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Probably did and only asked FF šŸ˜‚
Actually noā€¦ they asked T&J and he said it would be great..
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Iā€™m still clinging to my ā€œglass half fullā€ scenario. WHAT IF since Jan 1 BRN has received significant royalties from Renases and Megachips. The BoD know this even if we donā€™t see it yet. Based on this significant revenue they know that the share price will jump up a LOT when itā€™s revealed in the quarterly report which will be out before the AGM so it will soften the blow. Itā€™s also the reason they sold 40m shares cheap to LDA at 50 cents a share. LDA wonā€™t sell at a loss, they will want profit. The BOD looking at the revenue have thought ā€œwow, we are seriously going to outgrow the ASX so letā€™s start thinking about moving to USA. No consolidation of shares needed as the share price is predicted to already be high enoughā€¦ā€¦.. well thatā€™s my dream anyway. DYOR. šŸ˜šŸ‘
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Personally i will want good solid guarantees this move will be in retail shareholders best interests and far more detail about moving before voting affirmatively to any such move.
Unfortunately I don't think guarantees are worth anything anymore. We need results not words.
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Unfortunately I don't think guarantees are worth anything anymore. We need results not words.
Yes, the time for guarantees and words are well past! Nothing short of actual revenue will convince me otherwise.
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I'm Spartacus!
Thanks for your reply. I understand what youā€™re saying but management havenā€™t produced much in the way of IP and revenue is appalling. The SP is now lower than when I brought back in 2020.
There is no guarantee that Brn will achieve anything better by delisting of the ASX. They have to prove that. We canā€™t just follow blindly.
Mate Iā€™m not expecting much but the SP is dismal and while we blame the shorters, itā€™s management who have failed to bring in the revenue which was positively talked about without fruition.
I have supported management over the years but this redomiciling really worries me. Iā€™ve got thousands of dollars invested and about 5 years to retirement. The last thing I want to do is lose money because management could not provide what they stated: an explosion of sales, watch the revenue, Ip sales early next year. I mean, how confident are we with current management? Quite frankly, as each day passes and no announcements my confidence deminishes.
Not one us SH knows whatā€™s exactly going on, we are only speculating. Partnerships will take a while to pay off.
Stating that moving to US exchange will be better is only speculation, no guarantees.

Thatā€™s just my opinion. To be honest, Iā€™m a bit fed up, and currently would sell up but donā€™t want to lose money.
We need to stop speculating, speculation only brings about false confidence and disappointment.
And btw Iā€™m not trying to down ramp, Iā€™m just fed up with waiting on some good news that may or may not happen.

Hey Meatloaf. šŸ¤£
Yes, I get it, many peoples patience is wearing thin.
Mine too.
I also have many, many tens of thousands of dollars tied up here that I can ill afford to lose, and I too am getting sick and tired of mere rhetoric.

But what I am cautioning against is reactivity, for its own sake.
We all wish the Company had been proven more successful, commercially, sooner than it has.
I'm sure both the management and board of directors feel the same.

But I also don't want the situation to get worse still.
The modicum of satisfaction that will be derived by individuals in giving the board a kick and voting down their considered recommendation will, in my view, be massively outweighed by the damage done.
It could just sink the company or put it in limbo, and we might just wind up with a share holding, in nothing much at all.

I too, also hope that they can provide some conviction before a vote is required with some positive proof of success such as a large, recurring, revenue bearing engagement, with a notable and influential partner/customer.
Something that puts a little meat on our share price's bones, a fattening up so to speak, before we are sent off to market.

For quite some time now, and at present, our share price has been the plaything of shorter's and other manipulators, a large part of whose playbook involves destroying share holder's faith in the targeted companies management.
Any 5 minutes browsing the crapper will show you that.
After years chipping away at us I fear they are winning, and you know that won't be good for holder's like you and me, if they get they're way.
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Here are the ASX rules for de listing from the ASX


and the following highlights indicate to me no big news is required to get this redomocilling across the line.
Do we get to vote on it bc shares are tradable in the likes of Commesec for OS securities?
Am I reading that right?


I wonder if the said broker responsible for facilitating the sale of shares on behalf of Australians can do this for their super funds after the move too esp in light of some super funds not allowing holdings in OS markets.
This may give current holders the chance to 'participate' in the potential resurgence of the new listing and associated news that accompanies it like new corner stone investor backing this transplant.....
Or bc, in some situations like the Super Funds discussed already, OS holding are not permitted we do get to vote?
interesting times.

