BRN Discussion Ongoing


Being one of the very few companies asked to demonstrate our product, at this Intel flagship event, in front of the leaders of these titans of the industry, could only be a positive. AIMHO.

Special Appearances By​

Sam Altman

Sam Altman
Co-founder and CEO

Secretary Gina M. Raimondo

Secretary Gina M. Raimondo
United States Secretary of Commerce

Satya Nadella

Satya Nadella
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Featured Speakers​

Pat Gelsinger

Pat Gelsinger

Keyvan Esfarjani

Keyvan Esfarjani
EVP, GM, Manufacturing, Supply Chain and Operations

Dr. Ann Kelleher

Dr. Ann Kelleher
EVP, GM, Technology Development

Stu Pann

Stu Pann
SVP, GM, Intel Foundry Services

Rene Hass

Rene Haas
Chief Executive Officer

Yan Xing Lee

Yuan Xing Lee
Vice President, Central Engineering

Eric Fisher

Eric Fisher
MediaTek North America

Jason Wang

Jason Wang

Ecosystem Spotlight​

John Lee

John Lee
General Manager and Vice President
Electronics, Semiconductors and Optics BU, Ansys

Anirudh Devgan

Anirudh Devgan
President and CEO
Cadence Design Systems

Mike Ellow

Mike Ellow
Executive Vice President
Siemens Digital Industries Software

Aart de Geus

Aart de Geus
Executive Chair and Founder

I do wonder if we are also involved on the MAG (Military, Aerospace & Governm) event on the 22nd february.

IFS Direct Connect MAG Workshop on February 22nd​

Join us for an exclusive Military, Aerospace, and Government (MAG) ecosystem workshop on February 22nd from 7:30 - 11:00 AM PST at Signia by Hilton San Jose.

Hear from Senior US Government Officials, Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger, and Intel Executive Leadership on IFS strategy and MAG programs to enable advanced microelectronics products leveraging our leading-edge process, packaging technologies, and resilient supply chain.

*Event for MAG ecosystem and CNDA participants only

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Top 20

T-5D for the first Beacon launch!
In this first mission with German Aerospace Center (DLR) and SSC - Swedish Space Corporation where we will demonstrate how the Beacon can be used to restore a satellite back to life under challenging conditions.
And of course we'll stream the launch and our mission control operations live on our YouTube channel, so please subscribe to make sure you don't miss out on the action!

This mission wouldn't be possible without the support from Australian Space Agency, Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), National Space Industry Hub, ResearchSat and a couple dozens of people from satellite industry who helped us to shape this great product and get it to space in record-breaking time.
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
Right. One of the biggest tech companies in the world openly saying on social media they are excited by our little aussie companies tech, doesn't mean much and is nothing to get too excited

I'll choose excited thanks. Dyor View attachment 57238
Well what am I missing??? these are on Brainchips website?? ! isn't that enough evidence that Intel could/has mentioned us!!?? 🤔🤔



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Nurses and junior doctors get a lot less than £30 hour working in London, most tradesmen are on a lot less as well. So £30 hour ain’t bad at all.
It did say "$" so I'd assume they were talking USD, which is less again?

I guess it's an employer's market over there, where they can offer peanuts and "not" get monkeys..
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Top 20

BrainChip's Akida Neuromorphic Processor: A Leap in AI Understanding Human Behavior​

BrainChip shines at IFS Direct Connect 2024, presenting their Akida neuromorphic processor that emulates human brain workings. This technology will revolutionize industries by enabling intelligent sensing devices to interact more​

human-like. Its partnership with Intel's Open System Foundry ensures scalability and interoperability in the Edge AI domain.​

15 Feb 2024 18:13 EST

Geeta Pillai

On a crisp morning in February 2024, at the much-anticipated IFS Direct Connect event, BrainChip Holdings Ltd, a vanguard in the realm of Edge AI and on-chip processing, unfolded its latest technological marvel. With the world watching, the company not only presented its Akida neuromorphic processor but also professed a significant leap in AI's application in understanding human behavior. The event, situated in the heart of innovation and technology, became a stage where the future of AI and its intertwining with our daily lives was vividly painted by Sean Hehir, the CEO of BrainChip.

Neuromorphic Computing: A Leap into the Future​

The Akida neural processor, BrainChip's flagship innovation, stands as a testament to the company's pioneering vision. This technology, rooted in neuromorphic principles, is designed to emulate the human brain's workings. It's not just about processing data; it's about understanding it in a way that mirrors human cognition. At IFS Direct Connect 2024, Akida was showcased not as a mere technological advancement but as a bridge towards a future where AI can perceive and interpret human emotions in real-time. This capability, as Sean Hehir passionately shared, is poised to revolutionize industries by enabling intelligent sensing devices on the Edge, which can interact with the world in a more human-like manner.

