BRN Discussion Ongoing

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To think our teams aren't busy would be a huge mistake, just check out this link updated 3 weeks ago, I would assume from
the team in Toulouse, ALL takes time, a lot of time, but if that's what it takes, well just sit back and try to enjoy the ride.

“Just sit back and enjoy the ride”

I‘d love to Tech, but unfortunately the Brainchip bus isn’t travelling through the French Alps, it’s got four flat tyres and it’s crawling through Lebanon.
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I actually don't care if they need a few extra days to finalize anything. I would actually prefer it than have something come out that's only 99% ready.

If this is the case though, I absolutely do care that Brainchip don't communicate the delay to shareholders as their statements up until this point highlight it will be released in Q3 2023 (end of August actually mentioned in the Half Yearly report). Semantics about US being a day behind aside, we should all be pressing Tony for better communication from Brainchip if there is no announcement today.
No I disagree, they need to keep their promises. If there was any doubt about Akida 2.0 not being ready by the end of Q3 then they should never have represented that in the first place. This sends a really negative message if they can't keep a simple promise like this. They need to deliver on the simple stuff or the market will lose faith in the complex stuff.
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I missed that yesterday..
I miss a bit..

That's a huge statement by Nvidia, that all the fuss and fanfare, about what people see as "A.I." is actually misdirected.
Edit : Cliff Berg doesn't work for Nvidia, but the message is still implied, as Nvidia has hinted at it's future direction.

And that products like AKIDA are the future.

We are here now, it's just not happening as quickly as we would like.

Pantenneeee! (voice trails off)
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  1. about to happen.

    'The day I will be rich is imminent'

    synonyms: impending, at hand, close, near, approaching, fast approaching, coming, forthcoming, on the way, about to happen, upon us, in store, in the offing, in the pipeline, on the horizon, in the air, in the wind, brewing, looming, looming large, threatening, menacing, expected, anticipated, on the cards.

    I guess it really is open to interpretation..
The day you will be rich is immanent in BRN.
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
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Tbh, I could not careless whether the AKIDA Gen 2 is announced via ASX as I do not believe it will have any positive impact on the share price unless they simultaneously announce IP contracts.

However, considering their prior commitment to making this announcement and the fact that they missed the initial target of August 31, which was the result of a screw up by Sean (or his team), there is a need for a heightened sense of responsibility.

Ensuring proper execution of basic administrative tasks is a must... If they cannot manage basic administrative responsibilities, it raises questions about their ability to successfully secure multi-million-dollar contracts.

Wake up!

In my opinion only...
It is a recurring theme in your last two paragraphs..

It continually amazes me how glass half full people continue to be with this mob, despite all the evidence to the contrary..

Although, it is also true that a good company doesn’t necessarily mean they are good at communicating well with the market in my view
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No I disagree, they need to keep their promises. If there was any doubt about Akida 2.0 not being ready by the end of Q3 then they should never have represented that in the first place. This sends a really negative message if they can't keep a simple promise like this. They need to deliver on the simple stuff or the market will lose faith in the complex stuff.
As far as I am aware, they have always used the term 'expected release'. Anticipated goal posts do move from time to time in business, no business hits 100% of expected goals on time.

Now if expectations have changed along the way, I as a shareholder, expect to be informed of a possible delay. They just issued a company newsletter via email. A heads up could have easily been put into that newsletter and then expectations wouldn't be prevalent on this forum here today.

But there is still hours left in the business day. We'll see what happens.
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Thnx FMF

What announcements are deemed to be Price Sensitive?

"is deemed to be met if the information would, or would be likely to, influence persons who commonly invest in securities in deciding whether to acquire or dispose of the securities"

Brainchip ...................... Partnering with ARM
...................... Partnering with TATA
........................Partnering with INTEL

FFS .................. i know as sure as hell that if i read these announcements on the ASX Price Sensitive Announcements it would influence me to
ACQUIRE this stock.
Yep, always the interesting one isn't it.

The grey area the company shies from after the Ford one I believe, is the "material" section and whether there is revenue attached blah blah.

There are clauses in the guidance rules around non complete negotiations, trade secrets etc that give some latitude to companies as to not having to disclose at the time.

Guess that's where the NDAs come in though if, as you pointed out, that we can happily disclose "partnerships", whether revenue or material as such, via social media then those particular ones are not behind the NDA wall.

The question is whether the ASX will request another please explain further if a "partnership" was Ann via ASX platform.

Though, in fairness, there are various accepted "partnership" types like technical, development etc which to me imply they are a joint working relationship and not a material revenue partnership at that time however may become so at some point.

The company worries obviously though on name dropping, ramping and fluff Ann's in the eyes of the ASX which is fair enough however, if we rely purely on that statement you picked out then yeah I think some of those partnerships would influence mkt participants but's all grey areas when it comes to ASX.
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I wish I could paint like Vincent
At the introduction of Akida second generation the following companies made comments around anticipated improvements and use.
Obviously some of the above are not in a position to take up an IP license.
Fingers crossed they are working through some finer details with one of the big ones.
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Mea culpa




  1. about to happen.

