MadMayHam | 合氣道
Thanks for your reply. I understand what you’re saying but management haven’t produced much in the way of IP and revenue is appalling. The SP is now lower than when I brought back in 2020.
There is no guarantee that Brn will achieve anything better by delisting of the ASX. They have to prove that. We can’t just follow blindly.
Mate I’m not expecting much but the SP is dismal and while we blame the shorters, it’s management who have failed to bring in the revenue which was positively talked about without fruition.
I have supported management over the years but this redomiciling really worries me. I’ve got thousands of dollars invested and about 5 years to retirement. The last thing I want to do is lose money because management could not provide what they stated: an explosion of sales, watch the revenue, Ip sales early next year. I mean, how confident are we with current management? Quite frankly, as each day passes and no announcements my confidence deminishes.
Not one us SH knows what’s exactly going on, we are only speculating. Partnerships will take a while to pay off.
Stating that moving to US exchange will be better is only speculation, no guarantees.
That’s just my opinion. To be honest, I’m a bit fed up, and currently would sell up but don’t want to lose money.
We need to stop speculating, speculation only brings about false confidence and disappointment.
And btw I’m not trying to down ramp, I’m just fed up with waiting on some good news that may or may not happen.

Unfortunately I too bought in at the same time as you. My first purchase was slightly over $0.30, and bought on the way upwards till average of $0.52. Thought of selling the whole lot when the SP went above $0.40 before CES '25, but thought, hang on... "explosive revenue", "won't be asking the same questions at next AGM" and all that.
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