BRN Discussion Ongoing


Daily shorts. Doesn't include what they bought back ie the aggregate which shortman shows

Latest Reported Shorts (Daily)​

5 October 2023705,9181,775,058,1450.04%
4 October 2023352,5721,775,058,1450.02%
3 October 2023449,6891,775,058,1450.02%
2 October 20232741,775,058,1450.00%
29 September 20231,838,3171,775,058,1450.10%
28 September 20231,382,4981,775,058,1450.07%
27 September 20233,692,5481,775,058,1450.20%
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Watching where the buy sell side meet, and keeping in mind there is an ever increasing institutional hold of this company. It is obvious (to me at least) that the price of this stock is totally at the whim of these institutions. They are setting the price, with large buy and sell walls, with a weak price in the middle. They then dump suddenly to cause panic and trigger stop loses. Using sophisticated algorithms they can buy, sell, short sell to themselves.

They will continue to do so until evidence that of fundamental profitability of the business becomes public knowledge. This could be in the form of new contracts being signed or revenue from royalties in the quarterlies. Or, a bit left field, a new / strong endorsement from a large corporation (aka Mercedes)

They prey on the large amount of retail investors with comparatively small holdings to their own. Those who might need their capital in this environment of rising interest rates and cost of living. They can wait us out.

Trust me or don't, it doesn't matter, but a larger corporation(s) sees our tech as a threat and would like to have bought us out (purely for the rights to the patents).

It's been stated by brainchips that the company would not entertain this idea, and possibly haven't been open to an offer in the past.

Therefore, another cost effective option from a nefarious player, would be to force the hand of the company by aggressively impacting the share price. Disrupting confidence in management and effectively blackmailing them, coming into a second strike scenario next year. All, whilst making money on shorting the stock as well.

It's been a perfect shit storm, of recent weeks. But I haven't sold any stock as in my opinion, when news hits (which it will), there will be a very large gap upwards, that might not ever be filled again.

AI tech like this is inevitable. But fundamentally neuromophic AI moves away from traditional AI that is largely predictable and operates on human training models. Allowing AI to train itself, is cost and compute efficient, but adds a large layer of risk (think self driving cars), that needs more time to work through.

I will be sitting back, trying not to watch the stock price for the rest of the year. But, have set my notifications for market sensitive announcement.

My tea leaf predictions for remainder of year are:
1) ongoing memorandums of understandings from various companies. No impact on share price.
2) TATA signing contract. Big spike in share price but will settle back, based on lead time for royalties.
3) increasing revenues in next quarter from royalties of akida 1000/1500. Not overwhelming, but solid.
4) Big left field endorsement from leading tech company. Out of blue and catapulting our share price on open of market that morning.

This is all just my musing and I'm not a professional investor. Dyor
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Here is a trip down memory lane of our SP at 15 cents.

2011, 30th December. Excitement dies down after Brainchip IPOed 10th Novemeber 2011 at 20 cents.

2018, 13th April, Brainchip Studio is released.

2020, 25th July, 2 weeks ago, Akida 1000 wafer fabrication was completed.

Finding out these facts I avoided using my hotlinks and typed some search terms into Google. It seems many have asked 'Why Brainchip shares are falling'? I don't think intos are asking this question and panicking.

Also after looking at the the SOI and who holds them in the past, I think institutions are not really worried about prying the shares of us cowboys/cowgirls. Never forget we are indirectly responsible for recommending BRN to others and not directly responsible (I hope!). It was their decision to buy, I have informed mates I have recommended BRN to what is going on and it is up to them to do what they want with their money... the missus on the other hand... Different headache.
Point being, the market markers are attacking the sophisticated investors (Sophs) or smaller funds who are investing for their clients. Unlike us, they are impacted much more than us seeing they are directly responsible with the money from their clients. So they are easy to brush off with the strangling of the share price. This is the game and how it works.

