BRN Discussion Ongoing


I have grown weary of the manipulation excuse for the dismal share price but it is hard to ignore :(

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So in March 2023, Brainchip announced that they have added Teksun to their ecosystem and now I find this :-

Extract :-

Telep Predictive Crash

Introducing Teksun's Telep Predictive Crash Solution, which enhances road safety by using AI and sensor data to anticipate potential collisions. It monitors the vehicle’s surroundings and provides immediate visual and auditory warnings to prevent accidents.


Teksun’s Telep Predictive Crash Solution is designed to enhance road safety by proactively identifying potential collision risks. Utilizing advanced AI algorithms and sensor data, the system continuously monitors the vehicle’s surroundings, predicting possible crashes before they occur. When a potential threat is detected, the solution provides immediate alerts to the driver through visual and auditory signals, enabling quick response to avoid accidents. This cutting-edge technology helps to reduce the likelihood of collisions, protect passengers, and improve overall driving safety, making it an essential tool for modern vehicles.
Get a Proposal


See how our solution translates into results. Explore our key features to understand their practical applications.


Collision Risk Monitoring​

Monitors objects crossing a designated line or dashboard to identify potential crashes.


Advanced Distance Calculation​

Uses computer vision to calculate object distances and improve crash prediction accuracy.


Timely Alert Mechanism​

Triggers immediate warnings for potential crashes, enabling timely user action.


Real-Time Optimization​

Optimizes for low latency and real-time performance to ensure effective crash detection.


Enhanced Model Training​

Trains and fine-tunes the model on a vehicle-centric dataset for improved accuracy in various environments.

Ready to witness the Teksun advantage for yourself? Our knowledgeable experts are standing by to discuss how our solution can revolutionize your operations.

Don't wait to unlock peak performance!​

Contact Teksun today

Use Case

See how Telep Predictive Crash Solution solves your challenges. Real-world examples guide smart business decisions.

Urban Traffic Safety​


Highway Safety​


Commercial Fleets​


Autonomous Vehicles​

Ready to uncover the keys to peak performance? Reach out to us to schedule a personalized demo session. Benefit from valuable insights and expert guidance from our global network of industry consultants and specialists.

Schedule a Demo​

Gain a comprehensive understanding of our solution.


Experience the strength of precision engineering with our Telep Predictive Crash Solution. Designed with a focus on functionality, adaptability, and user-centric principles, this solution enhances safety while seamlessly integrating into various environments.

Ready to unleash the potential of your business? Reach out to us today for a complimentary consultation. Our experts will demonstrate how our solutions can propel you towards achieving your goals.

Take the next step with us today.​

Let’s work together to reach your goals!

Industries We Serves

Teksun Telep Predictive Crash is a versatile safety solution. From bustling cities to rural landscapes, our proven technology delivers exceptional results.





Health Care​






Happy time ahead 😊
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!

