Trump isn't trying to "hurt China" he's trying to "help America".
You can't have your cake and eat it too.
People Love the cheap prices and then wonder why they haven't got a job, later on down the track.
(despite the fact many jobs are going regardless).
There are many drivers of inflation, it's ludicrous that governments have "inflation targets".
I believe the biggest driver of inflation, is the increases to the Global money supply, most notably after the GFC and Covid19 (both preventable events).
There has been huge inflation, or the reduction in spending power, ever since governments introduction of fiat (Latin for "let it be done") currency.
Or "trust us we know how to use currency in a fiscally responsible manner".
Which is clearly illustrated by the extremely low levels of government debt, around the World.
On US debt, China has just over 3/4 of a trillion USD in US treasuries.
How fast would the value of them go down the gurgler, if they started dumping them?
I don't think they will cut off their nose, to spite the US..
Trump's focus is on "America First" Australia needs to make its own changes and have it's own MAGA movement.
I remember seeing just the commercial, from a short documentary "Australia the Lucky Country" over 20 years ago and the example given, of Australian ham producers, having to pay levies to the Australian government, to subsidise the importation of UK ham products, which they were competing against.
Australia should be one of the richest countries in the World and yet we prostitute our rich resources, both mineral and animal/vegetable to the rest of the World and then let them play on a "level" playing field, when it comes to everything else, when their costs (in part, because of their low material costs from us) cannot be competed with.
The US is the largest economy in the World and the bureaucratic/democratic (the name
not relating to democracy) control of it, was dragging it and the rest of the World, into the toilet.
I'm surprised so many can't see that, or maybe that's just my own delusions.
If the US is doing well, I believe the rest of the World will follow.
Trump uses tarrifs as a tool, they won't always be implemented and can be changed and adjusted.
Just have a little faith in the Orange Man, Larry.