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Evening Chippers,

I have been pondering Sean Hehir's comment on his last appearance, on the Strawman interview / presentation, when asked about when BRN will show meaningful revenue.

Sean's response , BRN should be neutral ( break even ) , to possible profit ( after all expenses ) , by the end of this year, or words to this affect.

Also mentioned targeting a workforce of BRN of 100 employees by years end.

Below are my VERY LOOSE calculations...



According to our last Annual Report, released on 23rd Feb 2022 , for the financial year of 2021 ( end date of 31st Dec 2021).

Page 27, Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and other Comprehensive Income for the year ended 31 Dec. 2021.

* I think BRN had between 45 to 55 employees at the time.

NET LOSS of -$20,981,309.00 USD.
X 1.26 ( exchange rate to Australian dollar)
= -$26,436,449.00 AU.
* this is after including the + $1,588,483.00 USD.
= +$2,001,488.58 AU.,
Which was revinue from contracts with customers.


MY GUESS for the financial year ending 31st Dec. 2022, for the company to mearly BREAK EVEN , with the extra 45 to 55 employees ( guessing extra $4,500,000.00 USD for employees located in US, AUS and IND. Divided by 2 as thay will only have been in our engage for half , if that, of this financial year),plus back office admin., extra soldering irons, etc, etc

Would mean , to myself anyway , that BRN would require revinue from clients in the order of $25,481,309.00 USD. or $32,106,449.34 AUD.
Within the next 254 days remaining of this financial year, to break even.

*The above numbers are purely my own & as such are not to be relied on .




I am not dealing with your numbers simply the alternative logic. You are assuming he intended to convey that the revenue would be sufficient to make this current year break even.

The alternative view is he was intending to imply that the income which was being received by day 255 projected forward for 2023 would create break even.

For what it’s worth this was my impression 2023 is the true going concern year.

My opinion only DYOR

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Johan was very specific in what type of employer he was seeking - before he started with BrainChip

Could he have been brought on specifically?

I am looking for a leading company in technological development based on machine learning - deep learning algorithms for problem-solving, preferably in the robotics industry, which allows the automation of processes based on the information presented in physical signals and/or images


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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
I am not dealing with your numbers simply the alternative logic. You are assuming he intended to convey that the revenue would be sufficient to make this current year break even.

The alternative view is he was intending to imply that the income which was being received by day 255 projected forward for 2023 would create break even.

For what it’s worth this was my impression 2023 is the true going concern year.

My opinion only DYOR

Evening Fact Finder ,

We all hear things differently.

My take on Sean's comment was this pressent financial year.

Cheers for all your great input, helps keep us half sane.

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I am not dealing with your numbers simply the alternative logic. You are assuming he intended to convey that the revenue would be sufficient to make this current year break even.

The alternative view is he was intending to imply that the income which was being received by day 255 projected forward for 2023 would create break even.

For what it’s worth this was my impression 2023 is the true going concern year.

My opinion only DYOR

Sean's words made me think in terms of next years revenue.

Sean says
"remember I talked about building up to 100 people end of this year we think that at that point we are at a pretty good sized scale where the revenue growth will start to outgrow the expense growth pretty rapidly.thats the model that we are going to see leveraged " unquote !

So he was referring to the end of this year or early next year not the results of revenue this year.
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Screenshot (19).png

Yesterday I posted an already-known TATA paper. Our unofficial CMO Chapo talked up Brainchip, and sure enough we've got a reply.

Yes, we already knew that TATA was working on Akida, and now we know that TATA is still working on Akida. @chapman89

PS: Tony, please don't report this and put our friend Arpan in trouble. He got succumbed to unofficial CMO's pressure tactics.
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Sean's words made me think in terms of next years revenue.

Sean says
"remember I talked about building up to 100 people end of this year we think that at that point we are at a pretty good sized scale where the revenue growth will start to outgrow the expense growth pretty rapidly.thats the model that we are going to see leveraged " unquote !

