Hi All,
Just a few thoughts of how this last week has played out.
An extremely positive AGM..." the best ever conducted by Brainchip Holdings Ltd" 65 shareholders packing out the meeting room, interestingly, the day prior I believe the Ampol AGM was held in the same facility...5 shareholders fronted up.
The company staff had meetings after meetings in Sydney, Melbourne and in Perth I was told, a full book, including a very positive meeting in Perth with the right Hon Min. Simon Dawson...check out his government profile.
As I thought awhile ago, the Australian business opportunities for Brainchip haven't even been tapped as yet, it's only really starting to get underway now, but as news flow (not fake news) starts to build on itself, many Australian companies with vision will jump on board, or simply be left behind, as we all know, the opportunities are beyond endless, the words
imagine and
dream come into focus, creativity will see our company explode, the next 12 months will see the biggest step up the commercial ladder in my opinion, with a repeating pattern of
"surge then calm then surge then calm" as more and more products are developed and released to the wider world markets, the calm phase is my way of viewing "design cycles", because very few will all align with regards the amount of companies coming out of the woodwork.
I was very surprised when it was stated and then repeated that Brainchip was no longer a chip company but an IP company, which I think is fantastic, from a forward looking revenue prospective, but to me, that came out of left field, and so I asked the company exactly when did this change of direction take hold,
around 3 months ago.
The company will produce
reference chips for our partners/clients, happy to be corrected if that's not 100% correct, but that's my understanding of the current situation.
Sean and Antonio also flew over to Perth to attend a meeting/s and introduce themselves to our solid Perth team, Peter mentioned to me and another shareholder that he is very proud of our team based here in Perth, with now 8 staff whom all hold PhD's....the new RI is almost ready to move into, just 100m or so down the road on St. George's Terrace in the centre of the CBD, which I'm looking forward to visiting in July on Peter's invitation, hope to share some photos for the ones interested.
My final comment, what FF posted the other day about voting and sticking together as a pack is extremely important, I didn't go into all the figures, but the retail investors have a say like anyone else, I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this but, Brainchip's shareholder numbers are continuing to explode worldwide...on Friday night I was told that, what was 37,000, last week started at 42,000 and is now sitting around 48,000...that's massive, so is the word getting out there now, absolutely YES.
I also heard through a third party that some ONE has been accumulating BRN shares, with a current holding of over 70 Million (approx) so watch this space.....it will take a massive amount of convincing for Peter and Anil to retire in my view, their dream is nowhere completed yet, it's years off....SO HANDS OFF the company's jewels !

Tech over and out x