BRN Discussion Ongoing

buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
Hi Dang Son and everyone else,

I intend to now put this question to bed once and for all.

Many here will remember an Australian company GetSwift and the games it tried to play to 'ramp' its share price which led to it delisting on the ASX and I believe moving to Canada.

In short it was committing a fraud on its shareholders and the market by fabricating and exaggerating the extent of an engagement that it claimed to have achieved. It was discovered and successful prosecutions launched.

In consequence of this case the ASX revised completely its approach to 'ramping' and how it deals with companies it considers are engaged in this practice. The prosecution of the female tech founder and her subsequent imprisonment in the USA has placed even greater focus at the ASX on technology companies particularly those like Brainchip which has revolutionary technology that is not understood by most and which organisations like the Australian Financial Review, Motley Fool and ***************** have been calling out for being driven by retail to unstainable levels with unproven technology the 'WANCA' effect in other words.

Though I am a retired lawyer the very fact I am retired means I cannot provide legal advice so I will reproduce advice from actual practising Lawyers to their clients regarding this issue:

Thinking | 9 June 2021

ASX cracks down on ‘ramping announcements’

By Michelle Eastwell and Vanessa Murphy
The use of ‘ramping announcements’ has been on ASX’s radar for some time now. Listed companies should carefully consider the content of and language used in market announcements, following ASX’s latest update to Guidance Note 8, which came into effect on 5 June 2021.
As the name suggests, a ‘ramping announcement’ is made with a view to ‘ramping up’ the price of securities and can take a variety of forms. Examples include announcements that contain no new material information or substance but are issued under the guise of ‘business updates’ or on the back of strong market sentiment in a sector. A quick series of announcements intended to pique investor interest but which aren’t particularly material can also be ‘ramping announcements’.
‘Ramping announcements’ can also take the form of an announcement that an entity has entered into what appears to be a material contract but with very limited information disclosed to actually assess the materiality of the contract and its impact on the price or value of the entity’s securities. This has been a particular area of focus for ASX.
Examples of ‘ramping announcements’ identified by ASX include:

  • announcing a contract with a major customer to leverage off the customer’s reputation, without properly quantifying the benefit to the entity. In one instance, this included disclosure of a ‘material commercial agreement with a leading financial entity’ under which the entity was to receive less than $1,000;
  • announcing a contract when in fact it is only a non-binding heads of agreement or a framework agreement that only establishes contractual arrangements that will apply to future orders (if any are made);
  • projecting substantial revenues, without reasonable grounds; and
  • describing a contract as ‘material’ when clearly it is not.
ASX has previously observed instances of ‘ramping announcements’ being made just prior to or after a capital raising, presumably with the intent of boosting the raising price or the post raise trading price or following the appointment of advisors where they are remunerated in securities.
If ASX suspects a ‘ramping announcement’ has been made, it will carefully consider whether to suspend trading and issue a query letter to the entity seeking further information about the announcement. In particular, ASX may ask the entity to advise what information was market sensitive, and, if not market sensitive, to explain the purpose of the announcement, and, if the announcement includes any projections or forward looking statements, the reasonable grounds on which those statements are based. This also aligns with ASX’s recent monitoring activities in relation to the disclosure of material contracts, which have involved revisiting historical announcements to assess whether matters previously disclosed are consistent with, and do not overstate, the true position reached by the listed company in relation to the relevant contract or transaction.
Where an announcement relates to a contract, ASX may ask for a copy of the contract (not for release to market) in order to verify compliance with disclosure obligations.
ASX may also require corrective disclosure to be made where information in a ‘ramping announcement’ was not material or was incomplete or misleading, advising of these matters and stating that investors should not make investment decisions based on the announcement. This is unlikely to be well received by the market.
With the continued focus by ASX on ‘ramping announcements’, listed companies should ensure they turn their minds to the appropriateness of announcements that do not clearly contain price sensitive information. While there will often be a range of legitimate reasons for making such announcements, careful consideration should be given to the language used, the timing and proximity to other announcements and the substance of the announcement.
For further information regarding disclosure obligations, please contact our team.