So he was referring to the end of this year or early next year not the results of revenue this year.
Evening TasTroy77,

Thankyou for supplying Sean's comment.

Would appear next financial year it is, dammit.

Fact Finder, you are correct, as per usual.

TasTroy, only if easy to do so would you be able to show the vidio footage of the above.

I shall refer to it as exhibit A.

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Very Good finish wilzy123...........@ $1.005 compared to 98c @ 2:30pm SP. thank god.

Still down on the USA & EURO Closes last night (AUD$1.05) ......but I have the feeling they might lead the SP for a while and help pull our feet out of the "shorter" muck we have been treading in.

Be excellent IF they (USA/Euro) go another 5%-9% again tonight! Can only hope.

On another note I have a small request of the 1000 eyes team.
Missed the close today as I was doing P&C Meeting duty at our local High School.
Trying to find a better EFTPOS supplier with lower fees for the Tuckshop & Uniform shop. The fees are to much with many of the kids doing less than $5 sales for food.
Anyone have suggestions than TYRO (current) and Main banks (CBA/NAB etc) have no interest in helping a smaller P&C apparently.
All this is to help give more back to the kids. Just completed a large under shelter arena and provide affordable healthy food at the tuckshop too.

Any suggestions very welcome!

Hey buddy,

In my experience, tyro is one of the cheaper ones.......The only cheaper option ive come across are systems that enable you to pass the charges on to the customer at each transaction so i assume that sort of arrangement would be self defeating for your purposes. Anyway, hope that was somewhat helpful
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Evening TasTroy77,

Thankyou for supplying Sean's comment.

Would appear next financial year it is, dammit.

Fact Finder, you are correct, as per usual.

TasTroy, only if easy to do so would you be able to show the vidio footage of the above.

I shall refer to it as exhibit A.

I'll add that when you are growing a company full-tilt you're not going to expect to be cash positive immediately
but I'd expect the value of the company to be increasing significantly during that process. Just my 2c
That is why we are here isn't it?
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Evening Chippers,

I have been pondering Sean Hehir's comment on his last appearance, on the Strawman interview / presentation, when asked about when BRN will show meaningful revenue.

Sean's response , BRN should be neutral ( break even ) , to possible profit ( after all expenses ) , by the end of this year, or words to this affect.

Also mentioned targeting a workforce of BRN of 100 employees by years end.

Below are my VERY LOOSE calculations...



According to our last Annual Report, released on 23rd Feb 2022 , for the financial year of 2021 ( end date of 31st Dec 2021).

Page 27, Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and other Comprehensive Income for the year ended 31 Dec. 2021.

* I think BRN had between 45 to 55 employees at the time.

NET LOSS of -$20,981,309.00 USD.
X 1.26 ( exchange rate to Australian dollar)
= -$26,436,449.00 AU.
* this is after including the + $1,588,483.00 USD.
= +$2,001,488.58 AU.,
Which was revinue from contracts with customers.


MY GUESS for the financial year ending 31st Dec. 2022, for the company to mearly BREAK EVEN , with the extra 45 to 55 employees ( guessing extra $4,500,000.00 USD for employees located in US, AUS and IND. Divided by 2 as thay will only have been in our engage for half , if that, of this financial year),plus back office admin., extra soldering irons, etc, etc

Would mean , to myself anyway , that BRN would require revinue from clients in the order of $25,481,309.00 USD. or $32,106,449.34 AUD.
Within the next 254 days remaining of this financial year, to break even.

*The above numbers are purely my own & as such are not to be relied on .




Hi Esq,

I could be wrong but I’m not expecting anything near that. I would think somewhere between $1- 4 million and I would be happy with that.

I think we will get some revenue from the U.S. contractor AFRL, NASA, Mercedes, Renesas and Megachips and then the sales of Akida testing units sold. However if we start getting revenue from AFRL or Mercedes then there should be an price sensitive announcement included as that is a change from working with to making money from arrangement.

