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Tony’s the best PR man lol 😂 Vlad
We are lucky to have him

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Right sentiment from BrainChip but poorly executed as should have been more transparent re the meeting and invite process. A simple statement clarifying the intent and invite process would have been good.
Thanks to all that attended for providing the update. I’m sure the intention from the company was good. Update should have come from Tony D. Lesson learned, let’s move on.
Yep, and when the SP climbs above a dollar again, this will all be forgotten :)
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Sean....South Korea....SK pls thanks....I still wish :unsure::LOL:

Nvidia challenger Sapeon unveils new AI chip for data centers
Seung-Woo Lee
Sapeon Chief Executive Officer Ryu Soojung introduces the X330 to the press in Seoul (Courtesy of Yonhap)
Sapeon Chief Executive Officer Ryu Soojung introduces the X330 to the press in Seoul (Courtesy of Yonhap)
Sapeon Inc., a semiconductor startup backed by South Korea’s second-largest conglomerate SK Group, on Thursday unveiled a new artificial intelligence chip for data centers to join the global race in the sector and challenge the world’s chip design leader Nvidia Corp.

Sapeon introduced the X330 neural processing unit (NPU) for inference, which quadruples the computing performance of its existing model X220 and doubles the power efficiency.

Compared with competitors’ inference chips released this year, the X330 provides double the computing performance and its power efficiency is more than 1.3 times better, the startup headquartered in Santa Clara, California, said.

An internal analysis showed the X330’s power efficiency was better than graphics processing units with the same specifications by 1.3 to 1.9 times, said Sapeon Chief Technology Officer Michael Shebanow.

Sapeon, spun off from South Korea’s top mobile carrier SK Telecom Co. in April 2022, designs AI semiconductors for data centers. The market is currently dominated by Nvidia of the US.


Sapeon plans to mass-produce the X330 in the first half of 2024 through the 7-nanometer process of the global foundry leader Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) after testing its prototype with customers and verifying its reliability.

The X330 supporting large language models is capable of running an LLM based on a transformer, a source technology of conversational AI ChatGPT developed by Microsoft Corp.-backed OpenAI based on generative AI technology.

The latest AI chip for inference, which is set to implement AI services based on learning data, has a wider application range than its previous models, making it easy to be used in various industries, Sapeon said.

The startup plans to provide open neural network exchange-based software stacks along with the X330 when it is installed on servers to optimize performance while offering AI inference platforms and software development kits.

“We started a new journey today with the X330, the best AI processor for inference,” said Sapeon Chief Executive Officer Ryu Soojung at the event to unveil the new chip. “We will develop Sapeon into a company that shares a convenient life with AI, as well as the era of ‘AI Everywhere’ and ‘AI Big Bang.'”

In addition to the X330, Sapeon aims to introduce chip designs for self-driving automobiles and AI NPUs for high-performance edge devices, which provide an entry point into enterprise or service provider core networks.

Sapeon also plans to expand its cooperation with SK Telecom to actively target new service markets while protecting customers from security threats with systems using AI chips to defend against voice phishing, smishing and spamming.
Sapeon uses bog-standard mayonaise - no secret sauce:

US11475100B2 Device and method for convolution operation 20180327


[0037] Considering general properties of a convolution neural network model, there is high possibility that zero exists in target elements for the convolution operation. Therefore, it may be considered that if there is zero in both elements to be multiplied, the multiplication is omitted and skipped. FIG. 1B illustrates a method of omitting multiplication for elements of zero in the convolution kernel 20.
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Right sentiment from BrainChip but poorly executed as should have been more transparent re the meeting and invite process. A simple statement clarifying the intent and invite process would have been good.
Thanks to all that attended for providing the update. I’m sure the intention from the company was good. Update should have come from Tony D. Lesson learned, let’s move on.
Is this the type of s/holder respect and treatment that both Peter or Anil would approve of being made by the Co's CEO ( Sean H) and IR Department ( Tony D )??? !!!!! ...... I personally think that an apology should be made immediately to all shareholders rather than just letting things move on like as if it never happened.
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Is this the type of s/holder respect and treatment that both Peter or Anil would approve of being made by the Co's CEO ( Sean H) and IR Department ( Tony D )??? !!!!! ...... I personally think that an apology should be made immediately to all shareholders rather than just letting things move on like as if it never happened.
Only trouble is their swaggering arrogance precedes them so I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for an apology. Vlad
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Let me put it to others, ..................... How many here are happy that a "select group" was able to converse with our CEO without your knowledge that he was even coming to Australia, and with the lack of communication/share-price halving since the AGM at which SH was simply a stage prop in the background?

In the Q3 Podcast Sean said, (14min) ........ "Looking forward to catching up with as many shareholders as possible"
:unsure: ......... Yeah ............... Ok ............What do you mean by that Sean?