insideAI News – Company Highlights for AI Hardware and Edge AI Summit 2024​

September 2, 2024 by Editorial Team Leave a Comment

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insideAI News is pleased to announce being a Media Partner for the upcoming AI Hardware & Edge AI Summit happening Sept. 9-12, 2024 in San Jose, Calif. Register now using the special insideAI News discount code “Insideai15” HERE. Editor-in-Chief & Resident Data Scientist, Daniel D. Gutierrez will be attending in-person to keep a pulse on this advancing industry. He will be conducting interviews with some of the movers and shakers from the AI industry ecosystem.
The AI Hardware & Edge AI Summit is the ultimate destination for the entire AI and ML ecosystem, with a collaborative mission to train, deploy and scale machine learning systems that are fast, affordable, and efficient. Whether it’s forging new partnerships, staying ahead of the ever-changing semi-conductor landscape, learning how to build, train, and deploy efficient systems, meeting peers, learning from AI luminaries, or simply gaining exposure to the world of AI infrastructure, you’ll find over 1,200 likeminded people at our event. Take it from the thousands of industry peers who have attended in the past, if you’re in the AI infrastructure and semiconductor worlds, this is one not to miss!
“I was really delighted at the number of leaders, thought-leaders and big thinkers, that I was able to speak with and think through how hardware can continue to drive AI’s progress,” said Andrew Ng, Founder & CEO, Landing AI (speaking about the AI Hardware & Edge AI Summit 2023).
Featured Companies
At the AI Hardware & Edge AI Summit, insideAI News plans to highlight a number of companies from the AI industry vendor ecosystem. Below, you’ll find a short description of each of these compelling companies:
Amazon Web Services
Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a variety of services to help businesses use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to build, run, and integrate solutions. AWS services can help with use cases like application development, natural language processing, and AI-generated content.
Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) is a technology provider that offers a range of AI solutions for a variety of industries, including automotive, healthcare, industrial, and telecommunications. AMD’s AI solutions are designed for workloads such as large-scale model training, real-time inferencing, video analytics, recommendation engines, and immersive gaming experiences.
Ayar Labs
Ayar Labs is a company that develops optical I/O solutions to address data bottlenecks in AI systems. Their goal is to maximize the performance and compute efficiency of AI infrastructure while reducing costs, latency, and power consumption. Ayar Labs’ solutions include: TeraPHY optical I/O chiplets and SuperNova remote light source
Blaize is a leader in Edge AI computing, offering a transformative architecture for hardware and software advancing AI solutions for automotive, industrial, smart metro, smart retail and security markets. By innovating advances in energy efficiency, flexibility, and usability, Blaize enables developers to innovate new classes of products to bring the benefits of AI and machine learning to a broad range of use cases.
The Blaize Graph Streaming Processor (GSP) architecture enables new levels of processing power at low power with high performance ideal for AI inferencing workloads in edge-based applications. The GSP architecture represents a fundamental way to change how we compute the intense workloads of the future.
Blaize AI Studio software transforms productivity of the complete AI edge application lifecycle from idea through development, deployment, and management. The industry’s first code-free, end-to-end open software platform for the entire AI edge application lifecycle, AI Studio breaks the current application development and MLOps barriers to the adoption of AI edge technology.
BrainChip is a leader in edge AI on-chip processing and learning. The company’s first-to-market convolutional, neuromorphic processor, AkidaTM, mimics the event-based processing method of the human brain in digital technology to classify sensor data at the point of acquisition, processing data with unparalleled energy-efficiency and independent of the CPU or MCU with high precision. On-device learning that is local to the chip without the need to access the cloud dramatically reduces latency while improving privacy and data security. In enabling effective edge computing to be universally deployable across real-world applications, such as connected cars, consumer electronics, and industrial IoT, BrainChip is proving that on-chip AI is the future for customers’ products, the planet and beyond.
Dell Technologies
Dell Technologies (NYSE:DELL) helps organizations and individuals build their digital future and transform how they work, live and play. The company provides customers with the industry’s broadest and most innovative technology and services portfolio for the AI era. Dell provides technologies that accelerate and simplify AI adoption along with PCs, Dell APEX, Multicloud and Edge solutions that transform ideas into action.
AI and GenAI are transforming business at an unprecedented pace, offering a variety of advantages that can give your business a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving landscape. Dell AI Solutions can help unlock key insights from your data and elevate your productivity, customer experience, and innovation.
D-Matrix is a Santa Clara-based AI-processor startup that develops chips for generative AI and large language models. Their chips use digital in-memory computing (IMC) to run Transformer-based inference models and address bandwidth and latency constraints. D-Matrix’s goal is to make generative AI more cost-effective and scalable, and to change the trajectory of AI energy consumption, which is expected to exceed the human workforce by 2025.
