have you thought about approaching Brainchip and seeing if they would post a link to this forum on their site perhaps under the "investor" section? A win win I would've thought. Certainly a win for investors that don't know about TSEx
A good idea but not too sure if a company can take a step like that
Arm white-anting their own deal with Nvidia from the inside so that they can acquire Brainchip before then putting themselves back into a trade-sale? Lol.

Would be funny if that were the case!
Hi Sera I start dreaming about a brainchip and ARM partnership and that will mean the combined companies will easily be bigger than nividia in 2 years.
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Hi GL,

The thing about forecasts is that they are invariably wrong.

However, without having read the basis on which the forecast was made , I would think that the AI market would include much more than NN chips. There is usually a lot of other stuff, sensors, displays, WiFi ... which make up the components sold in the AI field.

So I take a smaller proportion of the forecast market as being the NN market, eg, 10%, and then I allocate another fraction, eg, one fifth to BrainChip. So assuming $US60 billion to be in the ballpark, I would be pleased if BrainChip's share got to $US1.2 billion, which could be rounded up to $AU2 billion. Even with a moderate multiplier of 10, that would be a market capital of $AU20 billion.

Of course, my estimates of 10% and one fifth are plucked from thin air and have no basis in reality, other than to dampen my vaunting hubris.
Hi Diogenese, I love your work! Can you please ensure that the smart thinkers of Weather Forecasting, Worldwide are aware of the attributes that AKIDA may offer? We all may benefit from a more in depth understanding of the Atmosphere and it's complexity, Global Warming included. I have no idea if this is already in action.
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Nvidia arm deal scrapped
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A good idea but not too sure if a company can take a step like that

Hi Sera I start dreaming about a brainchip and ARM partnership and that will mean the combined companies will easily be bigger than nividia in 2 years.
But there is also s possibility here that nividia can also approach brainchip. But if both arm and nividia approach brainchip I will be biased towards ARM.
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Afternoon Chippers,

Sorry I have not contributed much of late, little discombobulated with the new platform.

Known Knowns , although some unknowns may yet still be known but as yet remain unknown till known.

* Dates may vary, this is a loose guide.

9th Feb. Rob T. & Sein Hehir chew the fat ( PODCAST ).

9th Feb. SEMICON, Korean Electronics Show.
2000 booths.
120 Industry Executives.

Innovation week.
Google, Renesas, Brainchip and ????.

* Think Ken S. is Presenting.

17th Feb. FORD MOTOR CO.
Driver Assist ( BLUE OVAL ) Revieal.
Q & A afterwards. ?????????

24th Feb. BRN Webinar
For Developers , Industry & Techys.
Rob Telson & Todd Vierra presenting.
Q & A.

26th Feb. BRN ANNUAL REPORT for 2021.


* Zeeb0t , appreciate you must be very busy, but , would it be possible to have spell check automaticaly work or attached to the page somewere, as a badly need it.

Cheers ,

February calendar is stacked. Great post thanks for sharing
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