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IP deal- within 3months of current two IP announced deals sp rises over 100% or 200-300% in Megachips case.

So even with the design and engagement cycle in mind being 3-4 years or not at all, these new IP deals are still critical in the scheme of things from an investors point of view.
The point some of us on here have been trying to make to those who keep crying over revenue is this takes time as shown by Chapman. Don't get me wrong we all want to see it but we have to realize that it's a very very long cycle to get to that.

Hopefully with Renesas coming to market with a product this year and Megachips next year that we'll see some revenue coming through but for significant revenue as some are expecting(everyday) imv is some time off for now.
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No worries guys. It’s normal to lose 95% of market cap and to not worry about it. Everything’s fine and thankfully all the trolls who don’t agree with that have been deleted. Shorters are wrong and we are in the right.
You haven't been deleted 🤔
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No worries guys. It’s normal to lose 95% of market cap and to not worry about it. Everything’s fine and thankfully all the trolls who don’t agree with that have been deleted. Shorters are wrong and we are in the right.
If speculative buying can take it up to 2.34 then speculative selling can bring it down to 15 cents as well. End of day one good news can change the course and no news could take it further down
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Personally, I don't think he's doing a good job because he doesn't let us know what's happening and because he doesn't care about the SP.
His job is to run the company not to make shareholders feel good about themselves. He has to create a path to success and by trying to make us as shareholders feel good at every whim is not doing his job.

I can't judge the rest of his work, but since he doesn't talk about it (not the minor details, of course), I have to judge it negatively.
Of course you can't judge his work ethic.
I've met him. He's very driven. I've also spoken about him with other board members to get a guage of his work ethic. They couldn't speak any better of him. He doesn't stop.

And it is my right as a stockholder to do so.
Go complain to the company. Yes it is your right but just because you have a right to complain doesn't mean have a right to a satisfactory answer. You might never like the answer you get.

It is also the company's job to monitor the SP and make shareholders feel more comfortable about their investments by releasing information more often. It seems to me like he doesn't care about shareholders at all and I don't like that feeling.
It's actually not their job to monitor the SP and make us feel better about our investment. It's OUR job to do our own research on the company and the industry it's in and make a choice on whether to invest or not.

I have worked for many CEOs in my long life and know how a CEO should appear in public.
That's your opinion and experience. That doesn't automatically apply here or is the same in every company. The CEOs job is to grow the company. Are you saying that we haven't seen any progress whatsoever since Sean came onboard?
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His job is to run the company not to make shareholders feel good about themselves. He has to create a path to success and by trying to make us as shareholders feel good at every whim is not doing his job.
We can discuss this over and over, but it will not change a bit. I am just saying that his job is also to make his team members/people around him do their jobs. They aren't as they are not doing any investor relation management, so he did not do his job in full detail. This is also the reason why so many people are dissatisfied. It is not only the SP that is annoying but also the company being too quiet toward their stockholders. You may like it, I don't.

What Does a CEO Do?​

CEOs are responsible for managing a company's overall operations. This may include delegating and directing agendas, driving profitability, managing company organizational structure, and strategy, and communicating with the board.

CEOs typically have extensive experience in their industry and are tasked with guiding their company toward success and profitability.

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That's your opinion and experience. That doesn't automatically apply here or is the same in every company. The CEOs job is to grow the company. Are you saying that we haven't seen any progress whatsoever since Sean came onboard?
You know exactly that I did not say that! You quoted my saying/sentence.
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No worries guys. It’s normal to lose 95% of market cap and to not worry about it. Everything’s fine and thankfully all the trolls who don’t agree with that have been deleted. Shorters are wrong and we are in the right.
Apple rose to $1.21 in March 2000 and dropped to 23 cents in April 2003.
Amazon was $4.70 in 1999 and dropped to 50 cents in August 2001.

And my favourites, for Bitcoin and Ethereum and many other cryptos a 90% drop in a bear market is very normal, followed by 100's% gains afterwards in a bull.

Ground breaking industries have enormous volatility. I love this playground because I am not a weekly/monthly or even yearly trader in most circumstances.

So yeah, shorters are right with little profit and we are wrong if the time horizon is shorter. We are right and much more profitable if the time horizon is longer.
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You may like it, I don't.
Who said I like it?

I'm not happy with the share price either. I just don't air my grievances about it on here. I absolutely do not get why I or anyone else should?(that's just me though) I know where I need to air my dissatisfaction about the company and then it's up to me whether I believe that my dissatisfaction is worthy of a there there from Tony or not.

I understand what the company needs to do. I understand the timelines. I understand that they cannot tell us stuff(is this frustrating? Fucking hell it is). Is whinging and bitching gonna fix it? No it's not. Following the companies every move and reading anything that mentions Akida or Brainchip makes ME feel good because I can see that they are making progress.
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I'm Spartacus!
Hey Hopalong,
Thanks so much for the gracious reply. I come from an industry where morale was taken very seriously and sometimes an acknowledgment from senior leadership that the troops are doing it tough in the trenches but confidence in the strategy is high blah blah. It’s not so much the words but who visits the front and says them. Picturing leadership cowering in the ivory tower … you get the picture.
Look, I’ve been around the block and don’t need my hand held. I’ve appreciated your input and civility over many years. Just my thoughts on some leadership. My confidence is still high. Onward. Cheers.
No worries Papa. Hope Mama is doing well. 🤣
I take your point, which is why I included that rousing clip which puts a lump in my throat and brings a tear to my eye still, after all these many years and even though I know its from a movie and is engineered to manipulate my emotions...............🤣
We are merely human and have buttons that can be pushed.
I get that.
I just think that even if Sean or Antonio or even PVDM got on the horn and delivered as effective a speech as that, without any credible corroborating news of substance to back it up, then, the next day or the next week when the share price slips another couple of cents we are in an even worse position because managements authority will have been further eroded.

