Hi Meatloaf.
My twopennysworth.
Appreciate the sentiment but really don't think that being listed in Australia has allowed us much of a say in the company's future so far.
Yes, once or twice a year we get a meet and greet and an opportunity for a quick fang flash and a hearty handshake, which wouldn't be afforded us without the ASX listing, but frankly, so far, it hasn't really eventuated into much beyond that, and is reflected in our dismal share price.
Yes, it affords us, because it is mandated, a couple of seats on the board, but with no disrespect intended, I don't see that has brought us much value either and consider them as pretty much place holders and figure heads.
I know the company is making headway with expanding eco systems and we have received some solid endorsements from quite a few heavy hitter's but the fact remains that the company is in effect a black hole hoovering up considerable dollars in order to continue existing and producing very little of tangible benefit in return, apart from those drawing a pay check.
Granted, this is just how it is for pre revenue start ups in the tech world, particularly when they are introducing something radical and paradigm shifting.
But, the bottom line gets reached, sooner or later, for both we as individuals and ultimately for the company, as an entity itself.
Whilst Peter VDM was still actively involved dreaming up the tech and steering the bus from Western Australia it was understandable and an historic fact that we were listed on the ASX, but those days are well and truly past tense.
All that's left here now, apart from our large retail share holder base are the dried remnants of the previous institute and some relatively weak educational and minor industrial applications which, whilst welcome, are unlikely to make us a viable concern.
If the Board decides we are better served by redomiciing to the US I think it prudent for us to back them.
For all our intelligence, dot joining and assumptions, none of us are privy to what they know and are aware of regarding both BrainChip's opportunitys and obstacles.
Beyond the access to a larger overall market I think it likely being based in America will give us more credibility and credence, particularly among American investors and American players and companies which are likely to be our way forward.
Australia is a very minor player in the worlds affairs and whilst we may punch above our weight and all that, from a global standpoint, both economically and industrially, the ASX is a pygmy.
I think we all assumed this move would occur sooner or later and would prefer it under more favourable conditions, but again will state the obvious.
If we indeed managed to stamp our little foot and vote down this stated major objective of the Board, where exactly would that leave us?
I fear with a perhaps rudderless, certainly demoralised leadership group, handicapped by their own share holders.
Not a good position from which to move forward.