Not convinced we’re going to see significant revenue from SiFive or NVISO yet, maybe just engineering assistance hours.

The biggest amount I am expecting is from Valeo as they will start churning out their Lidars of which I am hopeful we are a part of. If that occurs of course I would expect a price sensitive announcement regarding that also. But as FF stated they could have an agreement that the payments don’t start until the units are sold so that could be delayed also In a further attempt to keep the NDA in place for longer and give them a commercial advantage.

Valeo stated they were going to make 3billion sensors over the next 5 years. They are going to have a variety of sensors and I would expect Akida to be attached to all of them, but at the same time Akida can monitor many things at once so I have no idea how many nodes or chips they will be using per car. Hopefully they will be built as a unit of sensor/akida so one akida per sensor which broken down evenly equates to 600 000 per year. However it might start slow and ramp up too as the build process is refined. And then there is the issue of price: how much per unit. The Valeo income I think will be the earliest big revenue source but based on what I recall being said I’m not expecting that to start until next quarter. When we will see the hockey stick re-emerge!

The beauty of all of these income sources is that once they start they will be consistent and the royalties will continue for several to many years.

And the revenue sources are expected to grow as more EAPs emerge and their products are produced.

It is my opinion this 4c will fall a bit flat on investors expectations and the price will not substantially rise: which gives me more opportunity to continue accumulating whilst they are cheap. But the next quarter will see a more significant rise and we will be back over the $2-3 range.

Just my thoughts and ramblings as I had a nice beer with my son over a game of pool in my games room so I’m a bit tipsy at the moment!

Of course any unknown financially sensitive announcement could emerge at any time and blow it all out of the water…!

Cheers all!
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View attachment 4746

Yesterday I posted an already-known TATA paper. Our unofficial CMO Chapo talked up Brainchip, and sure enough we've got a reply.

Yes, we already knew that TATA was working on Akida, and now we know that TATA is still working on Akida. @chapman89

PS: Tony, please don't report this and put our friend Arpan in trouble. He got succumbed to unofficial CMO's pressure tactics.
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Learning to the Top 🕵‍♂️
Brainchip like this on Twitter.

Can the 1000 eyes connect the dot.

Is Miss Venus a new AI tech?
Or because she got a nauty avatar. 😆😆😝😝


It's great to be a shareholder.
PS, my apologies for the joke, to all the Lady on here.
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Founding Member
View attachment 4746

Yesterday I posted an already-known TATA paper. Our unofficial CMO Chapo talked up Brainchip, and sure enough we've got a reply.

Yes, we already knew that TATA was working on Akida, and now we know that TATA is still working on Akida. @chapman89

PS: Tony, please don't report this and put our friend Arpan in trouble. He got succumbed to unofficial CMO's pressure tactics.
I’ve also been having discussions with the COO of NVISO, will post tomorrow when I get a chance.
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View attachment 4746

Yesterday I posted an already-known TATA paper. Our unofficial CMO Chapo talked up Brainchip, and sure enough we've got a reply.

Yes, we already knew that TATA was working on Akida, and now we know that TATA is still working on Akida. @chapman89

PS: Tony, please don't report this and put our friend Arpan in trouble. He got succumbed to unofficial CMO's pressure tactics.

Love that: TATA are beyond MASSIVE!

Can’t wait for that revenue stream!! $$$$$$$
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I have been in contact with the founder of this company, check out this

"That would be very interesting, as we are looking for a partner in the hardware sector that is working with SNNs"

Potentially another opportunity, doors must remain open as we expand our reach, in my opinion of course...:geek:
Hi @TECH it looks that Orbi is needing us because all of our competitors are still in design school. And Orbi seem to be talking big!
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Thanks Getupthere.

How well spoken and presented was he. Very articulate, sensible and forward thinking. This clip was 2019.

If he runs his company as well as he presents then NVISO is in good hands and I’m very happy Brainchip has an agreement with them.

Based on how far ahead he looks I’m confident he has been working with Brainchip for a while.

Great work!
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