BRN Discussion Ongoing

YES.....those who said they would be at the Meeting and keep us informed...............whats happening?
Especially with the voting on issues!


Waiting on this too
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AGM has finished......surely beer O'clock!
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All resolutions passed except for Resolution 12.
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Havent been on this forum lately..... i have taken a break purposely.

Really, what was in the AGM other than some motherhood statements and waffle that we have heard before. More professional than before, but none the less, still mother hood statements and waffle

Im waiting on announcements that mean something.
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All resolutions passed except for Resolution 12.




ALL GOOD .........:):):):)

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I thought the AGM went very well.
Loving the professionalism of the speakers.
The meeting ran well.

Couldn’t be happier investing my money in BRAINCHIP with the direction they are headed. Future looks great!

Very dissapointed and ashamed of the vote in relation to PVDM. I can only think it was voters not understanding the question as I note a resolution near the end also had similar no.s against and that question could have been misunderstood as well (Q12 I think).

As the Founder and Brains of the revolutionary technology he is fundemental to the companies future succes with further iterations of Akida IP.

Outrageous and I can’t understand the thinking of it hence I put it down to an misunderstanding. I hope that in future if people don’t understand a resolution they abstain from voting.

Otherwise the future looks fantastic!

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Great AGM in my opinion. Professional presented. Good questions by shareholders. Team still holding their cards close to their chest which is clever. Onwards and upwards.
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Waiting on this too
Voting online results.
Yet to be fully totaled , once done will post on ASX

1, 80%for, 14%against, 5%Open.
2, 66.08 , 30.20, 3.72
3, 90.44, 6.99, 2.57
4, 94.77, 2.69, 2.56
5, 97.10, 0.36, 2.54
6, 96.24, 1.17, 2.52
7, 85.45, 11.87, 2.68
8a , 70.12, 26.06, 3.82
8b, 69.44, 26.82, 3.75
8c, 70.19, 25.96,3.85
8d, 75.15, 20.99, 3.86
9a, 69.51, 26.71, 3.78
9b, 82.27, 13.88,3.85
9c, 74.99, 21.14,3.81
10, 90.14, 5.94,3.92
11, 97.27,0.04,2.69
12, 30.22, 64.09,5.64

Final results will be published on the ASX

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I thought the AGM went very well.
Loving the professionalism of the speakers.
The meeting ran well.

Couldn’t be happier investing my money in BRAINCHIP with the direction they are headed. Future looks great!

Very dissapointed and ashamed of the vote in relation to PVDM. I can only think it was voters not understanding the question as I note a resolution near the end also had similar no.s against and that question could have been misunderstood as well (Q12 I think).

As the Founder and Brains of the revolutionary technology he is fundemental to the companies future succes with further iterations of Akida IP.

Outrageous and I can’t understand the thinking of it hence I put it down to an misunderstanding. I hope that in future if people don’t understand a resolution they abstain from voting.

Otherwise the future looks fantastic!

View attachment 7565
I truly felt disgusted by those who voted no on this. All i can suggest to them is go and see a vet
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I thought the AGM went very well.
Loving the professionalism of the speakers.
The meeting ran well.

Couldn’t be happier investing my money in BRAINCHIP with the direction they are headed. Future looks great!

Very dissapointed and ashamed of the vote in relation to PVDM. I can only think it was voters not understanding the question as I note a resolution near the end also had similar no.s against and that question could have been misunderstood as well (Q12 I think).

As the Founder and Brains of the revolutionary technology he is fundemental to the companies future succes with further iterations of Akida IP.

Outrageous and I can’t understand the thinking of it hence I put it down to an misunderstanding. I hope that in future if people don’t understand a resolution they abstain from voting.

Otherwise the future looks fantastic!

View attachment 7565
Yep, that question can be easily misunderstood. If you take the first part of it,"retires by rotation" is easy to see why someone would vote against.
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Move on, nothing to see.
YES.....those who said they would be at the Meeting and keep us informed...............whats happening?
Especially with the voting on issues!


All resolutions passed (except the last spill meeting one)

There seemed to be great support for new CEO and Chair - receiving 96-97% in favour of their election. Less than 1% against actually.

PVD, as mentioned above, was a shock with only 66% support for his re-election, and 30% against. That was a shock. Maybe Peter voted against himself.🤫🤣

There seemed to be a little back-lash regarding awarding shares to execs and directors. 25% to 35% votes against those resolutions. With a question being asked as to the lack of credibility due to those same people not ponying up their own money for shares.