EdgeCortix is a fabless semiconductor design company focused on enabling energy-efficient edge intelligence. Founded in 2019 with the radical idea of taking a software first approach, while designing an artificial intelligence specific runtime reconfigurable processor from the ground up using a technique called “hardware & software co-exploration.” Targeting advanced computer vision applications first, using proprietary hardware and software IP on existing processors like Field Programmable Gate arrays (FPGAs) and custom designed Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs), the company is geared towards positively disrupting the rapidly growing AI hardware space across defense, aerospace, smart cities, industry 4.0, autonomous vehicles and robotics.
FuriosaAI, founded in 2017, specializes in high-performance data center AI chips targeting the most capable AI models and applications. Gen 1 product WARBOY (Samsung 14nm), targeting advanced computer vision applications, has successfully entered volume production and is now deployed in public clouds and on-prem data centers. Gen 2 product RNGD (TSMC 5nm; pronounced like Renegade) equipping HBM3 is set to launch this year to address the growing demand for more energy-efficient and powerful computing for LLM and Multimodal deployment.
Intel creates world-changing technology that improves the life of every person on the planet. Today they are applying their reach, scale, and resources to enable their customers to capitalize more fully on the power of digital technology. Inspired by Moore’s Law, Intel continuously work to advance the design and manufacturing of semiconductors to help address their customers’ greatest challenges. Power AI everywhere with Intel® with proven AI expertise, un unmatched partner ecosystem, and a comprehensive hardware and software portfolio. Intel can help you deliver the AI results you need.
Lemurian Labs
At Lemurian Labs, the mission is to deliver affordable, accessible, and efficient AI computers because the company believes in a world where AI isn’t a luxury but a tool for everyone. The founding team brings together expertise in AI, compilers, numerical algorithms, and computer architecture to reimagine accelerated computing. The approach makes it possible for organizations of any size to equally benefit from the transformative potential of AI.
Lightning AI
Lightning AI is the all-in-one platform for AI development. Code together. Prototype. Train. Scale. Serve. From your browser – with zero setup. From the creators of PyTorch Lightning.
Nscale‘s GPU cloud platform is engineered for the demands of AI, offering high-performance compute optimized for training, fine-tuning, and intensive workloads. From its data centers to software stack, Nscale is vertically integrated in Europe to provide unparalleled performance, efficiency and sustainability.
Positron delivers vendor freedom and faster inference for both enterprises and research teams, by allowing them to use hardware and software explicitly designed from the ground up for generative and large language models (LLMs). Through lower power usage and drastically lower total cost of ownership (TCO), Positron enables you to run popular open source LLMs to serve multiple users at high token rates and long context lengths. Positron is also designing its own ASIC to expand from inference and fine tuning to also support training and other parallel compute workloads.
The founding team of Rebellions relocated to Korea from New York and elsewhere in 2020 to revolutionize AI chip industry. At the heart of the Korean Silicon Eco-system, Rebellions has built a cutting-edge AI inference accelerator and full-stack software optimized for generative AI.
Within just three years of its inception, the company has introduced two groundbreaking chips: the finance market focused ION, released in 2021, and the datacenter-focused ATOM, taped-out in 2023. ATOM has demonstrated its superior performance in the MLPerf benchmarks and has been commercialized in a data center through a strategic partnership with KT(Korea Telecom), the biggest IDC company in South Korea.
Currently, Rebellions is developing its next-generation AI chip, REBEL, equipped with HBM3E in a collaboration with Samsung Electronics, paving the way for the advanced technology in the era of generative AI.
Recogni designs and builds multimodal GenAI inference systems for data centers. Recogni’s systems are powered by Pareto, the logarithmic math number system that supports AI inferencing at data center scale. Pareto radically simplifies AI compute by turning multiplications into additions making our chips smaller, faster, and less energy-hungry without compromising accuracy.
With a global footprint in Europe and North America, Recogni is home to industry-leading talent across chip design, AI/ML, systems engineering, networking, software, and business. Our mission: build the most compute-dense and energy-efficient GenAI inference system to help data centers maximize the utilization of compute, space, and energy.
SambaNova is a computing startup focused on building the industry’s most advanced systems platform to run AI applications from the datacenter to the edge.
SiMa is the software-centric, embedded edge machine learning system-on-chip (MLSoC) company. delivers one platform for all edge AI that flexibly adjusts to any framework, network, model, sensor, or modality. Edge ML applications that run completely on the MLSoC see a tenfold increase in performance and energy efficiency, bringing higher fidelity intelligence to ML use cases spanning computer vision to generative AI, in minutes. With, customers unlock new paths to revenue and significant cost savings to innovate at the edge across industrial manufacturing, retail, aerospace, defense, agriculture, and healthcare.
Hitachi Ventures
Hitachi Ventures has been exploring agentic AI infrastructure and applications, even experimenting with building its own task management and summarization agents. When the company began last year, the market was largely dominated by “ChatGPT” wrappers and open-source frameworks. However, they’ve seen more founders and operators assembling components to build fully automated workflows capable of handling unstructured data and dynamic contexts.