Scaling with Intel's Open System Foundry​

The collaboration between BrainChip and Intel's Open System Foundry highlights a significant stride towards scalability and interoperability in the Edge AI domain. This partnership allows Akida's neuromorphic advantage to be leveraged across a broader spectrum of applications, from connected cars to industrial IoT and consumer electronics. The emphasis on scalability underscores BrainChip's commitment to not just innovating in isolation but ensuring that its technologies can be integrated within the existing IoT infrastructure, thereby enhancing the intelligence of devices at the edge of our networks.

Quarterly Insights and Strategic Vision​

In its latest Quarterly Investor Podcast, BrainChip delved deeper into its strategic endeavors, including an update on its remuneration policies and an annual strategy review. The discussion provided stakeholders with a comprehensive overview of how the Akida neural processor IP is set to redefine Edge compute. By enabling devices to learn and adapt in real-time, without the need for constant connectivity to the cloud, Akida presents a solution that is not only efficient but also sustainable and universally deployable across myriad real-world applications. This approach heralds a new era of autonomy for devices at the Edge, promising a significant reduction in latency, power consumption, and bandwidth usage.

As we stand on the brink of a new dawn in technology, BrainChip's contributions to the field of AI and neuromorphic computing are undeniable. The company's efforts to combine cutting-edge technological advancements with a deep understanding of human behavior and needs signify a leap towards a future where technology and humanity are more intertwined than ever. The implications of these developments are vast, touching upon every aspect of our lives and reshaping our interactions with the world around us. The journey of BrainChip, marked by innovation and foresight, continues to be a beacon of progress in the relentless pursuit of a smarter, more connected world.

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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Hi Bravo,

Wouldn't it be awful if it started a bidding war between Softbank (ARM), Intel, and Nvidia?
Yes, it would be tewibly awful Dodgy-Knees. And it would be so much worsenbush if Sam Altman also tried to bust a move. Sheesh, that’d really be crappy!
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I think we must be close to some material revenue coming in the near term (finally). Hopefully there was a little bit in the last 6 months in the annual report due soon, but more expecting things starting to happen now or soon. Its been a long tough road, but now is starting to 'feel' like the time
. Just imo.

Also, maybe importantly, i cant remember brainchip announcing VIA ASX!! for an upcoming roadshow/investor that in itself is significant. Those in charge finally listening to all the feedback and actually putting stuff out there on asx like they should be, and like literally every other company does.... so hopefully we get some good info at the back end of the month.

Finally, we got to like nearly 2 Bill valuation (from memory) a few years ago on pure spec and the smell of an oily (Mercedes...!) rag so what the market cap can be if they start bringing in actual decent revenue is pretty exciting for sure!

Lets hope its our year!

All imo.
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Might have already been shared, but, watch the video (which might have no value to us)... then read the comments in the section...the general feel is not positive with Intel at the moment. Intel needs a White Knight to save them, is that going to be Brainchip?

Intel Fountaries mentioned a few time so i am going to 100% assume they are 100% aware of Akida at the top end, and Intel would not let ARM get the leading edge over them...IMO

I came across a chain of articles a couple of years back.
1. Intel Foundries terminated a billion+ dollar RISC project and reallocated funds.
2. Couple of days later announced brainchip partnership.
3. Shortly after announced Intel will allow 3rd party IP on its FY24 -> FY25 soc for the first time.

I purchased my first 100,000 shares at the time, was not long after mercedes made its announcement about BRN.
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.

Feeling a little bullish.


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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
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Right. One of the biggest tech companies in the world openly saying on social media they are excited by our little aussie companies tech, doesn't mean much and is nothing to get too excited

I'll choose excited thanks. Dyor View attachment 57238
ilL, I've lost the thread on this snippet ( Intel referencing Brainchip "little aussie companies tech" ) of info, please direct me to it TIA.
I'd really like to read this.

GL everyone,

Muchas graciass

The ones not excited about Intel or any news are likely trying to buy back positions they sold on the run up.

Who would not want to sell some ot take a bit off the top these highs are over 6 to 7 months in the past.

The thing is we really do not know the discretion of the stock chartists or who ever its all a educated guess.

The one thing is if many sold who was the buyer?

The volume was significant for accumulating.

I can clearly see retail is not holding to many cause the boards would be plastered with rocket ships and going to the moon again.

I suspect something bigger is going on what exactly hard to say but many possibilities.

The bigger players are starting to mention BRN and Akida more frequently.

Will this tech be the advantage ARM needs Intel or Nvidia? That is the big question.

I guess we all just need to choose a position and live with our decisions.
"The ones not excited about Intel or any news are likely trying to buy back positions they sold on the run up"

I have wondered that, when we've had a big day share price wise recently and I've come on here and it's like a ghost town..

People like DH and Schitzel lover, are also, now nowhere to be seen.

I personally would Love to be able to trade this, as there are literally 1000s of dollars, to be made each day.

But I haven't tried.
Although I've tried "in my head" many times..

To me, the risk of losing any of my shares, is not worth, making a few thousand dollars now (making my life a little more comfortable) and losing the opportunity to be extremely comfortable, in the Future.

