Renesas is still on our home page as partner.Hi all, am i or have i missed something about Renesas ?
No longer on this page, or elsewhere ?
View attachment 37152
Renesas is still on our home page as partner.Hi all, am i or have i missed something about Renesas ?
No longer on this page, or elsewhere ?
View attachment 37152
Good Afternoon Realinfo,Roger Dodger’s full and unexpurgated commentary to the AGM…
’My name is Roger Manning and I’ve been a shareholder since 2016.
Last year, I suggested our company was one that showed potential. Twelve months on, very little has changed, although it would be fair to say it’s potential has been enhanced.
Last year I questioned the merits of paying yourselves the level of remuneration you were asking shareholders to approve. I said it was premature and excessive and that it should only be paid after it was earned, by achieving things above and beyond what shareholders could reasonably expect from simply doing your job. But approve it we did…and in 2022, pay it you did.
It may surprise shareholders to learn that in 2022, our chairman and other directors paid themselves more than their peers at BHP and CBA…companies that in 2022 generated billions in profits and paid their shareholders billions in dividends. It may also surprise shareholders to learn that in 2022, our CEO was paid a similar amount to his counterparts in the same companies.
Last year we we’re told…judge me not on effort, but on results. We can debate until the cows come home what constitutes results, but with public companies, the sole arbiter of results and success is demonstrated by the share price. On this day last year, it was $1.27…today it’s 40 odd cents.
The level of remuneration you’re asking us to approve for 2023 simply adds insult to shareholder injury. Once again, it’s premature and excessive. I believe you’ve lost sight of reality, when it comes to what is above and beyond what can reasonably be expected from simply doing your job, and thus be rewarded, and what is simply doing your job.
If you’re dinkum about your commitment to our company, then pay yourselves your already generous basic salaries and nothing more, until our company earns more than it spends.
I believe you all have a sense of entitlement, and this must end.’
I will leave it to your vivid imaginations, how this text came into my possession.
I must say that I was surprised by the vote on remuneration. It was not merely a strike, but for mine the vote was lost, rejected, thrown out by a majority of shareholders. Me myself personally thinks this is more than just a strike, but I stand to be corrected.
Roger and out !!
I tend to agree mate, only a week ago or so Szl asx went from .60c - $22 overnight once listed on NasdaqThey would do well to get onto Nasdaq for recognition worldwide ASAP and beginning our trajectory northwards.
Nasdaq WILL crack the icy waters of International business community IMO. Vlad.
AwesomeThis made me laugh ,
Bloody brilliant
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Watch the beautiful reactions from these two elderly gents as they take a ride in an autonomous Uber 😊 #tech #autonomousvehicles #technology…www.linkedin.com
From an ASX Release 24 May 2023 "Sezzle, advises that following the implementation of the reverse stock-split as approved by stockholders at the Special Stockholder Meeting held on 24 April 2023, on a 38 for 1 basis"I tend to agree mate, only a week ago or so Szl asx went from .60c - $22 overnight once listed on Nasdaq
Unsure what the requirements are?!
.60 X 38 = $22.80 ripped offFrom an ASX Release 24 May 2023 "Sezzle, advises that following the implementation of the reverse stock-split as approved by stockholders at the Special Stockholder Meeting held on 24 April 2023, on a 38 for 1 basis"
Not Financial Advice, DYOR
Looking forward to AkidO 2975 which will make us rich.... one day...Time will prove that Sean Hehir is a WARRIOR!
Just go READ Sean’s prepared address, quietly, removed from all the cynical BS, and really grasp the progress and SETUP we have for the next 12 months.
He might not be the best at reading a script, but he sure knows the industry in depth!
Akida 1.0 was a necessary step.
Akida 1.5 is a necessary bridge.
2nd Gen Akida is a market darling.
3rd Gen Akida…yeah, try to dislodge us then!