So having read this advice and having communicated with Tony Dawe I can say that Brainchip being made aware in discussions with the ASX that they are specifically watching technology stocks and that they will come down very hard on what they consider to be 'ramping’’. Brainchip decided to take the approach that it will only release on the ASX solid gold price sensitive announcements with real income presently attaching. Potential will not be enough no matter how much it appears to be.

The above advice explains the wisdom of taking this approach as even a marked 'non price sensitive' update such as we have formed a partnership with SiFive for example could be called out as ‘ramping’ by the ASX.

Brainchip has taken the view that as a result of all of the attacks that it suffered and continues to suffer, its Australian and International reputation, at this critical point in its success trajectory would be significantly affected even by an enquiry from the ASX regarding an allegation to the effect that it was engaging in 'ramping.

Brainchip and those that control the levers clearly know they do not need to 'ramp' they are on the road to success and even though some short term pain might be encountered as a result of this approach, the company's future and its potential customer engagements are far too important to have their reputation tarnished by a 'ramping' allegation even if later found not to be proven.

I would now suggest that if you have not listened to the Rob Lincourt of DELL Technologies podcast you take the time to do so because he talks about the need for his industry which is Brainchip's industry to regain trust because of the errors that have occurred in the past with artificial intelligence and the general suspicion that exists across the market when Ai is mentioned.

The need for explainable Ai which I am sure you have read about and for trust in the automotive sector to gain the approval of Governments and politicians for autonomous driving and supporting legislation, requires Brainchip to have a squeaky clean reputation as any scandal could cause a potential partner to look elsewhere even if in doing so they give up the opportunity to be using the best technology.

So we have lots of things to thank the corrupt end of the share market for and this is but one more thing but in the end because we have the right people running the company we will come out on top in my opinion. By being ultra careful no mistakes or missteps can occur.

Please therefore in your dealings with Brainchip try to be understanding as to the tightrope they are walking with the absolute best interests of the company and shareholders always at the forefront of their thinking.

My opinion only DYOR

Hi FF,

Thanks for that awesome and comprehensive explanation of 'Ramping announcements' and the insights into ASX rules and regulations and that they are specifically watching technology stocks!! I have total faith in the decisions that the great team at Brainchip make as they know what they can or can't do better than most of us. At the end of the day we all know what an amazing company we have invested in and the sales/revenue and maybe a few more "Logo's" over the coming months/years will be all the announcements we will need to see our MC/SP move positively and healthfully upwards, so I am happy that you have "put that one to bed" :) Good luck to all moving was great to finish a $1.00+ today and bring back a few smiles :) and positivity.

Thanks again Agent double F ;)

GREEN Friday please
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View attachment 4746

Yesterday I posted an already-known TATA paper. Our unofficial CMO Chapo talked up Brainchip, and sure enough we've got a reply.

Yes, we already knew that TATA was working on Akida, and now we know that TATA is still working on Akida. @chapman89

PS: Tony, please don't report this and put our friend Arpan in trouble. He got succumbed to unofficial CMO's pressure tactics.
Absolutely brilliant I had no doubt about Tata but this is as I said just brilliant. Thanks Jesse and BL.

My opinion only DYOR but we have

1. Mercedes Benz in Europe

2. Tata in Asia

3. NASA & Nvidia in the USA

If you were asked to choose three major companies across three continents could you choose any better???

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Hey buddy,

In my experience, tyro is one of the cheaper ones.......The only cheaper option ive come across are systems that enable you to pass the charges on to the customer at each transaction so i assume that sort of arrangement would be self defeating for your purposes. Anyway, hope that was somewhat helpful
Thanxs MC.
Your are correct in us not wanting to pass on charges to the customers (kids).
Looking like Tyro may be who we have to stick with, just work out a solution to "consolidate " the fees for under $5 transactions. Have considered a token system of some sort which also would be good for power blackouts which are common.

Thanks again MC and good luck with BRN.

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Now is the time for Cathy to go long on BrainChip.

