BRN Discussion Ongoing


If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
As I said the other day what would happen to the share price if every retail holder independently decided to hold on until Valeo and Mercedes are fully revealed in 2024.

Where would the shares to fill up the sell side come from????
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I have a lingering feeling that BRN made its relationship with ARM public because a bigger more explosive announcement is imminent and likely by ARM. Just a feeling but a very strong one at that.
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Yep your late to the party who picked up on the mistake Rocke577!

Replied and said sorry ages ago and corrected the number! (yep not going to $3.9 Tril in my life time)

On the 3rd Friday of June, BRN gets rebalanced into the ASX 200.
I believe, in the 2nd half of this calendar year, a move will be made towards a NASDAQ dual listing.

This would entail no further issue of shares, just the same float dually listed.

Brainchips shares, are also already listed on many other minor exchanges around the World (most notably in Germany).

All from the same float of 1.7 billion odd shares.

Next few months, will be very interesting to watch.

I'm going to love watching publications like the Motley Fool squirm, under the continuing strength of BrainChip 😊

Is that wrong 🤔.. 😛
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Deleted member 118

Yep your late to the party who picked up on the mistake Rocke577!

Replied and said sorry ages ago and corrected the number! (yep not going to $3.9 Tril in my life time)

Only one person and that where I read it lol


On the 3rd Friday of June, BRN gets rebalanced into the ASX 200.
I believe, in the 2nd half of this year, a move will be made towards a NASDAQ dual listing.

This would entail no further issue of shares, just the same float dually listed.

Brainchips shares, are also already listed on many other minor exchanges around the World (most notably in Germany).

All from the same float of 1.7 billion odd shares.

Next few months, will be very interesting to watch.

I'm going to love watching publications like the Motley Fool squirm, under the continuing strength of BrainChip 😊

Is that wrong 🤔.. 😛
Oh soooo wrong.....mwa hahahaaa
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I wish I could paint like Vincent
To all LTH's. With the euphoria that surrounded the Mercedes Benz announcement and the massive SP spike and its subsequent retreat to a low of 86c. To me as a buyer who has averaged $1.20c per share I feel that we are really entering a long term bull market for Brainchip.
This time surely is different. No or little retreat?? So much has happened just in the last month.
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Following the comments from this morning throughout the day about the newly refreshed website...IMO, ultimately the new website is bringing Brainchips appearance or how it wants to be seen moving forward to a more aggressive professional stance before major announcements come out (not that any can be held).

It does appear that the whimsical mascot has gone with while might be unfortunate for some investors here but we need to shed some of it and appear as professional as possible. once we have more and more announcements come out will see a lot more traffic, at this point, you will want to make a VERY good first impression as we move onwards and upwards
If Ken the Robot is no more - how much more are my tshirts gonna be worth!
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The Robot and old website style is still there: see "investor relations", but: where have the job ads gone??
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Founding Member
OK. I have had some feedback and this is the situation with Socionext they are a supplier and vendor.
Accordingly they are not defined as a partner by Brainchip.

The site was officially put up at the direction of the CMO and it transpired that Mother's Day in the US was not something which the web designer had taken account of when agreeing and so a couple of the staff that Brainchip expected to access were not available when they should have been.

The bottom line is the reference to ARM and Edge Impulse is REAL. The site is real.

They are working furiously on the site now and should have it up to scratch this week.

If you find any errors/typos etc; can you forward a short email to Tony Dawe advising of same with a clear reference to where you found them:

They will be corrected and as I said they are trawling through the site as I type for this purpose.

My opinion only DYOR

Did you ask about Biotome FF?
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Yeah but anything to do with revenue, needs to be announced, doesn't it?
Unless it's through a previous pathway, or as FactFinder described..
Hi @DingoBorat

I believe from my reading and discussions with Brainchip that for a company to announce an agreement as price sensitive they need to be able to quantify with some certainty the income that will be received.

If you look at MegaChips for instance the IP licencing fee and engineering fees could be quantified however they were not permitted to include a number for royalties as this would have involved predictions as to sales that have not yet materialised.

The reason the partnership with ARM does not qualify is they are not selling the IP to ARM they are partnering to design and jointly market solutions to ARM's customers and once again cannot predict with the certainty required by the ASX what the value of these sales will be.

I think Oil miners are a good example of what I am trying to communicate here. Until an oil miner has conducted line and flow tests supervised by an independent assessor and that assessor has calculated the value of the find it cannot place a value on the resource to the satisfaction of the ASX and publish it for the information of shareholders and the market even though they are covered in oil and have been sent outside by their mum to take their clothes off before they come inside.

Once Brainchip and ARM start to see sales occurring and volumes then Brainchip will be in a position to make calculations as to future revenue and satisfy the ASX for the purpose of publishing these figures.

At the moment it is one of those bleeding obvious things we all know but are not allowed to talk about it publicly so we will all stand around nodding, winking, elbowing each other and pointing at ARM sitting over in the corner with Edge Impulse. 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉 Nudge, nudge, wink, wink say no more.

My opinion only DYOR

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Did you ask about Biotome FF?
I put it in my list of things that had been noticed as missing or wrong on the website email and that email received a thanks and the request to have any other omissions sent as well. I did not get a specific response to the various things I mentioned in that email. Regards FF
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Founding Member
I put it in my list of things that had been noticed as missing or wrong on the website email and that email received a thanks and the request to have any other omissions sent as well. I did not get a specific response to the various things I mentioned in that email. Regards FF
thanks FF
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Founding Member
I am starting to think that it may be possible that in 7-10 yrs or sooner we may see a SP similar to that of Googles - Alphabet A share price...........$2,314. :eek:

That equates to $3.9 Bil Market cap BRN.

Lol if it was a qtr of that and i was still holding all, I'd be a millionaire 150 x over lol
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If Ken the Robot is no more - how much more are my tshirts gonna be worth!
EXACTLY what I was thinking. They'll become like a misprinted coin, rare as hen's lips.
KT futures are on the up!
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Deleted member 118

Well after todays developments I think it’s time to celebrate

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