Hey Meatloaf.

Yes, I get it, many peoples patience is wearing thin.
Mine too.
I also have many, many tens of thousands of dollars tied up here that I can ill afford to lose, and I too am getting sick and tired of mere rhetoric.
But what I am cautioning against is reactivity, for its own sake.
We all wish the Company had been proven more successful, commercially, sooner than it has.
I'm sure both the management and board of directors feel the same.
But I also don't want the situation to get worse still.
The modicum of satisfaction that will be derived by individuals in giving the board a kick and voting down their considered recommendation will, in my view, be massively outweighed by the damage done.
It could just sink the company or put it in limbo, and we might just wind up with a share holding, in nothing much at all.
I too, also hope that they can provide some conviction before a vote is required with some positive proof of success such as a large, recurring, revenue bearing engagement, with a notable and influential partner/customer.
Something that puts a little meat on our share price's bones, a fattening up so to speak, before we are sent off to market.
For quite some time now, and at present, our share price has been the plaything of shorter's and other manipulators, a large part of whose playbook involves destroying share holder's faith in the targeted companies management.
Any 5 minutes browsing the crapper will show you that.
After years chipping away at us I fear they are winning, and you know that won't be good for holder's like you and me, if they get they're way.