BRN Discussion Ongoing


It will be interesting to see the make up of the box. Which version of Akida would it be set up with?
G'day @Shadow59'

Total guess here but would think the Akida 1500.

Looking at the examples of VVDN's existing products, there is a lot of compute power there already, no need for Akida to come with a CPU. As Megachips was involved with the AKD 1500, this might explain why there is no mention of a license fee.
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That's my issue with the forum and the reason all of my friends left months ago already.
As soon as someone does not agree, logical thinking just stops, and you get called a lier, downramper, stupid, thrown gifs at you ladididi dadidi.
A product, the only one you have, 3 years into commercialization that doesn't sell and even gets called not robust enough by its own company is a failure. End and over.

I can name you an example for a lie regarding this topic.
When the technology was ready for licensing, they said that revenue growth would outgrow expenses. They said that there will be a lot of ip licensing going forward, or other phrases liked it'd become the defacto standard.
Regarding the second gen, there was only an outdated timeline available.
I don't recall when it was, but I think it was some months maybe even only some weeks before the last AGM someone dropped that the "AKD1000 never intended to be a revenue stream"
Now that's a lie with consequences that we can all witness right now.
Can't wait for people making excuses like "he was only talking about physical chips and not IP" or whatever people will come up with.
Good you're still here.
Yes the management has changed some timelines, but mostly because I think they are being honest.
I think they have always said that everything depends on signed contracts and revenue.
The chips were always there to prove the point that the IP works so go make your own chip.
They have acknowledged that this has been a step too hard for most manufacturers. Certainly it looks like a mistake to rely on just Renesas and MegaChips. In any other industry you wouldn't charge these companies, rather you would share profit with them if the on-sold Akida. So it looks like our sales team have been over-confident. Mostly to get traction you need to give away free samples, free introductory offers etc.
To be frank, buying a $40,000 NVDIA chip is cheaper than spending $4000000 designing a chip with Akida inside.
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Morning Rise ,

My last top up was at $0.38 ,

reason being.......

The Carrera Marble surface of the helipad needs re doing..... think i shall go with Mutton Fat Jade, although vastly dearer the wear properties are superior.


Definitely install a smart doorbell on that helipad to keep the riff-raff away.
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Oat latte lover
So we have six trading days till AKD 2.0 twitter announcement.
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Hi jtardif999,

I've been down the Meteor Lake rabbit hole and the news is not good if the press speculation is correct.

Inside Meteor Lake: Intel’s radical new Core chip is optimized for the future (

The NPU is one part of that. Intel’s NPU includes a pair of neural compute engines, each with two VLIW Shade DSPs inside, with inference engines capable of up to eight instructions per cycle. Even for consumers used to parsing the number of cores per chip, base clocks, and turbo clocks, this won’t make a lot of sense. What Intel is trying to convey is that AI requires a ton of multiply-accumulate (MAC) instructions per cycle, and that those engines can perform 2,048 MAC calculations each.
Intel’s secret sauce, though, isn’t just the AI NPU, but how the CPU, GPU, and NPU can all help assist each other. Take the following example. Running 20 iterations of Stable Diffusion, Intel tried various combinations: performing all of the calculations on the CPU, all on the GPU, all on the NPU, and a combination of all three. Performing them all on the NPU took 20.7 seconds and 10 total watts, the most efficient use. But performing them all on the GPU and NPU finished the task in 11.3 seconds, consuming 30W.

Akida does not do "instructions per cycle".
Akida does not do lots of MACs.
Akida does not use Watts.
Fair enough - sounds like a pretty average result though with that power consumption - Intel are not really positioning themselves for the true small device or sensor edge then - just a PC edge. We move on....