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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Looks more promising to me…Erricson…AI…spiking neural networks…..6G….telecommunications….

It was a pleasure to conduct a workshop on emerging AI techniques, frameworks and regulatory implications for senior TRAI officials. The workshop was attended by a large number of dignitaries including Chairman Shri Anil Kumar Lahoti and officials from Telecom Regulatory Authority of India(TRAI) There were engaging and interesting conversations around, emerging techniques, the topic of AI regulations and trustworthiness of AI models when deployed for future #6G networks. The workshop primarily looked at four aspects:
- AI-Native 6G networks and disruptive use cases like mixed-reality, connected intelligent machines, digital twins etc
- Emerging AI Techniques like low energy AI using Neuromorphic computing and spiking neural networks that promise to reduce energy consumption by upto 90%
- Intent-based autonomous network management and control
- AI regulations and the quest for developing responsible AI and explainable/trustworthy techniques

Ericsson is happy to support TRAI and Govt of India in the journey towards Bharat 6G and contributing towards making India an AI powerhouse.

Thanks for posting @goodvibes!

Unfortunately I believe this is referring to Ericsson's work with Intel as per the example below.

However I have a question which @Diogenese might be able to answer.

My question is whether BRN would be able to implement the same radio receiver algorithm?

I found this research paper on wake-up radios (see link below) which references BrainChip's Akida as well as Intel's Loihi. The paper ( Neuromorphic Split Computing with Wake-Up Radios: Architecture and Design via Digital Twinning) talks about the use of algorithms to reduce processing energy and I wondered if it might be the same or a similar algorithm prototype which Ericsson's researchers used.

Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 11.15.27 am.png

EXTRACT FROM RESEARCH PAPER - Neuromorphic Split Computing with Wake-Up Radios: Architecture and Design via Digital Twinning

Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 12.36.36 pm.png

Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 11.34.51 am.png

Curiously, when I searched the term "neuromorphic radio receiver algorithm" the results came back referring to 1) Intel's research and 2) the research paper above which references BrainChip.

Both were published around the same time-frame (2 April 2024 and 17 April 2024) which had me wondering if they were connected?

Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 11.40.13 am.png

AAAAAAAND...Professor Osvaldo Simeone (who was one of the authors that wrote the above research paper that references both BrainChip and Intel) is also referred to here in this article as working with Intel, NVIDIA and AccelerComm on neuromorphic communications!!!


Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 12.27.49 pm.png

Looks like the partnerships between King's researchers and Intel, NVIDIA, and AccelerComm all tie back to the NEUROCOMM system.

Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 1.12.29 pm.png

Here's the paper dated Jan 2023 which originally introduced the NEUROCOMM system and it was first posted here on TSEx by @Fullmoonfever.

One of the authors is Professor Osvaldo Simeone and this paper also mentions BrainChip.



Paper HERE

Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 2.03.33 pm.png

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So in March 2023, Brainchip announced that they have added Teksun to their ecosystem and now I find this :-

Extract :-

Telep Predictive Crash

Introducing Teksun's Telep Predictive Crash Solution, which enhances road safety by using AI and sensor data to anticipate potential collisions. It monitors the vehicle’s surroundings and provides immediate visual and auditory warnings to prevent accidents.


Teksun’s Telep Predictive Crash Solution is designed to enhance road safety by proactively identifying potential collision risks. Utilizing advanced AI algorithms and sensor data, the system continuously monitors the vehicle’s surroundings, predicting possible crashes before they occur. When a potential threat is detected, the solution provides immediate alerts to the driver through visual and auditory signals, enabling quick response to avoid accidents. This cutting-edge technology helps to reduce the likelihood of collisions, protect passengers, and improve overall driving safety, making it an essential tool for modern vehicles.
Get a Proposal


See how our solution translates into results. Explore our key features to understand their practical applications.