My thoughts are thus:
It was where we were destined to go eventually.
Happened way earlier than expected seeing as we cant yet stand alone.
There is Zero point redomicilling if we dont have a product that is in high demand and destined to be adopted, Execs and Board know this, therefore this move is IMO being 'encouraged' by other entities.
Have we been tapped on the shoulder by ( insert major player or military related org here) to move to facilitate either use of product, partnership or partial buy in.

I hope the move is a trigger for that re evaluation and adoption and we as loyal shareholders are respected in this process.
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Hi Meatloaf.
My twopennysworth.šŸ¤£

Appreciate the sentiment but really don't think that being listed in Australia has allowed us much of a say in the company's future so far.

Yes, once or twice a year we get a meet and greet and an opportunity for a quick fang flash and a hearty handshake, which wouldn't be afforded us without the ASX listing, but frankly, so far, it hasn't really eventuated into much beyond that, and is reflected in our dismal share price.
Yes, it affords us, because it is mandated, a couple of seats on the board, but with no disrespect intended, I don't see that has brought us much value either and consider them as pretty much place holders and figure heads.

I know the company is making headway with expanding eco systems and we have received some solid endorsements from quite a few heavy hitter's but the fact remains that the company is in effect a black hole hoovering up considerable dollars in order to continue existing and producing very little of tangible benefit in return, apart from those drawing a pay check.

Granted, this is just how it is for pre revenue start ups in the tech world, particularly when they are introducing something radical and paradigm shifting.

But, the bottom line gets reached, sooner or later, for both we as individuals and ultimately for the company, as an entity itself.

Whilst Peter VDM was still actively involved dreaming up the tech and steering the bus from Western Australia it was understandable and an historic fact that we were listed on the ASX, but those days are well and truly past tense.
All that's left here now, apart from our large retail share holder base are the dried remnants of the previous institute and some relatively weak educational and minor industrial applications which, whilst welcome, are unlikely to make us a viable concern.

If the Board decides we are better served by redomiciing to the US I think it prudent for us to back them.
For all our intelligence, dot joining and assumptions, none of us are privy to what they know and are aware of regarding both BrainChip's opportunitys and obstacles.

Beyond the access to a larger overall market I think it likely being based in America will give us more credibility and credence, particularly among American investors and American players and companies which are likely to be our way forward.
Australia is a very minor player in the worlds affairs and whilst we may punch above our weight and all that, from a global standpoint, both economically and industrially, the ASX is a pygmy.

I think we all assumed this move would occur sooner or later and would prefer it under more favourable conditions, but again will state the obvious.

If we indeed managed to stamp our little foot and vote down this stated major objective of the Board, where exactly would that leave us?
I fear with a perhaps rudderless, certainly demoralised leadership group, handicapped by their own share holders.
Not a good position from which to move forward.
Agree with a lot of your points about the progress and direction of the company. But unless the moves comes with a silver bullet, shareholders will be in a much much worse position listing over there already. We did all hope and expect it to happen at some stage but not at 20c. At these prices, a 20:1 consolidation at least would be needed to qualify depending which exchange, that alone would destroy investor value, to a point where really you would need the sp to hit $U15 before any worthwhile profit is made. If there is not some serious contracts on the way, or a huge player pulling the strings for this move it will be brutal. If contracts come and weā€™re much north of here and the real reasons for moving so soon are revealed all might be unbelievaby positive. There is a lot of time to play out and a lot of scenarios possible so I donā€™t think anyone knows if itā€™s good or bad. But at these prices and no backing itā€™s a disaster.
(For the record, I think there is something behind it, because for the life of me I canā€™t work out how it would be a positive for shareholders if itā€™s just a switch as is)
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Hey Meatloaf. šŸ¤£
Yes, I get it, many peoples patience is wearing thin.
Mine too.
I also have many, many tens of thousands of dollars tied up here that I can ill afford to lose, and I too am getting sick and tired of mere rhetoric.

But what I am cautioning against is reactivity, for its own sake.
We all wish the Company had been proven more successful, commercially, sooner than it has.
I'm sure both the management and board of directors feel the same.

