BRN Discussion Ongoing


The mood did shift somewhat with that one!
Along with the diversion about the board forking out some of their own hard earned to buy shares on market to show they fully believe in what they say.

Yeah, I really hope they (the board and co) take this first strike seriously.

There is alot of peoples money tied up in this stock. I work incredibly hard as a doctor. If I mess up, there are real consequences to pay. I don't then ask for a bonus!

I get there are challenges for the company, but their job is literally to deliver results... to the owners of the company, which is us. And as they said in the last agm, that would be evident in the financials. Everything else is hidden with NDAs.

I believe in the product. I understand the human brain, neurons and the efficiency they deliver for sensing and interpreting our environment. So when I came across this company several years ago, it made sense to take inspiration from nature, to develop more efficient processing of data in spikes... or action potentials as we call it.

It will be a radical transformation of the entire ecosystem of data processing and one that has to take place for humans to continue evolving our technologies.

The example I always come back to, is driving. When we drive, we concentrate on the road, we notice important events like other cars merging or stop signs. Our vision can take in a whole scene, like trees, rubbish on the ground or shop front, but what it needs to know is events that matter to driving safely. So your brain processes this information with spikes. If an event is important such as a pedestrian stepping out in front of you, your brain will pay attention and rightly ignore almost all other information, it deems unimportant. That's what makes the brain and our sensing capabilities very efficient. To know what is important information and what is junk.

Von neumans computing due to its nature, has to take all information it encouters and process it, even the junk information. Which just pushes electrons around for no reason, causing heat and using excess energy.

We've reach an upper limit of processing speeds and heat distribution. Computers are no longer getting more and more powerful as per Moore's law, which once applied.

So something has to change and I believe we have the right idea. AKIDA 1000 might not have been the right fit, but we've learnt and adapted. With new products coming online soon.

But for this company to continue growing, the shareholders need to know that the new products work. We need our company execs to show us it works and it has practical, real world applications and will be sold in significant numbers.

Show us that, show us it working, a fancy presentation to us. Don't hide behind NDAs, that's just lazy. They need to restore shareholder confidence.

Just my opinion... still hoping for the best... but some changes need to happen.


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Could it be possible that Sean had an entirely different speech prepared for the AGM and was handed the board approved (ASX version) at the last minute? I know it sounds far-fetched but it would explain the delivery if he wasn't familiar with the text.
I have always thought he comes across really well in the podcasts when he's just in conversation and I suspect this is what he'd be like when engaging with customers.
I say this from a completely humble position.

Sean is still a pup of a CEO.
He's still learning, still growing into the position.

I definitely think he's made of the right stuff, to become a Great CEO, just as BrainChip, which is still only a pup as well, has the makings of a technology Giant.

The Company isn't doing everything right, still making mistakes, but always learning.

Nothing that is worthwhile comes easy and if we are to become financially successful (we are already technologically successful) it will be through the perseverance and drive of our people, not AKIDA.

Although having AKIDA helps 😉
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Jeez. There's plenty of evidence from his interviews that he's busy. Then we expect him to deliver a brilliant speech. He could likely have been preparing for his next interview, interrupted fielding calls from potential customers etc etc etc.
When was his last interview?

He gets paid enough to deliver to his shareholders once a year...
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Jeez. There's plenty of evidence from his interviews that he's busy. Then we expect him to deliver a brilliant speech. He could likely have been preparing for his next interview, interrupted fielding calls from potential customers etc etc etc.
Anyway, it's history and the majority of shareholders expressed their disapproval, resulting in strike one. I think it was well deserved. Onwards and upwards...
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ASX investor will be posting an interview with Sean Hehir on his YouTube channel. He posted a photo of him and Sean doing the interview on his Instagram story.

Looking forward to what he has to say.

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Jeez. There's plenty of evidence from his interviews that he's busy. Then we expect him to deliver a brilliant speech. He could likely have been preparing for his next interview, interrupted fielding calls from potential customers etc etc etc.
Rofl... if he can't even deliver a proper speech for the investors, how is he going to face clients and sell products?
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Newk R

I reckon we need a top CEO in Australia and top marketing and sales people in the US.
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I say this from a completely humble position.

Sean is still a pup of a CEO.
He's still learning, still growing into the position.

I definitely think he's made of the right stuff, to become a Great CEO, just as BrainChip, which is still only a pup as well, has the makings of a technology Giant.

The Company isn't doing everything right, still making mistakes, but always learning.