    'The day I will be rich is imminent'

    synonyms: impending, at hand, close, near, approaching, fast approaching, coming, forthcoming, on the way, about to happen, upon us, in store, in the offing, in the pipeline, on the horizon, in the air, in the wind, brewing, looming, looming large, threatening, menacing, expected, anticipated, on the cards.

    I guess it really is open to interpretation..
My, I mean our, date with Bravo in her hot tub at whatever dollar party she chooses, is imminent.
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Life is not a dress rehearsal!
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Well, I think we know what could fix this problem below.😝

Pretty sure Masayoshi Son would know and pretty sure Sam Altman would know from Shyamal Anadkat's (Open AI) blog about Chat GPT.

Screen Shot -111 am.png

Extract from Shyamal Anadkat's (Open AI) blog 1 June 2023.

Screen Shot 2023-09-29 at 11.19.43 am.png

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An IP contract,
Another capital raise, or
A formal interest from another company with an offer

Anything else is usually deemed ''immaterial'' so not sure what else could fit into this category :unsure:
IP contract ? .... Would be a massive surprise. Can only hope. But ,Think we might need more fairy dust and patience

Capital Raise ? ..... got till the end of the year to clear or increase our LDA arrangements. Just a wacky thought. Would LDA also profit from suppressing our SP for a likely future financial deal ? Given that BRN really did get the best outcome last round , 51 cents ish. In hindsight a very good outcome for us.

Formal interest of a takeover ? .... not a chance in hell. It would be a complete waste of the other Co $ to formalise a takeover offer. As the top holders would 100% block the offers chances of success. Fact. Said Co would be informed of this thru any discussion, which No one would hear off, as it never stood Any chance of success.

Ps. For those that wonder if Maybe some entity is taking a position in BRN. I’m led to believe BRN does monitor the market when needed.

PPs. My tea leaves blew away. I’m off to the shop to get some more
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Tbh, I could not careless whether the AKIDA Gen 2 is announced via ASX as I do not believe it will have any positive impact on the share price unless they simultaneously announce IP contracts.

However, considering their prior commitment to making this announcement and the fact that they missed the initial target of August 31, which was the result of a screw up by Sean (or his team), there is a need for a heightened sense of responsibility.

Ensuring proper execution of basic administrative tasks is a must... If they cannot manage basic administrative responsibilities, it raises questions about their ability to successfully secure multi-million-dollar contracts.

Wake up!

In my opinion only...
IMO ..... all of these issues are adding up big time for when the time comes round at the next AGM " Strike 2 " scenario to play out...............
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Founding Member
IMO ..... all of these issues are adding up big time for when the time comes round at the next AGM " Strike 2 " scenario to play out...............
By next AGM we'll be substantially north of 18c, very likely to see material revenue from Valeo and Mercedes (their 2024 model cars are due to hit the road late 2023).
I have no doubt we'll have signed more license agreement by then too.
The directors know by the next AGM we will not be the same company we are today so I doubt they have any concern at all, despite the threats and calls for Sean's head on here by some.
Meanwhile, half of the people in this forum, equipped with so many of the dots we've collectively put together over the years, are refusing to piss down wind.
Turn around and enjoy the view.
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By next AGM we'll be substantially north of 18c, very likely to see material revenue from Valeo and Mercedes (their 2024 model cars are due to hit the road late 2023).
I have no doubt we'll have signed more license agreement by then too.
The directors know by the next AGM we will not be the same company we are today so I doubt they have any concern at all, despite the threats and calls for Sean's head on here by some.
Meanwhile, half of the people in this forum, equipped with so many of the dots we've collectively put together over the years, are refusing to piss down wind.
Turn around and enjoy the view.
At the last AGM the " Strike 1 " scenario arose from some ~ 174 Mill votes being cast ............. I wonder who cast those votes then and will they be inclined to withdraw those votes this time round based on current circumstances if things don't do a massive positive turnaround in the meantime.
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The point for someone like me is not only about few days delay. It is all about the care.
As LTH knows here, the always give the schedule for accurate conference kind of things but without any material infos. However , it is not the matters of if there is any material to release which gives shorters exactly time line to short the SP. I have mentioned at the end of August and earlier September when the public the day for the conference.

I think most of us more caring about the progress of the product and the company , of course the SP is important.

However , they put the due date for late qtr 3 for Gen 2. Today , they didn’t/can’t deliver again. Which is gives the opportunity for shorters again.

There is no improving for these kind of things which is also important for ASX listing companies , there isn’t showing any care of there shareholders.

I am also hopeless still holding it and complaining it.

Wish everyone will have a good long weekend!

I actually don't care if they need a few extra days to finalize anything. I would actually prefer it than have something come out that's only 99% ready.
If this is the case though, I absolutely do care that Brainchip don't communicate the delay to shareholders as their statements up until this point highlight it will be released in Q3 2023 (end of August actually mentioned in the Half Yearly report). Semantics about US being a day behind aside, we should all be pressing Tony for better communication from Brainchip if there is no announcement today.
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
giphy (2).gif

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