Unfortunately, this does not create a fair market seeing those with the resources to use bots, short and play ping pong with shares to get it lower have larger resources than us and Sophs. I got angry on this forum previously and the penny dropped then when we had good news that this stinks to high heaven. I also decided to feel disengaged to the SP (when it was 40 cents or so) and will buy when it is at a discount. This discount is pretty absurd. The worst case scenario that I can see is that all this bad SP action is followed up with bad news. That will be very disheartening as it proves that someone is at an advantage here. But in my experience, the harder the pummeling, the greater the rise when we have holders that won't sell on news that Brainchip's Wikipedia page has revenue of -98% year on year and sell based on that. A hard fall does get rid of bag holders at a higher price and I am sure many LTHs here (like me) will hold even after it zooms past my average buy in again.

Good luck and stay healthy all. Cheers,
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I used to think that too, but I’m not so sure anymore.

I don’t think funds have the patience to learn to understand companies anymore, so that future potential is never identified. Instead they just all apply the same methodology on a company by pumping it, then shorting it hard in an effort to remove as much money from retail as physically possible. They all do this and it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. It’s lazy but it works.

Let retail plant the seed, then water it aggressively and apply light, as soon as it shoots, harvest it prematurely, ripping out the roots in the process.

Take BRN, all the potential in the world:

- huge future market reach;
- actual product;
- industry validation;
- and a share price lower than it was before they even had a product.

Funds have done this. They aggressively raised the price off the back of Mercedes, and have aggressively lowered us back down again. Using as many dirty tactics along the way as possible.

Markets are no longer a sophisticated investment mechanist to fund future industry. They’re a shit show full of manipulation aided by shorting.

Market fairness no longer exists.
Well Done Good Job GIF by Robert E Blackmon
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I’m generally an optimist. I’m still confident that Akida technology will be taken up by semi conductor manufacturers and sensor producers to work its magic at the far edge. Compute is moving towards the edge, I get that, we are in the right place at the right time. But…. and this is really the first negative thing I’ve had to say about BrainChip Inc…. I’m really beginning to think that the company leadership leaves something to be desired. Our stockholder base is mainly retail. Geez, retail has supported this company since inception. From what I gather institutions want us out. I’m told our share price is being manipulated down to scare retail out and make sure the fat cats get our shares. Is this true? Who knows? What I do know is that Sean Hehir is quiet as a church mouse. He’s on great coin and in my opinion is totally unimpressive as a leader. We are all hurting… say something. Now before I get smashed for this post I acknowledge the partnerships, MOUs, EAPs, AKD2000, Renesas, Megachips all of it but how about a little Churchillian shit from the boss while we’re stuck on Dunkirk. Let’s get some morale going. Earn your money. Cheers. Onward.
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Hope we will have an unexpected announcement . The shorters sweat will get an enormous tsunami which will wash our pain immediately away!
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Ask yourself this question. Why would the shareprice tank now with the akida 2.0 being out? Customers should be announced like hot bread now. I was a big Brainchip believer and have been invested since 2020 but these times are telling me the customers still don't apply our chip to their business enough for us to make solid revenue. Im not completely out of hope but they better announce customers real soon or it will be game over. Forget waiting 1-3 years from now. Now is the time. The tech will sell now if it so good and not in 1-3 years. GLTA


I used to think that too, but I’m not so sure anymore.

I don’t think funds have the patience to learn to understand companies anymore, so that future potential is never identified. Instead they just all apply the same methodology on a company by pumping it, then shorting it hard in an effort to remove as much money from retail as physically possible. They all do this and it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. It’s lazy but it works.

Let retail plant the seed, then water it aggressively and apply light, as soon as it shoots, harvest it prematurely, ripping out the roots in the process.

Take BRN, all the potential in the world:

- huge future market reach;
- actual product;
- industry validation;
- and a share price lower than it was before they even had a product.

Funds have done this. They aggressively raised the price off the back of Mercedes, and have aggressively lowered us back down again. Using as many dirty tactics along the way as possible.

Markets are no longer a sophisticated investment mechanist to fund future industry. They’re a shit show full of manipulation aided by shorting.

Market fairness no longer exists.
Spot on, those market movers are really good, they can really move the price up and down as they wish, there are so many of us solid investors and yet we cannot do anything about it whereas a large group of small investors can turn the table in GameStop saga, I wonder why are we so weak compared to GameStop investors?
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So I will do my part, continue to buy..
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I wasn’t going to post the following but as the current price is hurting us all the following may help ease some of the pain

The other day I was directed to this site by someone in the company who said if you read all the recent press releases it will all make sense and that they are very active on many fronts. For me this statement makes sense.

