BRN Discussion Ongoing

Sent a test email to the Sales Team to make sure that their email address is working. Due to the time difference, I don't expect a response until tomorrow?

View attachment 45115
So you just sent one word šŸ¤”
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Topped up at 20c. Panic is the best time to buy. Saved some $ for further falls that may happen.
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
Topped up at 20c. Panic is the best time to buy. Saved some $ for further falls that may happen.
Also have an order in @ 19c
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Top 20
Topped up at 20c. Panic is the best time to buy. Saved some $ for further falls that may happen.
Because 20c isn't a steal........?
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They are different as in the one with Akida so be way less power hungry and likely a cheaper box as it's a cheaper processo
In m yh opinion the market does not see the value of this news yet. Also we don't need t o sell IP as if a customer needed over a million chips then IP is the cost effective way to go. Say VVDN sell 100 t o 500 tousand units IPnwould not be needed. I do not know the vol ujme of sales of thethese boxes. But this is fantastic in my mind.
When I first bought brainchip a few years ago... I had to do exactly that to find out "what's a neuromorphic chip anyway." It's all hot news now... but new products like Intel's Meteor Lake seem to use the terms NPU/AI accelerator interchangeably. I wasn't after the snide remarks... I was simply stating that I wasn't aware Edge AI boxes were a thing until today. Qualcomm and Nvidia have jumped in first, I'm banking on Akida being better... but even so.. it's pretty stiff competition against the tech giants. "Neuromorphic" or not... their competing products.. to date at least.. have proven good enough.
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No podcast for this month??
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HAhaha I don't imagine you'll get a reply for "test"
From what I can tell they don't get many emails so maybe they will :D
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All I can say is I hope that the decision you made is based on research you did and not on sentiment on a social media platform. Ultimately you and only you need to live with that outcome. I wish you the best.
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While many are fearful, I have been very greedy all week long on the BRCHF front.

Hope the blood on the street dries up soon.
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All I can say is I hope that the decision you made is based on research you did and not on sentiment on a social media platform. Ultimately you and only you need to live with that outcome. I wish you the best.
He's still got some in super so will still benefit if brn takes off into the sunset
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Hadn't seen this page before on Nviso.

Has it been updated anyone?


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25 + Millions short positions was closed on the 15th. So who brought the rest of the volume on last friday?

View attachment 45111 View attachment 45112

Learning šŸŖ“

Last time the shorts dropped back this much and this severely, was back in late December 22 (mind you that's when a lot of us were expecting imminent revenue).

The SP just after went form about 0.66 to about 0.82, so about 20% up

Then it was steady decline in the SP, and a steady rise in the shorts again.

Interesting to see how the next 3 to 4 weeks go, for the short levels in particular. 5 weeks until the 4C, pretty sure its going to be donuts again but hopefully we can get a surprise or two before then
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Some serious bad timing and Irony if all the instoā€™s having to sell down BRN now due to BRN falling out of the asx200ā€¦then there is a sizeable pop in revenue in a quarterly soon that proves out a deal with Intel! Sean is playing his cards very close to his chest.

This is going to be interesting. Could well be the the biggest stock turn around in history of the ASX if this plays out favourably.

In regards to general SP. Well we rode up the good times on entering the ASX200 and insto funds buying in and now we have to ride out the bad times of them all selling out in one tight time period which is just exacerbated selling - it not quite normal, but is it an opportunity at these prices? ā€¦time will tell. This silly SP time will pass.

The Intel story sure is interesting - a question for the real tech heads out there - was Loihi dev heading in this local PC local AI processing direction and for release now? or do we think that some ā€œother techā€ has helped them leapfrog forward here? For what they are claiming their new chip can do.

So you just sent one word šŸ¤”
lol pissa
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1. I appreciate that you have concerns, and in particular about the decline in our share price over time. I have a substantial holding in BRN and I am also concerned about the decline ... but not worried.

2. A lot of shareholders are of the mistaken belief that the company management is responsible for the share price movement up or down. To quote our management - "The share price will do what the share price does." The management's job is NOT to try to manipulate share price up or down. I believe that this would be illegal.

3. I think you may not be fully appreciate the importance of NDAs. Without them we would not have relationships with a lot of major companies that we work with. In part, this is the reason that many contracts are deliberately written to include clauses in which certain conditions have to be met first. After all; in the developmental stage future revenues are unpredictable, and we must support and nurture these relationships in order for them to blossom.

We all hope that the share price will turn around soon. I am looking forward to seeing each new 4C which may herald the return to better share prices. Another 4 or 5 weeks to wait for the next one. lol
Cheers, Deena
Hi Deena,
1. me too, and I see many of our friends here have sold down. I don't even think zeebot is still around.
2. This is an example of the arrogance of the BRN board that may well sink the ship. The share price will go up if they get more revenue creating deals. This is their job. If it's too hard like the last head of sale's leaving indicated, then the board need to change direction and find another path to market.
3. If the NDA's are hurting BRN and aren't giving any help to our customers, then what is the harm in asking they we renegotiate them. If you trust the board then surely you must trust trust their judgement. I trust them, but I think they have made some missteps due to being overly confident.

Apart from that I agree with you entirely.
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ā€¦ and leave aside any Baseless Unfounded Theories for the time being? šŸ¤­

Just an observation on my part, which may or may not be of any significance:
Iā€™ve been wondering (especially after Colleen Vitoloā€™s comment ā€œGreat job Todd and Rob!ā€ that @Dhm had spotted on Sept 8: whether there was any particular reason why Tony Dawe did not comment on the fact that the entity under number 17 in Fact Finderā€™s list of corporate and academic engagements reads ā€œIntelā€ rather than ā€œIntel Foundry Services (IFS)ā€?

View attachment 45058

It may just seem a technicality, as of course Intel is the company behind IFS and Brainchip even uses the (old, pre-2020) Intel logo on their partnership website (whereas recent Brainchip presentations have been using the IFS logo instead), but my point is ā€œIntelā€ being listed could suggest to readers that there is more collaboration with Brainchip than just the foundry business, which, however, is the only technology partnership between Brainchip and Intel that has so far been officially announced. So in a list of relationships that have been publicly acknowledged to date, Iā€™d personally expect to find ā€œIFSā€ rather than ā€œIntelā€.

I was actually going to point this out to @Fact Finder himself, after he had reposted that compilation of companies and universities in his recent article questioning NVIDIAā€™s long-term survival, but I noticed he has since changed the name from ā€œIntelā€ to ā€œIntel Foundriesā€. Maybe he is willing to shed some light on the reason for his editing? His own proofreading or someone elseā€™s? If so, was that someone else by any chance a Brainchip employee?

So the question is: Does the fact that neither Rob Telson nor his colleagues in the US found it necessary to correct the entityā€™s name under number 17 on the list (initially at least) indicate there is further collaboration with Intel, not only through the foundry business alone (however, overlooking the fact that no public announcement has so far been made) or do they simply not bother to differentiate between Intel Foundry Services and Intel? šŸ¤”
Reckon based on Brownchips record of typo and talko errors in reports and presentations, Iā€™d just assume Intel means Intel Foundry and all that entails
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386 buyers for 11,788,971 units
357 sellers for 23,751,865 units
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I believe the offers for BRN will only come once the big boys start realising near enough isnā€™t good enough for their in-house tech and that Akida is an integral part of the Edge AI ecosystem.. Supply demand type of squeeze..
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