Graphemic Synesthesia solved
At least according to my hypothesis, which I'm calling..
Conditioned Associative Learned Memory Response or
CALMeR for short.
I had a brief conversation with someone who displayed vivid memories of events from 42 years ago. I brought up "S's" mind boggling memory, synesthesia and your colour associations and she basically said
"me too".
I asked what colour was the letter A?
"red" she replied.
It's been going over in my head, why the letter A, would be associated, with the color red (which is the most commonly reported, associative colour of agreeance).
And "this" popped into my head.
I Googled and came up with..
(it's a selective screenshot, for baby learning cards).
"It has been suggested that synesthesia develops during childhood when children are intensively engaged with abstract concepts for the first time"
My hypothesis, just expands on that and I do not think grapheme-color synesthesia, is true synesthesia, involving the senses, but is purely memory related.
I'm currently writing a paper, which I will put forward for peer review and subsequent inclusion, in the next edition of the Neuromorphic Times.
I'm kidding