Apparently remuneration is being changed, for everyone, to include more share-based remuneration, tied to performance. Although this is typically great to see, it may not be that big an incentive as the company will probably achieve massive gains regardless. But I still do like staff and directors holding shares in the company.

Another statement was posed regarding a thought that people should get rewarded AFTER achieving goals, and more should be distributed to those at the coal face. I think this may have been targeting the multi-million share allotments to execs.
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All resolutions passed except for Resolution 12.

Why are the jitters I'm having atm, not going away. I really don't understand this marketplace me thinks !!

Not where BRN trading is concerned anyway.

Fingers crossed is all I'll say, excepting, that, by the end of the day, hopefully someone, some able bodied expert, who has attended the AGM, will, assuredly remove these said " jitters " to my satisfaction, and give me some relief from my miserableness, post haste, if not sooner IMHO.

Akida Ballista still.........

I need a cuddle, anyone.....

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My key takeaways from Sean Hehir:

'The experience and skills I had can complement Brainchip’s team'.
He quoted Michael Dell.
'Van Der Made is a brilliant visionary'.
'Targeting future generations'.
'Semiconductor industry knows about Brainchip'.

Questions and answers, my key points:

Nothing in play about listing on Nasdaq.
'Why Japanese companies? They are usually forward thinking culture. If we stand here next year, there will be a different kind of mix, not just Japanese'.
'We do not make projections. It is unlikely there will be a capital raise'.
'Share price do what the share price does. We will focus full throttle on progressing Brainchip. Dividends are not being discussed at the moment'.
Releasing ASX announcements. Key activities – 'We follow disclosure requirements. We release when we need to'.
'NDAs go two ways. To protect us and our customers'.
'We will have another IP upgrade by this time next year. We are an IP company, not a chip company'.
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Gee, if you don't come away from that with a boosted level of confidence in where we are headed and our teams professionalism and ability to deliver then I don't know what you were hoping for.

It is easily recognised when you have a team that are all on the same page and hunting as a pack. The Brainchip team is just that, a sum of their parts all bringing their own independent expertise to the table and operating as a singular (extremely professional) well oiled machine. Absolutely world class.
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Gee, if you don't come away from that with a boosted level of confidence in where we are headed and our teams professionalism and ability to deliver then I don't know what you were hoping for.

It is easily recognised when you have a team that are all on the same page and hunting as a pack. The Brainchip team is just that, a sum of their parts all bringing their own independent expertise to the table and operating as a singular (extremely professional) well oiled machine. Absolutely world class.
Agree. We are in safe hands.....I'm going to the beach for a couple of weeks!
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Perhaps why the sp turned down ?? All in all a great result. Onwards and upwards from here… 💪🏼
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Move on, nothing to see.
I was enthralled to be able to listen to the AGM but felt it didn’t crack up to meet my expectations. It definitely wasn’t what caused me to lose sleep over night in anticipation of it. I didn’t hear all that much new from the AGM And was hoping they would use this as a platform to shock the world.

The explanation of ecosystem was brilliant, as was Sean’s answer regarding partners. In fact, both presenters were easiest to listen to when talking off-the-cuff, as in answering questions.

I was a little disappointed by Sean reading from notes that probably could be construed as notes for a basic course on what a technology company should do to grow. I was hoping to hear ONLY, or at least mostly, BrainChip specifics. Most of his prepared statement could apply to any technology company and probably will be re-hashed year after year.
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"Refining, expanding, and accelerating our roadmap and see opportunities beyond the edge."

What's beyond the edge?
Just an elephant - then it's turtles all the way down.
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Move on, nothing to see.
I thought the AGM went very well.
Loving the professionalism of the speakers.
The meeting ran well.

Couldn’t be happier investing my money in BRAINCHIP with the direction they are headed. Future looks great!

Very dissapointed and ashamed of the vote in relation to PVDM. I can only think it was voters not understanding the question as I note a resolution near the end also had similar no.s against and that question could have been misunderstood as well (Q12 I think).

As the Founder and Brains of the revolutionary technology he is fundemental to the companies future succes with further iterations of Akida IP.

Outrageous and I can’t understand the thinking of it hence I put it down to an misunderstanding. I hope that in future if people don’t understand a resolution they abstain from voting.

Otherwise the future looks fantastic!

View attachment 7565
Resolution 12 absolutely was worded poorly on the voting slip. I’m surprised more voters didn’t abstain.That option does exist for things you don’t understand.

It is far better to waste your vote with an abstain rather than cast one exactly the opposite to what you would want if you did understand the question.
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