Collision Risk Monitoring​

Monitors objects crossing a designated line or dashboard to identify potential crashes.


Advanced Distance Calculation​

Uses computer vision to calculate object distances and improve crash prediction accuracy.


Timely Alert Mechanism​

Triggers immediate warnings for potential crashes, enabling timely user action.


Real-Time Optimization​

Optimizes for low latency and real-time performance to ensure effective crash detection.


Enhanced Model Training​

Trains and fine-tunes the model on a vehicle-centric dataset for improved accuracy in various environments.

Ready to witness the Teksun advantage for yourself? Our knowledgeable experts are standing by to discuss how our solution can revolutionize your operations.

Don't wait to unlock peak performance!​

Contact Teksun today

Use Case

See how Telep Predictive Crash Solution solves your challenges. Real-world examples guide smart business decisions.

Urban Traffic Safety​


Highway Safety​


Commercial Fleets​


Autonomous Vehicles​

Ready to uncover the keys to peak performance? Reach out to us to schedule a personalized demo session. Benefit from valuable insights and expert guidance from our global network of industry consultants and specialists.

Schedule a Demo

Gain a comprehensive understanding of our solution.


Experience the strength of precision engineering with our Telep Predictive Crash Solution. Designed with a focus on functionality, adaptability, and user-centric principles, this solution enhances safety while seamlessly integrating into various environments.

Ready to unleash the potential of your business? Reach out to us today for a complimentary consultation. Our experts will demonstrate how our solutions can propel you towards achieving your goals.

Take the next step with us today.

Let’s work together to reach your goals!

Industries We Serves

Teksun Telep Predictive Crash is a versatile safety solution. From bustling cities to rural landscapes, our proven technology delivers exceptional results.





Health Care​






Happy time ahead 😊
Show us the money
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View attachment 68860

View attachment 68859

To release this in 25 - all partners in this product are locked in and it would just be refinement and testing now. Given this is exactly where MB said they were partnering with Brainchip and Mercedes is still promoted as a customer of Brainchip this is very positive. It is likely that any agreement establisment is tied to a milestone event that is very close to the product launch to provide level of secrecy desired. Well that is my hope as a shareholder.
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Thanks for posting @goodvibes!

Unfortunately I believe this is referring to Ericsson's work with Intel as per the example below.

However I have a question which @Diogenese might be able to answer.

My question is whether BRN would be able to implement the same radio receiver algorithm?

I found this research paper on wake-up radios (see link below) which references BrainChip's Akida as well as Intel's Loihi. The paper ( Neuromorphic Split Computing with Wake-Up Radios: Architecture and Design via Digital Twinning) talks about the use of algorithms to reduce processing energy and I wondered if it might be the same or a similar algorithm prototype which Ericsson's researchers used.

View attachment 68861

EXTRACT FROM RESEARCH PAPER - Neuromorphic Split Computing with Wake-Up Radios: Architecture and Design via Digital Twinning

View attachment 68867

View attachment 68863

Curiously, when I searched the term "neuromorphic radio receiver algorithm" the results came back referring to 1) Intel's research and 2) the research paper above which references BrainChip.

Both were published around the same time-frame (2 April 2024 and 17 April 2024) which had me wondering if they were connected?

View attachment 68864

AAAAAAAND...Professor Osvaldo Simeone (who was one of the authors that wrote the above research paper that references both BrainChip and Intel) is also referred to here in this article as working with Intel, NVIDIA and AccelerComm on neuromorphic communications!!!

View attachment 68868

View attachment 68866

Looks like the partnerships between King's researchers and Intel, NVIDIA, and AccelerComm all tie back to the NEUROCOMM system.

View attachment 68892

Here's the paper dated Jan 2023 which originally introduced the NEUROCOMM system and it was first posted here on TSEx by @Fullmoonfever.

