Would you give us your thoughts on the following.
As your commitment to the take off begins in early 2025, one would have to think then that the explosive growth has potential to commence in 2024 due to the fact things don’t happen overnight.
I mean with 56 different companies as FF has shown us partnering with Brainchip over the past few years some ( if not all) will be well underway with their developments and have produced products all ready for sale in the markets hidden behind the NDAs.
I personally except some big gains each quarter moving forward
What are your thoughts or anyones for that matter ?.
Good morning,
My personal timeline was based around taking the pressure, yes the pressure off myself, whereby every quarter I kept asking myself
where's the revenue ? how long does this take ? can't our big guns sell the technology, what's wrong, have we hired individuals who
are still learning Neuromorphic Computing by attending night lectures by Peter ?
We have all, well most I'd suggest, learnt how long the actual process can take to even get a product to market, let alone be hugely successful
so in 2023 I pulled my head in and thought 2 years would be a "fair" timeline for our company to make solid traction, achieve some meaningful
revenue and finally start to be acknowledged by a wider audience, this timeline is really starting to shape up rather nicely, basically another
10 months of growth, so yes I "expect to see revenue slowly increase throughout 2024 and in 2025 onwards continue at a faster pace" that's
my personal view.
8 or so days (business) before our Annual Report, which I normally don't place much weight on, but in this case, this time around
I feel it could be telling, we shall see in due course.
Kind regards....Tech