Despite all the press pounding on Cathy Wood Ark Funds, ARKK is still beating the S&P500 over 5 years. Even at this low point, Mr Market has been blowing a hurricane at her, and she is still winning. Spiking Neural Network Edge AI is the kind of Platform ARK Investment looks for, where expansion can occur via AKD2000, AKD3000, etc, adding on new edge ai solutions to build upon the Akida Neural Processing Platform.
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Despite all the press pounding on Cathy Wood Ark Funds, ARKK is still beating the S&P500 over 5 years. Even at this low point, Mr Market has been blowing a hurricane at her, and she is still winning. Spiking Neural Network Edge AI is the kind of Platform ARK Investment looks for, where expansion can occur via AKD2000, AKD3000, etc, adding on new edge ai solutions to build upon the Akida Neural Processing Platform.
View attachment 4760
Hi Stuart,

I'm not criticizing Cathie. But it would be interesting to see the result in a couple of years if she swapped half her Tesla shares for BrainChip shares. I think BrainChip shares have a lot more headroom than Tesla's.

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Been some pretty great milestones from BRN lately. This feels like the time when we went from 97 cents to 36 cents ish, then back up and back down to 37 cents ish. Good work to the 1000 eyes foe their research. I am not actively writing anymore but I read this forum multiple times a day. Thank you to everyone for such amazing factual research and dot joining
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Been some pretty great milestones from BRN lately. This feels like the time when we went from 97 cents to 36 cents ish, then back up and back down to 37 cents ish. Good work to the 1000 eyes foe their research. I am not actively writing anymore but I read this forum multiple times a day. Thank you to everyone for such amazing factual research and dot joining
Edit: however, we have achieved so much more comparing back to the older time frames
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Hi Stuart,

I'm not criticizing Cathie. But it would be interesting to see the result in a couple of years if she swapped half her Tesla shares for BrainChip shares. I think BrainChip shares have a lot more headroom than Tesla's.

You are so right @Diogenese. It might first show on ARKQ, hopefully soon. I follow their buy/sells via their end of the day email. I will post the day I see the buy.
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Its not new news. Tata is not secretive about the exciting use of Akida with Tata. I have a couple friends in Tata and one confirmed they are excited a while back. So by Arpan also mentioning it is fine as Tata are quite proud of Akida. Im a huge fan of Tata 🙂 @BaconLover
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This is from megachips website that i picked up from the fb group of Brn.

The AI Partner Program marks the entry of MegaChips into the global Edge AI chips market, which was valued at $9 billion in 2020, and is projected to reach $59.6 billion by 2030 – an average growth rate of 21.2%

The article was posted on 21st april but in the openning it states 26th april 2022. I thinks it was scheduled to release at the latter date but somehow goes off earlier
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Deleted member 118


This is from megachips website that i picked up from the fb group of Brn.

The AI Partner Program marks the entry of MegaChips into the global Edge AI chips market, which was valued at $9 billion in 2020, and is projected to reach $59.6 billion by 2030 – an average growth rate of 21.2%

The article was posted on 21st april but in the openning it states 26th april 2022. I thinks it was scheduled to release at the latter date but somehow goes off earlier

Japan’s Largest ASIC Company Expands to U.S. Market
San Jose, Calif. – April 26, 2022 – MegaChips, the leading custom ASIC company in Japan, today announced the launch of its AI Partner Program, which allows companies to integrate powerful AI capabilities without requiring in-house AI experts, allowing vendors to focus on their key strengths and ensuring top quality for the final product.

The AI Partner Program marks the entry of MegaChips into the global Edge AI chips market, which was valued at $9 billion in 2020, and is projected to reach $59.6 billion by 2030 – an average growth rate of 21.2%.

“The AI chip industry is going through many changes, including a pivot from a saturated data center market to emerging use cases for integrated processors, such as the ones you’d find in smart devices”, asserts Adrien Sanchez, Technology & Market Analyst, Computing at Yole Développement (Yole). “Edge AI chips benefit companies by allowing them to analyze data from connected devices without sending massive amounts of data into the cloud, which often results in massive costs and potential security risks.” (1)

For systems companies, some benefits of the MegaChips AI Partner Program include a dedicated team of engineers that work collaboratively with customers to identify the best ways to implement desired AI functionalities, custom “proof of concept” demonstrations, and optimization strategy in context of a complete system. For IP and ASSP vendors, MegaChips eliminates the need for hiring in-house back-end chip implementation teams.