Nothing that is worthwhile comes easy and if we are to become financially successful (we are already technologically successful) it will be through the perseverance and drive of our people, not AKIDA.

Although having AKIDA helps 😉
Hi DB,

Some of the "mistakes" the company is said to have made can be attributed to the rapid changes in the NN technology.

We put the Akida 1 engineering samples out for testing by the EAPs, and made several changes based on their feedback, most notably optional 4-bit weights and activations and the CNN2SNN converter.

So we redesigned Akida 1 and produced it, only to find the market now wanted LSTM for speech and video. Then, even while our engineers were burning the candle at both ends, along came the newly created transformers which were more efficient at handling time-varying inputs like speech and video. This is very important in translation. (This website comes with a recommendation to enter with a bucket in case your brain explodes)

It should be noted that there was no existing hardware implementation for LSTMs or transformers at the time. They are both software concepts, transformers being adapted to run on GPUs and LSTMs more suited for a more serial-based processing on CPUs.

So really Akida Gen 2 is another major technological breakthrough by BrainChip pretty much on a par with the digital SNN, and, while a few privileged EAPs are aware of it (we've seen the comments) or its software simulation, this is something which should be trumpeted from the rooftops ... but alas, the technology is so complex that it would be more complex than explaining the Higgs Boson.
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While yesterdays AGM didn’t reveal much, I was reminded by something that someone said that the BrainChip team does not discuss what their customers are doing, that’s their business. From what we all know about Renesas and MegaChips I believe they are closer to bringing Akida to market than many think.
The patent today looks like a very important and valuable one.
After the AGM I assume Sean wants to change the expectations.
With LDN it was always try to remain in limelight while Sean wants to go ahead calmly. There are a lot of expectations and hype from holders and many of them are only day traders.
So Sean does not want to hype anything and wants to stick to basics so that team can work without much pressure.
Hopefully the change of management style will go well for long term holders.
Only time will tell what is waiting next for us.
On the other hand the old saying is coming true 'there is a distance between cup and the lips'
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Roger Dodger’s full and unexpurgated commentary to the AGM…

’My name is Roger Manning and I’ve been a shareholder since 2016.

Last year, I suggested our company was one that showed potential. Twelve months on, very little has changed, although it would be fair to say it’s potential has been enhanced.

Last year I questioned the merits of paying yourselves the level of remuneration you were asking shareholders to approve. I said it was premature and excessive and that it should only be paid after it was earned, by achieving things above and beyond what shareholders could reasonably expect from simply doing your job. But approve it we did…and in 2022, pay it you did.

It may surprise shareholders to learn that in 2022, our chairman and other directors paid themselves more than their peers at BHP and CBA…companies that in 2022 generated billions in profits and paid their shareholders billions in dividends. It may also surprise shareholders to learn that in 2022, our CEO was paid a similar amount to his counterparts in the same companies.

Last year we we’re told…judge me not on effort, but on results. We can debate until the cows come home what constitutes results, but with public companies, the sole arbiter of results and success is demonstrated by the share price. On this day last year, it was $1.27…today it’s 40 odd cents.

The level of remuneration you’re asking us to approve for 2023 simply adds insult to shareholder injury. Once again, it’s premature and excessive. I believe you’ve lost sight of reality, when it comes to what is above and beyond what can reasonably be expected from simply doing your job, and thus be rewarded, and what is simply doing your job.

If you’re dinkum about your commitment to our company, then pay yourselves your already generous basic salaries and nothing more, until our company earns more than it spends.

I believe you all have a sense of entitlement, and this must end.’

I will leave it to your vivid imaginations, how this text came into my possession.

I must say that I was surprised by the vote on remuneration. It was not merely a strike, but for mine the vote was lost, rejected, thrown out by a majority of shareholders. Me myself personally thinks this is more than just a strike, but I stand to be corrected.

Roger and out !!
Hit the nail on the head.

We all love our company and are a passionate BRN community.

I believe going forward that management and shareholders interest need to be aligned.

I see the day after the AGM as a restart that our company needed.

I believe all Shareholders including myself would approve bonus on results.

Unfortunately our team didn’t get the results this past year, but it doesn’t mean they weren’t trying.

Unfortunately in the real world we get rewarded financially if we achieved expected results.

I back our management to start a fresh.

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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
Hi DB,

Some of the "mistakes" the company is said to have made can be attributed to the rapid changes in the NN technology.

We put the Akida 1 engineering samples out for testing by the EAPs, and made several changes based on their feedback, most notably optional 4-bit weights and activations and the CNN2SNN converter.

