Afternoon Chippers ,
This is curtesy of
@Doz , And would explain the skullfuckery we have witnessed.
Below from Doz.
The fact is , I have asked multiple sources at Brainchip to dispel my theory , none did .
This is telling , if Shaw and Partners were not shorting Brainchip , I would have expected a simple - no .
A senior analyst presents on ****** stock of the day , then makes the below comments ?
He is either the most clueless unprepared senior analysis or he clearly has other motives in play .
The fact that he remains employed at Shaw and Partners maybe answers this .
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View attachment 67443
Cant believe our management ( if one could call them that ) helped them out... if this is not outright negligence , not Shaw what is.
For a far better understanding go to HotCrapper and read Doz last few posts , last 10 or so to get a understanding of what has more than likely transpired.
Thankyou Doz .