MegaChips is also announcing its expansion into the U.S. market after extensive success in Japan. MegaChips is now delivering its full-service ASIC solution in the U.S. and offering off-the-shelf access to industry-standard IP components and secure, inhouse design services along with full manufacturing support.

“MegaChips is thrilled to offer the most turn-key solution for enterprise companies looking to implement AI technology,” said Douglas Fairbairn, Director of Business Development. “The expansion to the United States is an excellent opportunity for us to bring our edge AI expertise to some of the most innovative technology companies. Be it sensing, voice and image recognition, or other applications, MegaChips is the first and best choice for implementing Edge AI from ideation to silicon.”
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New tweet just now

Translation from German:

With branches in the USA, India and France, the researchers and developers of the semiconductor company BrainChip Holdings (WKN: A14Z7W ISIN: AU000000BRN8 Ticker: 24Y) caused a sensation at the beginning of the year. The leading provider of ultra-low-consumption high-performance chips has made a quantum leap through its cooperation with the Daimler Group. The Mercedes-Benz Vision EQXX is to be equipped with the "Superchip" developed by BrainChip. BrainChip's Akida hardware and software makes the "Hey, Mercedes" voice control in the EQXX more efficient by a factor of five to ten. After the announcement, the share could not be held back and increased 2.6-fold within a month.

But that was too much arrogance and the price has returned to a more reasonable valuation level in recent months. The share is trading above the valuation level of September 2020 again and the short-term overvaluation from the beginning of the year seems to have largely been reduced. For long-term oriented investors, interesting entry opportunities should therefore slowly be offered again, because the extremely energy-saving and high-performance Akida processor is currently beating the competition by far. But BrainChip is not resting on its laurels and announced the cooperation with the RISC-V computing company SiFive. Here, the applications of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in decentralized data processing (edge computing) are to be expanded. This should enable companies and users to process their data outside of the "cloud", which is mostly controlled by large corporations.
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Earlier tweet

Join BrainChip At Design & Reuse IP-SoC Silicon Valley​

April 26 – 27, 2022​

D&R IP-SoC Silicon Valley 2022 Day is the unique worldwide Spring event fully dedicated to IP (Silicon Intellectual Property) and IP based Electronic Systems.
IP-SoC providers, the seed of innovation in Electronic Industry, are invited to highlight their latest products and services and share their vision about the next innovation steps in the Electronic Industry.
IP consumers can view at a glance the latest Technology trends and exciting Innovative IP/SoC products. Through a global view, Electronic systems leaders may identify disruptive innovation leading to new market segment growth.
Physical meeting between vendors and consumers is the unique and non replaceable vehicle to engage business discussions between vendors and clients. Nevertheless this event will also be “replicated” on line after the event aiming at triggering more business opportunities. Posting their talk and recording their presentations on easily accessible platforms will extend innovation sharing among the worldwide IP-SoC Community.
BrainChip will be demonstrating LIVE technology use cases during this two-day event.
More information and to register, click HERE
April 18th, 2022
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Dang Son

Hi Dang Son and everyone else,

I intend to now put this question to bed once and for all.

Many here will remember an Australian company GetSwift and the games it tried to play to 'ramp' its share price which led to it delisting on the ASX and I believe moving to Canada.

In short it was committing a fraud on its shareholders and the market by fabricating and exaggerating the extent of an engagement that it claimed to have achieved. It was discovered and successful prosecutions launched.

In consequence of this case the ASX revised completely its approach to 'ramping' and how it deals with companies it considers are engaged in this practice. The prosecution of the female tech founder and her subsequent imprisonment in the USA has placed even greater focus at the ASX on technology companies particularly those like Brainchip which has revolutionary technology that is not understood by most and which organisations like the Australian Financial Review, Motley Fool and ***************** have been calling out for being driven by retail to unstainable levels with unproven technology the 'WANCA' effect in other words.