Press Releases - BrainChip

View attachment 46446

Whilst most of these do not come out in the form of an ASX announcement another person stated the following which also makes sense.

“We can’t just invent good news out of thin air to stop the share price decline. That would be entirely illegal."

"We will communicate when we have something material to say. We communicate across multiple platforms so it’s possible you may have missed things if you only watch ASX.”

As many have already posted the ASX only responds to $$$$$.

“The real issue is that we aren’t posting announcements that signal a commercial pathway to revenues and profits, and that is what’s driving down investor sentiment, not a lack of communication.”
Great post . Thankyou . Fabulous to have you include yourself with us again . 👞. We will all have a shoey when everything settles down .
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Here is something for the Mercedes enthusiasts in this forum

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I'm Spartacus!
I’m generally an optimist. I’m still confident that Akida technology will be taken up by semi conductor manufacturers and sensor producers to work its magic at the far edge. Compute is moving towards the edge, I get that, we are in the right place at the right time. But…. and this is really the first negative thing I’ve had to say about BrainChip Inc…. I’m really beginning to think that the company leadership leaves something to be desired. Our stockholder base is mainly retail. Geez, retail has supported this company since inception. From what I gather institutions want us out. I’m told our share price is being manipulated down to scare retail out and make sure the fat cats get our shares. Is this true? Who knows? What I do know is that Sean Hehir is quiet as a church mouse. He’s on great coin and in my opinion is totally unimpressive as a leader. We are all hurting… say something. Now before I get smashed for this post I acknowledge the partnerships, MOUs, EAPs, AKD2000, Renesas, Megachips all of it but how about a little Churchillian shit from the boss while we’re stuck on Dunkirk. Let’s get some morale going. Earn your money. Cheers. Onward.
Appreciate the sentiment but what exactly would you have him say?

Anything that's just fluff, even if it made us all feel good for five minutes would just be another kind of sugar hit.
And apart from providing fodder for negativ'eesters to further attack us with, would just weaken the Company's credibility further.

It's been tough going for a longish time now, and I doubt many of us would have predicted just how far our share price has fallen.
Hell, my whole portfolio has taken a horrendous bashing and if only I had known in advance just what would transpire I would have sold the lot and been sitting pretty waiting to buy back in with many multiples of my current holdings.

But, alas, I did not predict this current reality and so am reconciled to ride it out, husbanding whatever dry powder I still have left awaiting a clear signal the market and my long held picks are rebounding towards a new normality.

I just don't believe the world has entirely entered a final phase where everything I own will become worthless or can be held at a near zero value, regardless of its fundamental worth, forever.

The market, like other phenomena, is a creature of cycles.
And the longer and more intensely any artificial force is applied to it, in any direction, the greater will be the corresponding correction or rebound.

As before, I plan to ride that back up, hopefully a wiser more seasoned investor.
This tide will turn!

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I wasn’t going to post the following but as the current price is hurting us all the following may help ease some of the pain

The other day I was directed to this site by someone in the company who said if you read all the recent press releases it will all make sense and that they are very active on many fronts. For me this statement makes sense.

Press Releases - BrainChip

View attachment 46446

Whilst most of these do not come out in the form of an ASX announcement another person stated the following which also makes sense.

“We can’t just invent good news out of thin air to stop the share price decline. That would be entirely illegal."

"We will communicate when we have something material to say. We communicate across multiple platforms so it’s possible you may have missed things if you only watch ASX.”

As many have already posted the ASX only responds to $$$$$.

“The real issue is that we aren’t posting announcements that signal a commercial pathway to revenues and profits, and that is what’s driving down investor sentiment, not a lack of communication.”
“The real issue is that we aren’t posting announcements that signal a commercial pathway to revenues and profits, and that is what’s driving down investor sentiment, not a lack of communication.”