For me, the first i knew was when a poster here ( sorry i forget who ) mentioned that they had possibly seen our CEO talking with other/s outside of the venue of the last AGM.
So, i confirmed this by emailing TD, ...................
....................... His reply- {quote} - Yes, Sean and i are currently in Sydney presenting to investors.
So, not only do we have a "Hush Hush" trip to Australia, we have a "Select Group Mid-year General Meeting"

Then, i asked Tony,
[quote} ............... What vetting process was undertaken by you and Sean to determine what excisting shareholders were contacted in Australia and subsequently given the oppurtunity to discuss all aspects of the company, and why there was no general invitation announced to all shareholders?
........................... His reply- {quote} - Sean and I attend meetings that "I set up" with analyst, professional and retail investors, based on my relationship with each. LESSON= We had all better buy Tony a Xmas card this year.



I think this is very poor form/judgement/action on behalf of Sean & Tony.
I also think we all have the right to attend any public forum where our CEO is giving answers to questions asked by shareholders.
We get a podcast from the CEO every three months, 15mins of rehersed Q&A audio, ...................... then this (n)

I know that i would have liked the oppurtunity to attend !
I wonder if the Co's 9th Nov 2023 .... RESPONSE TO ASX QUERY should be amended by the Co .... so as to disclose and advise the ASX of these selective shareholder invites only and meetings in various Australian states ...... Especially, given that the ASX specifically asked BRN in their query whether they were aware of any information concerning it that has not been announced to the market which, if known by some in the market, could explain the recent trading in its securities?".... which the Co answered NO ..........

What about all those other ~40,000 BRN shareholders that aren't even aware of this exceptional situation taking place. I'm sure that they will / would be most upset about such undisclosed events taking place without their knowledge or approval concerning their investment with this Co??? ....
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Right sentiment from BrainChip but poorly executed as should have been more transparent re the meeting and invite process. A simple statement clarifying the intent and invite process would have been good.
Thanks to all that attended for providing the update. I’m sure the intention from the company was good. Update should have come from Tony D. Lesson learned, let’s move on.
What’s the old saying "The road to hell is paved with good intentions".

Main concerns:
  • @Xray1 is correct probably should have disclosed given the timing between the spike, the meetings and the ASX query... No doubt, the instigators and manipulators are signaling this to the ASX to provoke a query.
  • Conducting undisclosed meetings with select shareholders may raise concerns about potential breaches of disclosure obligations and the principles of fair market disclosure.
  • The attendee selection is not a good look; it seems they chose individuals who are extremely active and loyalist in their posting. Now, there exists a direct and special association between the company and specific individuals who might be viewed as 'pumpers' [Imagine you're from the ASX or ASIC and take an outsider's perspective after reading the years' worth HC and TSE post by those at the meeting].
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I wonder if the Co's 9th Nov 2023 .... RESPONSE TO ASX QUERY should be amended by the Co .... so as to disclose and advise the ASX of these selective shareholder invites only and meetings in various Australian states ...... Especially, given that the ASX specifically asked BRN in their query whether they were aware of any information concerning it that has not been announced to the market which, if known by some in the market, could explain the recent trading in its securities?".... which the Co answered NO ..........

What about all those other ~40,000 BRN shareholders that aren't even aware of this exceptional situation taking place. I'm sure that they will / would be most upset about such undisclosed events taking place without their knowledge or approval concerning their investment with this Co??? ....
40,000 mushrooms and the ASX…great disclosure best on the planet 🌎 lol 😂


Founding Member.
This situation raises another concern imo as it specifically relates to the 8th Nov 2023 ASX SHARE PRICE QUERY and the 9th Nov 2023 "RESPONSE TO ASX QUERY" by the Co:

"8 November 2023 Reference: 84269 Ms Kim Clark Head of Corporate Services, Queensland Boardroom Pty Limited Suite 2227, Level 22, 127 Creek Street Brisbane QLD 4000 By email only. Dear Ms Clark Brainchip Holdings Ltd (‘BRN’): Price - Query ASX refers to the following: A. The change in the price of BRN’s securities from a low of $0.165 to $0.23 since close of trade 5 trading days ago. B. The change in the price of BRN’s securities from $0.18 to $0.23 since the start of the day. C. The significant increase in the volume of BRN’s securities traded since the start of the day. Request for information In light of this, ASX asks BRN to respond separately to each of the following questions and requests for information: 1. Is BRN aware of any information concerning it that has not been announced to the market which, if known by some in the market, could explain the recent trading in its securities?"