Akida for the true edge, small cost, small power, small sensors and devices...and in the billions of small edge devices.
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Founding Member
You've changed man
Sad Cry GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

So has the SP :cry:
We are back at the IPO price :sick:
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Our belief is not enough. We need the belief of a client. Enough to sign a DEAL.
Hey Iseki. You have suggested in your post that no client has signed a deal. Why do you say that? How do you know that? Or do you mean that you just haven't seen substantial revenue yet? Arrr! A deal that results in substantial revenue showing in our 4C! Have patience Iseki.
Lord give me patience ... right bloody now!
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Those that bought more a few days ago, are you still topping up? Asking for my wife... and our marriage.
Anyone know any cheap divorce lawyers. Thanks
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Me now after looking at my BRN holdings :confused:

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Just picked up 30k more shares at .20 hopefully this is near the bottom. Me thinks thing will start to rise Friday afternoon going into next week before the release of 2.0.
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Hi Dio

Should your final summary read with two simple words “ operating alone” ie

“Akida operating alone does not do "instructions per cycle".
Akida operating alone does not do lots of MACs.
Akida operating alone does not use Watts.”

I say this because surely a PC containing a SOC being operated would not just use one part alone. All 4 tiles contains cumpute function and would be in operation. Akida could be in there still.

It’s a bit like mixed fruit juice containing apples and oranges. Doesn’t tast like apple. Doesn’t taste like orange. But still contains both 😜
I was thinking this myself - Intel may have to make Akida "compatible/integrated" with their old tech..."make it dumber" - so in the end the measures are in old tech! I guess we will wait and see.
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Learning to the Top 🕵‍♂️
25 + Millions short positions was closed on the 15th. So who brought the rest of the volume on last friday?


Learning 🪴
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Oat latte lover
Anyone know any cheap divorce lawyers. Thanks
There is always an alternative way to cover your losses
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Hey Iseki. You have suggested in your post that no client has signed a deal. Why do you say that? How do you know that? Or do you mean that you just haven't seen substantial revenue yet? Arrr! A deal that results in substantial revenue showing in our 4C! Have patience Iseki.
Lord give me patience ... right bloody now!
Don't take this the wrong way, but if BRN or it's licensees has a signed deal, and they are refusing to let the cat out of the bag for long term marketing reasons whilst the SP drops 90% they will have done the wrong thing by the retail investors. Insiders would have been in the know so could hold their stock, but outsiders left out to dry, and this hasn't been BRN's form to date. ie if there are NDA's then BRN should ask to be released from them.
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I wondered the same thing... is this a Rasberry Pi on steroids? Will be interesting to see VVDN's input on the new product.
VVDN is a very large and successful company. I doubt they would be making a neuromorphic edge box available if they hadn't already made sure there was a market for them to sell into.

Just my opinion
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Don't take this the wrong way, but if BRN or it's licensees has a signed deal, and they are refusing to let the cat out of the bag for long term marketing reasons whilst the SP drops 90% they will have done the wrong thing by the retail investors. Insiders would have been in the know so could hold their stock, but outsiders left out to dry, and this hasn't been BRN's form to date. ie if there are NDA's then BRN should ask to be released from them.
That would be a serious breach of the ASX's continuous disclosure rules. I doubt that is the case - the company is very sensitive about the ASX Listing Rules.
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Don't take this the wrong way, but if BRN or it's licensees has a signed deal, and they are refusing to let the cat out of the bag for long term marketing reasons whilst the SP drops 90% they will have done the wrong thing by the retail investors. Insiders would have been in the know so could hold their stock, but outsiders left out to dry, and this hasn't been BRN's form to date. ie if there are NDA's then BRN should ask to be released from them.
1. I appreciate that you have concerns, and in particular about the decline in our share price over time. I have a substantial holding in BRN and I am also concerned about the decline ... but not worried.

2. A lot of shareholders are of the mistaken belief that the company management is responsible for the share price movement up or down. To quote our management - "The share price will do what the share price does." The management's job is NOT to try to manipulate share price up or down. I believe that this would be illegal.

3. I think you may not be fully appreciate the importance of NDAs. Without them we would not have relationships with a lot of major companies that we work with. In part, this is the reason that many contracts are deliberately written to include clauses in which certain conditions have to be met first. After all; in the developmental stage future revenues are unpredictable, and we must support and nurture these relationships in order for them to blossom.

We all hope that the share price will turn around soon. I am looking forward to seeing each new 4C which may herald the return to better share prices. Another 4 or 5 weeks to wait for the next one. lol
Cheers, Deena
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Sent a test email to the Sales Team to make sure that their email address is working. Due to the time difference, I don't expect a response until tomorrow?

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