I guess the bottom line is, is this fair for shareholders? and
Should we ask the ASX to intervene? i.e. is it the opinion of the ASX, that it is preferable for an announcement to be made, so long as that announcement does not break any existing NDA?
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Hope we will have an unexpected announcement . The shorters sweat will get an enormous tsunami which will wash our pain immediately away!
The company need positive for the SP To move upwards, all talk but no signatures
No worries guys. It’s normal to lose 95% of market cap and to not worry about it. Everything’s fine and thankfully all the trolls who don’t agree with that have been deleted. Shorters are wrong and we are in the right.
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But…. and this is really the first negative thing I’ve had to say about BrainChip Inc…. I’m really beginning to think that the company leadership leaves something to be desired. Our stockholder base is mainly retail. Geez, retail has supported this company since inception. From what I gather institutions want us out. I’m told our share price is being manipulated down to scare retail out and make sure the fat cats get our shares. Is this true? Who knows? What I do know is that Sean Hehir is quiet as a church mouse. He’s on great coin and in my opinion is totally unimpressive as a leader. We are all hurting… say something.

I think many people here are too much in love with Sean Hehir and that's why they don't criticize him. Personally, I don't think he's doing a good job because he doesn't let us know what's happening and because he doesn't care about the SP. I can't judge the rest of his work, but since he doesn't talk about it (not the minor details, of course), I have to judge it negatively. And it is my right as a stockholder to do so.
It is also the company's job to monitor the SP and make shareholders feel more comfortable about their investments by releasing information more often. It seems to me like he doesn't care about shareholders at all and I don't like that feeling. I have worked for many CEOs in my long life and know how a CEO should appear in public. Sean is not like that at all. You got to the point with Church Mouse.

I really hope I'm completely wrong when I see the next 4C, and I'm more than willing to apologize then.
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Appreciate the sentiment but what exactly would you have him say?

Anything that's just fluff, even if it made us all feel good for five minutes would just be another kind of sugar hit.
And apart from providing fodder for negativ'eesters to further attack us with, would just weaken the Company's credibility further.

It's been tough going for a longish time now, and I doubt many of us would have predicted just how far our share price has fallen.
Hell, my whole portfolio has taken a horrendous bashing and if only I had known in advance just what would transpire I would have sold the lot and been sitting pretty waiting to buy back in with many multiples of my current holdings.

But, alas, I did not predict this current reality and so am reconciled to ride it out, husbanding whatever dry powder I still have left awaiting a clear signal the market and my long held picks are rebounding towards a new normality.

I just don't believe the world has entirely entered a final phase where everything I own will become worthless or can be held at a near zero value, regardless of its fundamental worth, forever.

The market, like other phenomena, is a creature of cycles.
And the longer and more intensely any artificial force is applied to it, in any direction, the greater will be the corresponding correction or rebound.

As before, I plan to ride that back up, hopefully a wiser more seasoned investor.
This tide will turn!

Hey Hopalong,
Thanks so much for the gracious reply. I come from an industry where morale was taken very seriously and sometimes an acknowledgment from senior leadership that the troops are doing it tough in the trenches but confidence in the strategy is high blah blah. It’s not so much the words but who visits the front and says them. Picturing leadership cowering in the ivory tower … you get the picture.
Look, I’ve been around the block and don’t need my hand held. I’ve appreciated your input and civility over many years. Just my thoughts on some leadership. My confidence is still high. Onward. Cheers.
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I think many people here are too much in love with Sean Hehir and that's why they don't criticize him. Personally, I don't think he's doing a good job because he doesn't let us know what's happening and because he doesn't care about the SP. I can't judge the rest of his work, but since he doesn't talk about it (not the minor details, of course), I have to judge it negatively. And it is my right as a stockholder to do so.
It is also the company's job to monitor the SP and make shareholders feel more comfortable about their investments by releasing information more often. It seems to me like he doesn't care about shareholders at all and I don't like that feeling. I have worked for many CEOs in my long life and know how a CEO should appear in public. Sean is not like that at all. You got to the point with Church Mouse.

I really hope I'm completely wrong when I see the next 4C, and I'm more than willing to apologize then.
Because he's never been a ceo before. I was then and still am dubious about his appointment and by now, he should've proven me wrong.....

The board must've had their reasons for selecting him but he has a lot to learn about being a ceo imo

For the record, i hope he does learn, and prove me wrong.
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