Though I am a retired lawyer the very fact I am retired means I cannot provide legal advice so I will reproduce advice from actual practising Lawyers to their clients regarding this issue:

Thinking | 9 June 2021

ASX cracks down on ‘ramping announcements’

By Michelle Eastwell and Vanessa Murphy
The use of ‘ramping announcements’ has been on ASX’s radar for some time now. Listed companies should carefully consider the content of and language used in market announcements, following ASX’s latest update to Guidance Note 8, which came into effect on 5 June 2021.
As the name suggests, a ‘ramping announcement’ is made with a view to ‘ramping up’ the price of securities and can take a variety of forms. Examples include announcements that contain no new material information or substance but are issued under the guise of ‘business updates’ or on the back of strong market sentiment in a sector. A quick series of announcements intended to pique investor interest but which aren’t particularly material can also be ‘ramping announcements’.
‘Ramping announcements’ can also take the form of an announcement that an entity has entered into what appears to be a material contract but with very limited information disclosed to actually assess the materiality of the contract and its impact on the price or value of the entity’s securities. This has been a particular area of focus for ASX.
Examples of ‘ramping announcements’ identified by ASX include:

  • announcing a contract with a major customer to leverage off the customer’s reputation, without properly quantifying the benefit to the entity. In one instance, this included disclosure of a ‘material commercial agreement with a leading financial entity’ under which the entity was to receive less than $1,000;
  • announcing a contract when in fact it is only a non-binding heads of agreement or a framework agreement that only establishes contractual arrangements that will apply to future orders (if any are made);
  • projecting substantial revenues, without reasonable grounds; and
  • describing a contract as ‘material’ when clearly it is not.
ASX has previously observed instances of ‘ramping announcements’ being made just prior to or after a capital raising, presumably with the intent of boosting the raising price or the post raise trading price or following the appointment of advisors where they are remunerated in securities.
If ASX suspects a ‘ramping announcement’ has been made, it will carefully consider whether to suspend trading and issue a query letter to the entity seeking further information about the announcement. In particular, ASX may ask the entity to advise what information was market sensitive, and, if not market sensitive, to explain the purpose of the announcement, and, if the announcement includes any projections or forward looking statements, the reasonable grounds on which those statements are based. This also aligns with ASX’s recent monitoring activities in relation to the disclosure of material contracts, which have involved revisiting historical announcements to assess whether matters previously disclosed are consistent with, and do not overstate, the true position reached by the listed company in relation to the relevant contract or transaction.
Where an announcement relates to a contract, ASX may ask for a copy of the contract (not for release to market) in order to verify compliance with disclosure obligations.
ASX may also require corrective disclosure to be made where information in a ‘ramping announcement’ was not material or was incomplete or misleading, advising of these matters and stating that investors should not make investment decisions based on the announcement. This is unlikely to be well received by the market.
With the continued focus by ASX on ‘ramping announcements’, listed companies should ensure they turn their minds to the appropriateness of announcements that do not clearly contain price sensitive information. While there will often be a range of legitimate reasons for making such announcements, careful consideration should be given to the language used, the timing and proximity to other announcements and the substance of the announcement.
For further information regarding disclosure obligations, please contact our team.

So having read this advice and having communicated with Tony Dawe I can say that Brainchip being made aware in discussions with the ASX that they are specifically watching technology stocks and that they will come down very hard on what they consider to be 'ramping’’. Brainchip decided to take the approach that it will only release on the ASX solid gold price sensitive announcements with real income presently attaching. Potential will not be enough no matter how much it appears to be.

The above advice explains the wisdom of taking this approach as even a marked 'non price sensitive' update such as we have formed a partnership with SiFive for example could be called out as ‘ramping’ by the ASX.

Brainchip has taken the view that as a result of all of the attacks that it suffered and continues to suffer, its Australian and International reputation, at this critical point in its success trajectory would be significantly affected even by an enquiry from the ASX regarding an allegation to the effect that it was engaging in 'ramping.