One of the authors is Professor Osvaldo Simeone and this paper also mentions BrainChip.

View attachment 68882

View attachment 68876

Paper HERE

I also found this.

View attachment 68893
My take, is that a lot of companies wanting to mess with Neuromorphic Computing, find Intel Loihi first, have a play and then find out, that there's a much better solution, that is already commercially available.

And yes, that's not reflected, where we want to see it, yet..
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
It looks like this chap Osvaldo Simeone from King's College is researching a different approach, a hybrid analogue-digital hardware architecture. This paper is very recent 16 Aug 2024.

Says here that "Xpikeformer achieves up to a 17.8--19.2× reduction in energy consumption compared to state-of-the-art digital ANN transformers and up to a 5.9--6.8× reduction compared to fully digital SNN transformers. "

Unfortunately am not tech savvy enough to know if this is bad news for us or if it could be something that benefits our technology as well.

Introducing Xpikeformer.

@Diogenese here's one more for you!

Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 2.21.22 pm.png

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There so many positiv posting today… “😂👍😲🤑” goes out to Pom, bravo , dingo etc.
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There so many positiv posting today… “😂👍😲🤑” goes out to Pom, bravo , dingo etc.
Yeah, it's been a regular Tsunami of positivity here lately..

C'mon Bravo, I'm sure "you" can do better!


Sorry 😔..
It's all just fun and games, until someone gets kneed in the clackers..
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Yeah, it's been a regular Tsunami of positivity here lately..

C'mon Bravo, I'm sure "you" can do better!

View attachment 68896

Sorry 😔..
It's all just fun and games, until someone gets kneed in the clackers..
For those that don't know what Clackers are, here is an explanational video, sorry, the audio seems to be in some kind of Italian dialect..

Definitely not to be confused, with other similar apparatus, starting with B.
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I wish I could paint like Vincent
My Aussie Super BRN holdings fell below the 20% threshold yesterday so I was able to get another little parcel today.
With todays finish I may be able to get a few more tomorrow.
If they drop out of the ASX 300 they won't allow me to buy anymore.
Still confident enough to keep buying. Yes, I did sell some a while ago but that was my personal holding.
The loss on paper is looking pretty horrendous. Just need one good announcement🤞🤞🤞
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For those that don't know what Clackers are, here is an explanational video, sorry, the audio seems to be in some kind of Italian dialect..

Definitely not to be confused, with other similar apparatus, starting with B.

The language is DUTCH. 😂
  • Haha
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  • Haha
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My Aussie Super BRN holdings fell below the 20% threshold yesterday so I was able to get another little parcel today.
With todays finish I may be able to get a few more tomorrow.
If they drop out of the ASX 300 they won't allow me to buy anymore.
Still confident enough to keep buying. Yes, I did sell some a while ago but that was my personal holding.
The loss on paper is looking pretty horrendous. Just need one good announcement🤞🤞🤞
I tried to get my Brother, to average down in his Super.

His yelling and screaming at me, wasn't indicative of a positive outcome to what could be loosely described as a "discussion"..

Bearing in mind, he bought 50000 at 95 cents on my recommendation, it's entirely understandable..

In my opinion, averaging down from those levels, is a no brainer.

But maybe that's my problem..
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My Aussie Super BRN holdings fell below the 20% threshold yesterday so I was able to get another little parcel today.
With todays finish I may be able to get a few more tomorrow.
If they drop out of the ASX 300 they won't allow me to buy anymore.
Still confident enough to keep buying. Yes, I did sell some a while ago but that was my personal holding.
The loss on paper is looking pretty horrendous. Just need one good announcement🤞🤞🤞
Condolences mate.
We all made the same move and still waiting for that one good announcement.
If it wasn't for FF, I could've bought an investment property by now
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Founding Member. It's ok to say No to Dot Joining
Condolences mate.
We all made the same move and still waiting for that one good announcement.
If it wasn't for FF, I could've bought an investment property by now
Did FF hold a gun to your head, walk you into the main trading space of the ASX building and force you to buy Brainchip shares?


I thought so.

Grow up
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