Looking at the charts, the last time our SP was this low was in August 2020.
Over three years ago. July that year (SP at around 11 cents), our Adika 1000 wafer fabrication was complete. Basically similar to where Weebit is now IMO product development wise.
Yes, there has been dilution since then, but since then we have had:
Vorago collaboration.
Renesas and Megachips IP agreements.
Large household names in our EAP programme.
Strategic product changes changing to an IP model from a chip one.
Akida 1500 and 2000 (about to be released).
Heaps of other smaller although important steps to solidify Branchip's future.
The SP is way disengaged with the fundamentals right now. Our SP has been suffering since 2022 and I dabble a little bit in charting and this sort of price movement destroys retail. Apart from us here, there can't be many retail still in.
This will reverse hard once the coast is clear. Better to get this out the way without an announcement as well, we can all deal with red (surely we are used to it now). If we announced our latest version into this sell-off, it would be very hard to boom up again.
Like many here I am in this for 0 or hero (once it is fairly valued). There will be no middle ground as well for Brainchip as well. All the signs point to hero apart from one right now, and that is the SP. It will adjust itself in time.