FYI .......... It is concerning to me, that on the 9th Nov 2023 the company sent a "Response to ASX Query" stating:

Brainchip Holdings Limited (‘BRN’): Price - Query Brainchip Holdings Limited (BRN or Company) refers to your letter of 08 November 2023 and provides the following responses: 1. Is BRN aware of any information concerning it that has not been announced to the market which, if known by some in the market, could explain the recent trading in its securities? No

IMO .... Maybe the Co in its response back to the ASX on the 9th Nov 2023 should have raised and disclosed the issue of the Company having had held meetings with various selected ( by invitation only ) s/holders at those meetings rather than a meeting for all shareholders.
Lol Are you actually suggesting that a bunch of retail shareholders attending an informal meeting with a couple members of the Brainchip management was the reason behind that pump?
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Lol Are you actually suggesting that a bunch of retail shareholders attending a informal meeting with a couple members of the Brainchip management was the reason behind that pump?
Well you appear to know the other “real “ reason so please tell us tell us please what’s the other reason? Thanks 🙏 in advance. Vlad
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More to the point, and I'm declaring usually having taken FF's postings in good faith, were those chosen investors privvy to any 'inside' information not publicly disclosed by Sean/the Company that might influence further large buying opportunities. Are they all now under an NDA too. This does all seem highly irregular. 9 years in, my grasp is still tight, but the Great Wall of NDA's really is an impregnable and unedifying barrier at the moment.
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Well you appear to know the other “real “ reason so please tell us tell us please what’s the other reason? Thanks 🙏 in advance. Vlad

It was KPGM banking on mercedes-benz linkedIn poll winning (other) and a pod cast being created talking about akida. You notice after the poll finished the stock dropped..... strange.... I think that's a better theory compared to FF and co dropping 8 million on shares. 🤣

I think some people need to be thankful that they are sharing the discussions here, in the future we might not be so lucky.
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Lol Are you actually suggesting that a bunch of retail shareholders attending a informal meeting with a couple members of the Brainchip management was the reason behind that pump?
Well, what is the other plausable substantiated reason ??
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I think the Chinese and Russians could learn a lot about brn managements buddies selection process and the nda/epa’s cone of silence treatment process for excluding regular “not in the loop “ retail investors… mushrooms at the bottom. 😂 😂. Vlad


It was KPGM banking on mercedes-benz linkedIn poll winning (other) and a pod cast being created talking about akida. You notice after the poll finished the stock dropped..... strange.... I think that's a better theory compared to FF and co dropping 8 million on shares. 🤣

I think some people need to be thankful that they are sharing the discussions here, in the future we might not be so lucky.
Thanks for that info you just gave us mushrooms more in that reply than info from the company for all this week. Lol 😂 so sad this companies PR to us mushrooms lol 😂 Vlad
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Let me put it to others, ..................... How many here are happy that a "select group" was able to converse with our CEO without your knowledge that he was even coming to Australia, and with the lack of communication/share-price halving since the AGM at which SH was simply a stage prop in the background?

In the Q3 Podcast Sean said, (14min) ........ "Looking forward to catching up with as many shareholders as possible"
:unsure: ......... Yeah ............... Ok ............What do you mean by that Sean?

For me, the first i knew was when a poster here ( sorry i forget who ) mentioned that they had possibly seen our CEO talking with other/s outside of the venue of the last AGM.
So, i confirmed this by emailing TD, ...................
....................... His reply- {quote} - Yes, Sean and i are currently in Sydney presenting to investors.
So, not only do we have a "Hush Hush" trip to Australia, we have a "Select Group Mid-year General Meeting"

Then, i asked Tony,
[quote} ............... What vetting process was undertaken by you and Sean to determine what excisting shareholders were contacted in Australia and subsequently given the oppurtunity to discuss all aspects of the company, and why there was no general invitation announced to all shareholders?
........................... His reply- {quote} - Sean and I attend meetings that "I set up" with analyst, professional and retail investors, based on my relationship with each. LESSON= We had all better buy Tony a Xmas card this year.



I think this is very poor form/judgement/action on behalf of Sean & Tony.
I also think we all have the right to attend any public forum where our CEO is giving answers to questions asked by shareholders.
We get a podcast from the CEO every three months, 15mins of rehersed Q&A audio, ...................... then this (n)

I know that i would have liked the oppurtunity to attend !
I find it interesting that you received this response from Tony Dawe:

"His reply- {quote} - Sean and I attend meetings that "I set up" with analyst, professional and retail investors, based on my relationship with each"

and the only objection that others here have is to the retail investors meeting with the CEO and Investor Relations Head.

Apparently they see nothing at all wrong with analysts and professional investors who most likely are directly involved with the legal activity of shorting and trading and not long term value investing are approved of by those who now screaming about a cross section of retail shareholders.

Where is their fake rage regarding analysts and professional investors who have these meetings every day of the week and probably on weekends all around the world.

Where are their allegations that the information that was exchanged between Sean Hehir CEO and Analysts and professional investors accounted for the price movement. They are nowhere to be seen.

As I said they are completely transparent in their motives.

And yet no challenge has been made to the accuracy of the material I posted.

I wonder how many are attempting by their fake outrage to protect short positions.

My opinion only DYOR

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Well, what is the other plausable substantiated reason ??
Is too wonder what the selection process was for the meeting and if the selection was based on the amount of shares held or being a valued member of the TSE or HC

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