Something doesn’t smell right here. I know nothing about SZL, but a quick look at the numbers indicate the following - MC $118.9m, SP $21.87. If we divide this market SP by the SP last week ($0.60) it means the stock has roughly 36x in a week (assuming no reverse split has taken place). If we divide the market cap by 36, this tells us the MC before NAS listing was $3.3m - hardly comparable to Brainchip is it?I tend to agree mate, only a week ago or so Szl asx went from .60c - $22 overnight once listed on Nasdaq
Unsure what the requirements are?!
I tend to agree mate, only a week ago or so Szl asx went from .60c - $22 overnight once listed on Nasdaq
Unsure what the requirements are?!
This sounds about right."To satisfy the minimum US$4.00 bid price required by the initial listing requirements of the Nasdaq Global Market, the Company’s Board of Directors has approved, subject to stockholder approval, a reverse split of the Company’s common stock."
"...anticipates completing each of these activities no later than September 30, 2023."
Not listed on NASDAQ, just intends to.
1-for-38 reverse stock split to increase the price of a single share in order for them to list on the NASDAQ as per requirement above.
The $22 is thus ~58c
HaHa, ........................... speaking of AKIDOLooking forward to AkidO 2975 which will make us rich.... one day...
I don't understand... I thought we had heaps of engagements and feedbacks from all these EAPs hiding behind NDAs when we were designing our NSoC... and feedbacks were very exciting, promisimg and everyone loved it........ but now we r saying it was only meant to be step 1 and 1.5......
we keep engaging many many many many EAPs but still release some sort of incomplete product only useful for few customers...
Great point OJWell, its been quite a pile on since the AGM….
Yesterday came away disappointed, but a quiet read thru of the Chairmans & CEO addresses this morning has re-excited me about BRN prospects.
Sean may not be the gifted orator expected by some. For ASX rule purposes he had to stick strictly to the script and was put under too tight a time frame to deliver his speech by the Company. I believe he has changed for the better the focus and structure of our company. That was needed and he deserves the thanks of shareholder.
Most importantly he knows how to put a technology adoption roadmap together!
AGM Quote: we are “building a a commercialisation engine!”. I like the word Engine.
Previously the strategy followed was that all we needed to do was build a better mousetrap and sales would follow. We have all learned we need to bait the trap as well!
(As an aside, one day the market will realise that our mousetrap is quite disruptive. I wonder did it have a code name C.A.T).
I like having the Research, Marketing, Engineering, Sales functions aligned for commercial success, underpinned by quality staff. A company culture focussed on commercialisation and turning technical leads into sales is primed for success. Fundamentally we have been positioned right in the middle of the coming neuromorphic revolution. According to independent research reports the addressable markets are very large.
OK, income haven’t come as quickly or as strongly as we would like. Big Negative.
So we may have to forget for the moment income coming from markets where good enough alternatives exist. EG smart Doorbells?
But where there is demand for advanced object detection, sequence prediction, low power and self learning requirements Akida comes into its own. EG Self Driving Automobiles. That market will focus on products that give a technology edge and will be prepared to pay for it.
AGM Quote: “it is important to note that we are not losing to others - it’s just taking longer.”
This morning we have had confirmation that Brainchip’s world leadership in edge AI on-chip processing and learning is being protected in the USA ( arguably the world’s most important AI technology powerhouse). That augurs well for future market positioning and success.
Finally Shareholders and the market do not like surprises. Hopefully our Board will get the message.
Communicating with shareholders and bringing them on board with Management plans and actions is 101 Shareholders Relations.
Why were Board Members not introduced to the meeting yesterday?
Why not ask Board Members to say a few words about why they are working for the Company’s success, and to explain how they are making an impact on the success of the Company. Shareholders better knowing and understanding the global quality of Board Members could take the heat out of Remuneration Motions.
One of the strengths of our Company is the technical expertise and knowledge of Company Leaders. Understandably their focus is on disseminating technical news to technology ecosystems etc. They talk that language. But this needs to be balanced by better understanding the needs and concerns of Shareholders.
People have responded well to the Chairmans address and explanation of the technology development cycle
I don’t see why this (and similar explanations) could not have been earlier circulated to Shareholders in a series of “Briefing Documents”. These would be educational in nature. They could help shareholders understand the technical and market commercialisation challenges faced by the company and provide some comfort to shareholders about the directions the company. Much better than being hit with unexpected news at a AGM.