Brainchip and those that control the levers clearly know they do not need to 'ramp' they are on the road to success and even though some short term pain might be encountered as a result of this approach, the company's future and its potential customer engagements are far too important to have their reputation tarnished by a 'ramping' allegation even if later found not to be proven.

I would now suggest that if you have not listened to the Rob Lincourt of DELL Technologies podcast you take the time to do so because he talks about the need for his industry which is Brainchip's industry to regain trust because of the errors that have occurred in the past with artificial intelligence and the general suspicion that exists across the market when Ai is mentioned.

The need for explainable Ai which I am sure you have read about and for trust in the automotive sector to gain the approval of Governments and politicians for autonomous driving and supporting legislation, requires Brainchip to have a squeaky clean reputation as any scandal could cause a potential partner to look elsewhere even if in doing so they give up the opportunity to be using the best technology.

So we have lots of things to thank the corrupt end of the share market for and this is but one more thing but in the end because we have the right people running the company we will come out on top in my opinion. By being ultra careful no mistakes or missteps can occur.

Please therefore in your dealings with Brainchip try to be understanding as to the tightrope they are walking with the absolute best interests of the company and shareholders always at the forefront of their thinking.

My opinion only DYOR

Thanks for your highly valued view on the disclosure discussion.
I do appreciate that fluff announcements hold no sustained value then I question Robs exultations claiming excitement in numerous interviews and podcasts during the most resent parabolic rise which could have been considered over exuberant or possibly premature, especially by investors entering upwards of $2.
Personally, I'm really appreciative of all the great research shared here by folk more talented than myself which continues to reinforce confidence to hold tight and a belief that recent highs will be surpassed in not too distant future,
I do look forward to less frustrating conditions of official progress disclosure.😎
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Thanks everyone for keeping the BRN news alive. So great to see articles and videos of the work BRN are doing.
On Thursday 31st March 2022, the bull run should be released from his shackles!

And we all say.. Akida Balistaaaaaaa!
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March 2022?
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Founding Member
As most would know here, Tata and Brainchip have previously worked together on a Gesture Recognition demo back in 2019, you can find that on YouTube.

This is a comment from the Principal Scientist, Embedded Devices & Intelligent Systems at Tata.
When he says “problems” in the screenshot I’ve provided below, I believe IMO he is talking about current problems that exist with other technologies that Brainchip can help fix, as they’ve purchased a Dev Kit from them.
Now this is the second high positioned person from Tata confirming that Tata and Brainchip are working together, after the comment to me from Arpan Pal which said “We are also
working on Brainchip's Akida
Who is he? He is
“Distinguished Chief Scientist and Research
Area Head, Embedded Devices and
Intelligent Systems at Tata Consultancy Services”


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Founding Member
New tweet just now

Translation from German:

With branches in the USA, India and France, the researchers and developers of the semiconductor company BrainChip Holdings (WKN: A14Z7W ISIN: AU000000BRN8 Ticker: 24Y) caused a sensation at the beginning of the year. The leading provider of ultra-low-consumption high-performance chips has made a quantum leap through its cooperation with the Daimler Group. The Mercedes-Benz Vision EQXX is to be equipped with the "Superchip" developed by BrainChip. BrainChip's Akida hardware and software makes the "Hey, Mercedes" voice control in the EQXX more efficient by a factor of five to ten. After the announcement, the share could not be held back and increased 2.6-fold within a month.

But that was too much arrogance and the price has returned to a more reasonable valuation level in recent months. The share is trading above the valuation level of September 2020 again and the short-term overvaluation from the beginning of the year seems to have largely been reduced. For long-term oriented investors, interesting entry opportunities should therefore slowly be offered again, because the extremely energy-saving and high-performance Akida processor is currently beating the competition by far. But BrainChip is not resting on its laurels and announced the cooperation with the RISC-V computing company SiFive. Here, the applications of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in decentralized data processing (edge computing) are to be expanded. This should enable companies and users to process their data outside of the "cloud", which is mostly controlled by large corporations.

Oooooooooo "Superchip" I like it.

"The Mercedes-Benz Vision EQXX is to be equipped with the "Superchip" developed by BrainChip."

Thanks for sharing (y)
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