If they had anything of substance beyond what has already been released, they would have done so already.

The situation has not actually fundamentally changed.
It still looks promising from their end.
More and more potential customers are evaluating our offering.
More and more partners, associates and colleagues are joining our, or inviting us to join their, eco-systems.
Stuff is happening.
It's just taking longer than any of us, including our board and management, would like, to tick over that point where it becomes visible to those outside the deal room.

We here are luckier than most in that we get to see hints of just what may be around the corner and have the support of other like minded BRNiacs.

But we certainly are being tested and it is not surprising that some are reaching their limit.

I don't picture Sean or any of the crew cowering in any ivory tower.
Having met some of them, my impression is of driven professionals executing a plan, writ with the benefit of previous successful experience, guiding our company in uncertain and definitely choppy waters.
But, like any of us, subject to the whims of others and operating in a competitive environment where not everything is within their ultimate control.
And also like us, without the benefit of hindsight, beforehand. 🤣

It just takes as long as it takes.
And we just have to suck it up.
Like people have had to, all throughout history. 🤣

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His job is to run the company not to make shareholders feel good about themselves. He has to create a path to success and by trying to make us as shareholders feel good at every whim is not doing his job.

Of course you can't judge his work ethic.
I've met him. He's very driven. I've also spoken about him with other board members to get a guage of his work ethic. They couldn't speak any better of him. He doesn't stop.

Go complain to the company. Yes it is your right but just because you have a right to complain doesn't mean have a right to a satisfactory answer. You might never like the answer you get.

It's actually not their job to monitor the SP and make us feel better about our investment. It's OUR job to do our own research on the company and the industry it's in and make a choice on whether to invest or not.

That's your opinion and experience. That doesn't automatically apply here or is the same in every company. The CEOs job is to grow the company. Are you saying that we haven't seen any progress whatsoever since Sean came onboard?
Sorry buddy, but i have to disagree somewhat.

A key part of the role of a ceo is to be a confident public face of the company and instill confidence in shareholders about where the company is headed.

He hasn't mastered this part of his job yet imo
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It seems to me like he doesn't care about shareholders at all and I don't like that feeling. I have worked for many CEOs in my long life and know how a CEO should appear in public. Sean is not like that at all.
That's your opinion and experience. That doesn't automatically apply here or is the same in every company. The CEOs job is to grow the company. Are you saying that we haven't seen any progress whatsoever since Sean came onboard?
You know exactly that I did not say that! You quoted my saying/sentence.
Ok so what part of my response is not relevant to what you said at the top of this reply?
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A year? You serious? That's a long time for having my money tied up but I cannot sell anyway as me and I'm sure too many here are way too deep in red. Hope it takes less than a year mate. Would rather have the money paying down my mortgage loan (what was I thinking) however I invested it into Brainchip. I agree it's a patience game now. I believe we will see an upswing hopefully on a solid material announcement. We need a customer contract with the Gen 2. That's it
I appreciate your keenness mate but you will need a bit more patience I would expect - just like all of us.

I am not sure what your investment timeline is for BRN but it sounds short for a big result…

We will get announcements in the next 12 months and we all hope some are company changing and revenue changing….

But Sean was clear in his asx investor interview this year - don’t expect much consistent revenue in the next 12 months…that means a choppy share price. My take is a deal/partnership here and there.

After 12 months or more then there probably will be many deals and many revenue streams which then provide more consistency to quarterly revenue.

We do hope that other “Big” companies can also break cover and name Brainchip is in their product lines on mass - that will obviously help - but we also know they want to hide the secret sauce for as long as possible!
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Sorry buddy, but i have to disagree somewhat.

Part of the key role of a ceo is to be a confident public face of the company and instill confidence in shareholders about where the company is headed.

He hasn't mastered this part of his job yet imo
Fair call mate 👍

I can agree somewhat.
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What I always like to do is look at stocks I'm in or consider buying and see what the aftermarket bids look like. This for me shows how much manipulation there is . Now after the auction there were Millions for sale at around the market, but look at the sell depth now. Traders and algos pull their sells.
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Sorry mate if my response came across strong. Just as people are not happy with the companies handling of announcements or the SP. Some comments irk me.

It's wasn't my intention to attack you it's just the general consensus that the company isn't protecting our interests. I think they are.
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To me the market is over bearish on brn. On top the last interview of Antonio add salt on the wounds of investors. The company MC had decline from 5 billion to 270 million and management is not taking any notice of the situation. A lot of institutional investors who have to hold brn as per their requirements to hold brn are feeling frustrated and they are now adding fuel to the fire.
Without a news there is a real possibility we may go down in single digit cents.
But again end of the day it is patience which prevails over tension. I assume more than 99% holders are in loss with brainchip right now. But it is also presenting a life time opportunity.
To me the technology is real but yes management to an extent looks inexperienced for situations like this one. There is a possibility management inexperience can lead into dilution of company but as far as product is concern I assume there is no flaw in that.
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What hasn't been delivered to date ?
Any sign that any company outside BRN has produced a chip containing Akida.

Why bother. Do you think people here actually believe you after your string of lies?

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Fair call mate 👍

I can agree somewhat.
Its a fair call to say we are getting far call at the moment :)
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