So we redesigned Akida 1 and produced it, only to find the market now wanted LSTM for speech and video. Then, even while our engineers were burning the candle at both ends, along came the newly created transformers which were more efficient at handling time-varying inputs like speech and video. Mechanism in the Transformer Neural Network. The,output vector. This is very important in translation. (This website comes with a recommendation to enter with a bucket in case your brain explodes)

It should be noted that there was no existing hardware implementation for LSTMs or transformers at the time. They are both software concepts, transformers being adapted to run on GPUs and LSTMs more suited for a more serial-based processing on CPUs.

So really Akida Gen 2 is another major technological breakthrough by BrainChip pretty much on a par with the digital SNN, and, while a few privileged EAPs are aware of it (we've seen the comments) or its software simulation, this is something which should be trumpeted from the rooftops ... but alas, the technology is so complex that it would be more complex than explaining the Higgs Boson.
Thanks for that explanation Dio .. very interesting
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bavarian girl ;-)

By Alun Williams 24th May 2023

Video: Let’s Talk Electronics – BrainChip and MikroE on neuromorphic computing and remote development​

At the recent Embedded World 2023, which took place in Nuremberg, Electronics Weekly‘s Group Editor, Clive Couldwell caught up with MikroE and BrainChip to discuss their technologies in more depth.

With Nandan Nayampally – CMO of BrainChip – he discussed neuromorphic computing, how it works and possible applications.
And with Neb Matic – CEO of MikroElektronika – they considered remote embedded development, working on a board via live streaming.

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Nice and close to the bar after yesterday's grilling at the AGM 🤣

Sean seems a lot more confident than yesterday. A couple of Johnny Blues may have helped.
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bavarian girl ;-)
I find it remarkable that Brainchip is getting more and more on the radar on all sorts of sites! "Wall Street Online":

The biggest climbers of the week from May 17th to May 24th, 2023 in the w:eek: community

Dear wallstreet:eek:nline user,

In weekly sections we present the top 15 rising stocks in our community. We show you the stocks that have seen the biggest gains in our community's attention over the past week. It is often a question of values where important events such as ad hoc events have occurred or quarterly figures are pending. Feel free to stop by and join the discussion.

Every Wednesday at 8:00 a.m. we present the most interesting values. Subscribe to the author now to be always up to date.

Have fun using this clear, cumulative securities display!

Brainchip Holdings
monthperformance +1,96%

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Hi DB,

Some of the "mistakes" the company is said to have made can be attributed to the rapid changes in the NN technology.

We put the Akida 1 engineering samples out for testing by the EAPs, and made several changes based on their feedback, most notably optional 4-bit weights and activations and the CNN2SNN converter.

So we redesigned Akida 1 and produced it, only to find the market now wanted LSTM for speech and video. Then, even while our engineers were burning the candle at both ends, along came the newly created transformers which were more efficient at handling time-varying inputs like speech and video. This is very important in translation. (This website comes with a recommendation to enter with a bucket in case your brain explodes)

It should be noted that there was no existing hardware implementation for LSTMs or transformers at the time. They are both software concepts, transformers being adapted to run on GPUs and LSTMs more suited for a more serial-based processing on CPUs.

So really Akida Gen 2 is another major technological breakthrough by BrainChip pretty much on a par with the digital SNN, and, while a few privileged EAPs are aware of it (we've seen the comments) or its software simulation, this is something which should be trumpeted from the rooftops ... but alas, the technology is so complex that it would be more complex than explaining the Higgs Boson.
So what do you think Gen 3 is going to bring to the table?
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Some quotes or excerpts from the interview.

- We are highly confident that revenue will be coming across the line in the future. Not 12 months. Not 3-5 years but somewhere in between.

So 2 years for any decent revenue.

- Funding: We are examining all options.

Sounds like a cap raise incoming.
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Around 2min into the ASX Investor interview, Hehir refers to AKD1000 being applicable to vibration detection.

April 27, 2023:

Renesas' Reality AI solutions combine advanced signal processing with artificial intelligence on inexpensive edge nodes, for example this vibration sensing motor control solution. Reality AI solution can be added to any motor control solution. It will take the speed and current information and evaluate the data through AI functions. Since Reality AI is targeted at “edge nodes”, it requires very little resources in the MCU, just a little additional memory to execute the AI functions. No additional hardware is required.

2 nodes may be all it takes for this to fire in the latter half of the year...
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