But I also don't want the situation to get worse still.
The modicum of satisfaction that will be derived by individuals in giving the board a kick and voting down their considered recommendation will, in my view, be massively outweighed by the damage done.
It could just sink the company or put it in limbo, and we might just wind up with a share holding, in nothing much at all.

I too, also hope that they can provide some conviction before a vote is required with some positive proof of success such as a large, recurring, revenue bearing engagement, with a notable and influential partner/customer.
Something that puts a little meat on our share price's bones, a fattening up so to speak, before we are sent off to market.

For quite some time now, and at present, our share price has been the plaything of shorter's and other manipulators, a large part of whose playbook involves destroying share holder's faith in the targeted companies management.
Any 5 minutes browsing the crapper will show you that.
After years chipping away at us I fear they are winning, and you know that won't be good for holder's like you and me, if they get there way.

Totally hear what you are saying, but in my opinion the blame does not lie with the shorters, but actually with the company who have provided shorters with fabulous opportunities time and time again.

The famous Antonio line "the share price will do, what the share price will do". The company literally do nothing to support the share price.
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I agree Bravo. Iā€™m a solid ā€˜Noā€™ to the move until the BOD can convince me otherwise. Some decent commercial deals would need to be announced.
Iā€™m certain you will turn into a liquid ā€˜Yesā€™ when you realize folks like me who own over 500K BRCHF cannot vote a single share at AGMs because Iā€™m not an ASX holderā€¦and millions like me donā€™t care to buy an ASX listed equity.

We NEED better exposure to US investor base. The Australian investor base has been exhaustedā€¦poopedā€¦jaded!

Moving to a US exchange is GOOD BUSINESS + way better value for stock holdersā€¦and, sure, a little inconvenience to ASX holders.

Chin up!

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Thanks for your reply. I understand what youā€™re saying but management havenā€™t produced much in the way of IP and revenue is appalling. The SP is now lower than when I brought back in 2020.
There is no guarantee that Brn will achieve anything better by delisting of the ASX. They have to prove that. We canā€™t just follow blindly.
Mate Iā€™m not expecting much but the SP is dismal and while we blame the shorters, itā€™s management who have failed to bring in the revenue which was positively talked about without fruition.
I have supported management over the years but this redomiciling really worries me. Iā€™ve got thousands of dollars invested and about 5 years to retirement. The last thing I want to do is lose money because management could not provide what they stated: an explosion of sales, watch the revenue, Ip sales early next year. I mean, how confident are we with current management? Quite frankly, as each day passes and no announcements my confidence deminishes.
Not one us SH knows whatā€™s exactly going on, we are only speculating. Partnerships will take a while to pay off.
Stating that moving to US exchange will be better is only speculation, no guarantees.

Thatā€™s just my opinion. To be honest, Iā€™m a bit fed up, and currently would sell up but donā€™t want to lose money.
We need to stop speculating, speculation only brings about false confidence and disappointment.
And btw Iā€™m not trying to down ramp, Iā€™m just fed up with waiting on some good news that may or may not happen.
Nice thinking, nice expression there was a time when team management was nice as well.


Iā€™m certain you will turn into a liquid ā€˜Yesā€™ when you realize folks like me who own over 500K BRCHF cannot vote a single share at AGMs because Iā€™m not an ASX holderā€¦and millions like me donā€™t care to buy an ASX listed equity.

We NEED better exposure to US investor base. The Australian investor base has been exhaustedā€¦poopedā€¦jaded!

Moving to a US exchange is GOOD BUSINESS + way better value for stock holdersā€¦and, sure, a little inconvenience to ASX holders.

Chin up!

Rightly said but wrongly interpreted. Are you trying to tell us that US investors are mad who will spend a dollar worth 20 cents of thing or try to get it for 10 cents.
Until management proves worth of the company it is going to be a freefall.
It holds on asx coz a lot of us are now feeling struck with it.
We donot mind company moving to US but atleast show us some light in this dark tunnel.
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I'm Spartacus!
Totally hear what you are saying, but in my opinion the blame does not lie with the shorters, but actually with the company who have provided shorters with fabulous opportunities time and time again.

The famous Antonio line "the share price will do, what the share price will do". The company literally do nothing to support the share price.
I'm not "blaming" either the shorter's or the company.
In each case they are just "doing" what they do.