I'm not excited, about the share price, because it still seems way too low to me.

The Future potential of this Company, is so Great, that I am not comfortable selling any of my shares, at any price.

But unfortunately, I will have no choice, as I do not want to struggle, Forever.

My "plan" is to try and "trade" some North of $1 and If I lose them at that price, I will not be that down.

The thought of losing any of my shares, at these prices, is just depressing..
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Newk R

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Hi people. I’m trying to understand how the volume of shares traded, in the past couple of sessions can be so high, yet the share price stagnant. Can anyone shine any light on this?
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BrainChip's Akida Neuromorphic Processor: A Leap in AI Understanding Human Behavior​

BrainChip shines at IFS Direct Connect 2024, presenting their Akida neuromorphic processor that emulates human brain workings. This technology will revolutionize industries by enabling intelligent sensing devices to interact more​

human-like. Its partnership with Intel's Open System Foundry ensures scalability and interoperability in the Edge AI domain.​

15 Feb 2024 18:13 EST

Geeta Pillai

On a crisp morning in February 2024, at the much-anticipated IFS Direct Connect event, BrainChip Holdings Ltd, a vanguard in the realm of Edge AI and on-chip processing, unfolded its latest technological marvel. With the world watching, the company not only presented its Akida neuromorphic processor but also professed a significant leap in AI's application in understanding human behavior. The event, situated in the heart of innovation and technology, became a stage where the future of AI and its intertwining with our daily lives was vividly painted by Sean Hehir, the CEO of BrainChip.

Neuromorphic Computing: A Leap into the Future​

The Akida neural processor, BrainChip's flagship innovation, stands as a testament to the company's pioneering vision. This technology, rooted in neuromorphic principles, is designed to emulate the human brain's workings. It's not just about processing data; it's about understanding it in a way that mirrors human cognition. At IFS Direct Connect 2024, Akida was showcased not as a mere technological advancement but as a bridge towards a future where AI can perceive and interpret human emotions in real-time. This capability, as Sean Hehir passionately shared, is poised to revolutionize industries by enabling intelligent sensing devices on the Edge, which can interact with the world in a more human-like manner.

Scaling with Intel's Open System Foundry​

The collaboration between BrainChip and Intel's Open System Foundry highlights a significant stride towards scalability and interoperability in the Edge AI domain. This partnership allows Akida's neuromorphic advantage to be leveraged across a broader spectrum of applications, from connected cars to industrial IoT and consumer electronics. The emphasis on scalability underscores BrainChip's commitment to not just innovating in isolation but ensuring that its technologies can be integrated within the existing IoT infrastructure, thereby enhancing the intelligence of devices at the edge of our networks.

Quarterly Insights and Strategic Vision​

In its latest Quarterly Investor Podcast, BrainChip delved deeper into its strategic endeavors, including an update on its remuneration policies and an annual strategy review. The discussion provided stakeholders with a comprehensive overview of how the Akida neural processor IP is set to redefine Edge compute. By enabling devices to learn and adapt in real-time, without the need for constant connectivity to the cloud, Akida presents a solution that is not only efficient but also sustainable and universally deployable across myriad real-world applications. This approach heralds a new era of autonomy for devices at the Edge, promising a significant reduction in latency, power consumption, and bandwidth usage.

As we stand on the brink of a new dawn in technology, BrainChip's contributions to the field of AI and neuromorphic computing are undeniable. The company's efforts to combine cutting-edge technological advancements with a deep understanding of human behavior and needs signify a leap towards a future where technology and humanity are more intertwined than ever. The implications of these developments are vast, touching upon every aspect of our lives and reshaping our interactions with the world around us. The journey of BrainChip, marked by innovation and foresight, continues to be a beacon of progress in the relentless pursuit of a smarter, more connected world.
If this doesn’t speed up your heart rate ring for an ambulance. A MUST READ.

Many thanks Toothmoon.

Fact Finder
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Hi people. I’m trying to understand how the volume of shares traded, in the past couple of sessions can be so high, yet the share price stagnant. Can anyone shine any light on this?
It's being cleverly manipulated by someone to ensure the little retail holders get scared. The smart retail holders are not falling for it ;)
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It's being cleverly manipulated by someone to ensure the little retail holders get scared. The smart retail holders are not falling for it ;)

Also creates a narrow channel for someone large to accumulate before it's pushed too high or low.
The price staying here doesn't trick the market up or down so they can release the hand break once they've got their fill.
Maybe a little intra-day trading too.
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Hi FF,

there was some confusion. Everything has been clarified now. Looking forward to this Intel event.


This is a public forum. Why do you feel the need to explain your actions to others (or one other).

I mean, posters have been posting likes from every company known to man, a lot without any Brainchip connection.
At least there is a BRN connection this time.
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If this doesn’t speed up your heart rate ring for an ambulance. A MUST READ.

Many thanks Toothmoon.

Doesn’t this event take place tomorrow?
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