The appointment of a Communications Expert would be welcome.
As always, just my opinion.
There are rules that you need to meet to list on the NASDAQI tend to agree mate, only a week ago or so Szl asx went from .60c - $22 overnight once listed on Nasdaq
Unsure what the requirements are?!
Who is requiring the NDA - BRN or the potential to be customer?These calls for Fact Finder to come and pour some soothing lotion on the burns are made in jest, I hope. With all the due respect one can earn on an anonymous forum, I have respect for him, the research and insights he posted specific to BRN, and the general anecdotes to life. However, let's be clear, he is not the Mesiah, cometh to ease the burdens of people that aren't enjoying reading a hard word about the company. I'd also imagine that FF wouldn't want that burden to shoulder.
Ok, now that that's off my chest, I'm in two minds about the AGM. I'm glad that it was a no bullshit presentation and that the facts, to the best of the boards and CEO's ability, were laid bare. It's a bitter pill to swallow, as the 2022 AGM painted a much more positive picture with strong suggestions of growth in FY23. As this obviously hasn't happened, it was either a massive miscalculation or it was exaggeration and hyperbole.
I agree that Sean didn't present well, and as much as I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt, he's in a position where he needs to perform at a higher level, and his performance is one of many factors in the litmus test that makes up his remuneration. I just pray that his performance away from the public eye makes up for his public performance.
I'll admit I only caught bits of the AGM as I was listening to it while working and had competing priorities, so I may have misheard or misinterpreted the NDA topic. What got to me though, is the company has been hanging it's hat on the amount of NDA's they have, which naturally leads investors to believe the client relationship is progressing (naturally at differing levels). What I understood of Antonio's response to the question on NDA's is that they are pretty much boiler plate for any company initiating engagement with BRN, so while some have the potential to proceed, they are not in and of themselves anything more than enquiries. Maybe I'm naive, but I had a different understanding of them.
I'm going to continue to hold, and still believe in the tech and PVDM, but there is, in my mind, a disconnect between the tech and the foundation, and the management approach to shareholder engagement.
Oh, and Roger, if you're on here... Legend!
Sean most likely IMO felt he was in the Lions Den.Draed ........... Totally agree with your post.
IMO .......... There were two other things at the AGM that also stood out big time to me, these being :
1) The question from someone in the audience who stated that he was a CEO from another rather large organisation and how dissatisfied and baffled he was with the proposition that Sean nor the board were unwilling and unable to give any financial forcasts or guidances. IMO, This question really through a curved ball at Sean and the Board and questioned how the Co could take / make any forward moves without actually knowing where the Co financially stands at present or even a few years down the track.
2) Also of concern to me was the situation that the Co would not devulge what was or is contained within the so called 5 year Co plan that Sean had submitted and which was eventually approved by the Board.
Once again this AGM was a situation of keeping s/holders in the dark and invoking the onging " Cone of Silence " treatment.
Yes Sam we would for sure have a fair value placed on our SP very quickly too I would think… 22dollars makes a good starting point. VladI tend to agree mate, only a week ago or so Szl asx went from .60c - $22 overnight once listed on Nasdaq
Unsure what the requirements are?!
Jeez. There's plenty of evidence from his interviews that he's busy. Then we expect him to deliver a brilliant speech. He could likely have been preparing for his next interview, interrupted fielding calls from potential customers etc etc etc.If he was rehearsed, he could've looked at what should've been bullet points and expanded. He's the CEO and he should, regardless of flash, be able to deliver at an AGM. He only has to do it once a year and he should've rehearsed it ad nauseam. This is his annual chance to make an impression and he fumbled around, looked for assistance, and generally screwed the pooch...
While yesterdays AGM didn’t reveal much, I was reminded by something that someone said that the BrainChip team does not discuss what their customers are doing, that’s their business. From what we all know about Renesas and MegaChips I believe they are closer to bringing Akida to market than many think.
The patent today looks like a very important and valuable one.