The shorter's and other manipulators, just like any other parasites in an ecology, merely follow their nature.
The company, as an immature entity, that is not yet self reliant raises credit wherever it can, in order to continue existence whilst it pursues its goal of becoming self sufficient through perfecting and marketing, and getting paid for, whatever it's product or service provides.
It is not actually in business to provide any particular share price at any particular time.

That is merely a by product of it's existence and the way it is viewed by the market, at any particular time.

And so, yes, the share price will do, what the share price will do.
That is merely a statement of fact.
Personally, I've never understood why some people find it so triggering. šŸ¤£
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Hey Meatloaf. šŸ¤£
Yes, I get it, many peoples patience is wearing thin.
Mine too.
I also have many, many tens of thousands of dollars tied up here that I can ill afford to lose, and I too am getting sick and tired of mere rhetoric.

But what I am cautioning against is reactivity, for its own sake.
We all wish the Company had been proven more successful, commercially, sooner than it has.
I'm sure both the management and board of directors feel the same.

But I also don't want the situation to get worse still.
The modicum of satisfaction that will be derived by individuals in giving the board a kick and voting down their considered recommendation will, in my view, be massively outweighed by the damage done.
It could just sink the company or put it in limbo, and we might just wind up with a share holding, in nothing much at all.

I too, also hope that they can provide some conviction before a vote is required with some positive proof of success such as a large, recurring, revenue bearing engagement, with a notable and influential partner/customer.
Something that puts a little meat on our share price's bones, a fattening up so to speak, before we are sent off to market.

For quite some time now, and at present, our share price has been the plaything of shorter's and other manipulators, a large part of whose playbook involves destroying share holder's faith in the targeted companies management.
Any 5 minutes browsing the crapper will show you that.
After years chipping away at us I fear they are winning, and you know that won't be good for holder's like you and me, if they get they're way.
The company can do a lot more to re reassure the share holders and they need to do it now more than ever
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Rightly said but wrongly interpreted. Are you trying to tell us that US investors are mad who will spend a dollar worth 20 cents of thing or try to get it for 10 cents.
Until management proves worth of the company it is going to be a freefall.
It holds on asx coz a lot of us are now feeling struck with it.
We donot mind company moving to US but atleast show us some light in this dark tunnel.
Sorry I did not understand your reply.
All Iā€™m saying is staying listed on the ASX is a DEAD END.

A few years ago I used to get excited about one piece of neuromorphic news a month. Now a day doesnā€™t go by without many.

BRN had to reinvent itself waiting for the market to establish.

Well, it has arrived.

I would HATE to see an amazing piece BrianChip news come while still listed on ASX.

Remember my ā€œwalking up a descending escalatorā€ analogy? Thatā€™s what we would be doing if we stay listed on ASX.

#Nasdaqbound šŸ˜€
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If we are in Nintendo then we should see that appear in the next quarter before the AGM, Iā€™ll worry after April 4th I believe is their release date if weā€™re not involved.
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Everyone keeps on bringing up Sean 5 year plan, maybe it was a normal common mistake by management in the announcement and it should have been 15 šŸ˜‚
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Can't see how Loihi can beat us. Intel Loihi at the moment is only a research chip so it's not for commercial use.
Good to trial and compare with others such as AKIDA but that is about it.
Also, another reason why we need to move to US asap, because we will lose the stigma of a foreign competitor...
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Sorry I did not understand your reply.
All Iā€™m saying is staying listed on the ASX is a DEAD END.

A few years ago I used to get excited about one piece of neuromorphic news a month. Now a day doesnā€™t go by without many.

BRN had to reinvent itself waiting for the market to establish.

Well, it has arrived.

I would HATE to see an amazing piece BrianChip news come while still listed on ASX.

Remember my ā€œwalking up a descending escalatorā€ analogy? Thatā€™s what we would be doing if we stay listed on ASX.

#Nasdaqbound šŸ˜€
I also say asx is dead but then team brainchip should show us they can raise some money outside asx as well
We just had a CR last nov and now back in market on market sale, that does not provide much confidence into brainchip management ability to generate funds outside the asx. Even on asx they get no one other than LDA or the last CR where they sell the shares to shorters to close their positions.
I am just doubting the abilities of brainchip management to transform the company from an ASX listed to US listing.
I will be the 1st person to vote yes if management can show us their capabilities, otherwise it is a big no at least from me.
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