BRN Discussion Ongoing






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I’d suspect most of those shorts are hedging positions by funds..
Most pros shorting individually wouldn’t hold BRN short borrow overnight as it always has a chance of a 50% move at the drop of one new IP deal or related Ann.
Qtn: Would the big insto fund managers get access or presentations on Brn revenue growth plans - making it easier to short knowing when Ann may be forthcoming
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Slowly but surely, Insto's and Mutual Funds are gobbling up BRN shares. Thats abouit 315 Million shares they own. Although some of these organisations loan these share to shorters, the fact that they are slowly accumulating signifies a bullish sentiment.

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I'm Spartacus!
On uptrends traders, instos etc buy "calls" rather than puts, this is simply another options strategy and of course it is an amplifier of price movement.

However again, I hark back to what IMO is the real villain, the bots - I would be very interested to see the numbers of total bot sales, up and down on BRN.
I think they've bought and sold the same single share to and from themselves 15,497,836 x zero cost. 🤣
Apparently they are doing this as a favour to us all by providing liquidity. 🤣
It is a system designed and maintained with entrenched bias.🤣
No appetite from "powers that be" for any structural change as the status quo keeps them fat and happy.
The system is bloated and corrupt and we've all seen what happens to people who try and overturn the tables of the money changers.
Something about power corrupting and absolute power corrupting absolutely.......and also something about some animals being more equal than others. Happy easter all. 🤣

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On uptrends traders, instos etc buy "calls" rather than puts, this is simply another options strategy and of course it is an amplifier of price movement.

So I am looking at price movement from a different perspective, and don't think instos are necessarily going to fight the uptrend until they think it is exhausted (rather they will follow the trend), and they will also be looking at a number of other technical indicators (the instos and traders are usually very conversant with TA). So when the uptrend is starting to lose energy they jump onto puts, the timeframes on options are flexible - short to longer term, however you pay a premium for option duration, there are other critical factors that are priced into options premia.

On the subject of TA, I have heard any number of posters here ridicule TA at times, I do not understand this attitude, as virtually all traders and instos are seriously versed in TA (as well as Fundamental Analysis), and trade accordingly. So my view is, that I am certainly interested in knowing how "my enemy" approaches their trading/investing, and how they operate. Sun Tzu and many other successful strategists understood the idea of "knowing your enemy".

However again, I hark back to what IMO is the real villain, the bots - I would be very interested to see the numbers of total bot sales, up and down on BRN. Over 70% of SP movement on ASX and global stocks is now catalyzed by bots - what really interests me even more is the instos who run the bots - what relationship do their options strategies have with the bots - of course this would be illegal if there were a clear connection - but global bourses IMO should be compelled to make definitively clear where these relationships sit. That particular idea really makes me wonder.
'course there was one thing Sun Tzu missed - timing the market - look at all the copyright royalties he's missed out on by a few thousand years.
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I think they've bought and sold the same single share to and from themselves 15,497,836 x zero cost. 🤣
Apparently they are doing this as a favour to us all by providing liquidity. 🤣
It is a system designed and maintained with entrenched bias.🤣
No appetite from "powers that be" for any structural change as the status quo keeps them fat and happy.
The system is bloated and corrupt and we've all seen what happens to people who try and overturn the tables of the money changers.
Something about power corrupting and absolute power corrupting absolutely.......and also something about some animals being more equal than others. Happy easter all. 🤣

Is the BOTS issue one of the reasons why the ASIC in now looking into why the ASX didn't proceed with their " Blockchain " proposed changes ???!!

I for one would like the ASX to go before a Royal Commission just like the Gov't did with the banks on all matters.
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'course there was one thing Sun Tzu missed - timing the market - look at all the copyright royalties he's missed out on by a few thousand years.
Yeah he shoulda studied the dharma and skipped all that martial karma.
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Slowly but surely, Insto's and Mutual Funds are gobbling up BRN shares. Thats abouit 315 Million shares they own. Although some of these organisations loan these share to shorters, the fact that they are slowly accumulating signifies a bullish sentiment.

View attachment 33896
While it's nice to see, you have to remember that since our inclusion in the 200, a lot of funds HAD to buy because we are in the index.
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bavarian girl ;-)

"However much we think that latency to cloud or connectivity to cloud is guaranteed, and the bandwidth assured, it's never going to be the case. You need that intelligence and computational power at the edge." -

How smart will the edge get?​


BrainChip's Akida processor can learn at the edge to address security and privacy while limiting network congestion. (BrainChip)

Having the smarts at the edge is beneficial for preventative maintenance in factories and patient monitoring, Nayampally said, both in terms of latency and privacy. “Anytime you send raw data or sensitive data out, you are obviously going to have challenges.” Privacy and security have become especially important to the general public, he added. BrainChip was started with the idea that edge computing was necessary and that any approach to AI at the edge had to be different from the cloud. “The cloud kind of assumes almost infinite resources and infinite compute.”

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Good find Rocket. This is an excellent overview, starting historically and progressing to now and beyond.

Some might want to move forward in the video, straight to the Event Based focus.

Vision is one of the hottest themes that is going to rocket out of the Spiking Neural Network gates! 🚀🚀🚀

View attachment 33645

FRAME-BASED: A conventional camera takes an arbitrary number of pictures per second, usually around 30 fps, in which all pixels record in synchrony regardless of what is going on in the scene.

EVENT-BASED: In Prophesee Metavision patented sensor (discover our Evaluation Kits), there is a new kind of pixel. Each of them is powered by its own independent intelligent processing. This allows them to only records when they sense a change or movement. The information created does not arrive frame by frame. Rather, movement is captured as a continuous stream of information.

Prophesee sees between the frames, where all traditional frame-based systems are blind.

Around the 35 minute mark...


Just got down to watching this... very assuring, looks like we're firmly soldered onto Prophesee's road map, being the only commercial native SNN neuromorphic chip provider that they're already working with (Xperi isn't native SNN but uses MAC operations to simulate spiking IIRC).

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Hi all,

Fact Finder is just taking a well deserved breather, I have spoken with him a few times this week, all's good, no health issues and
nothing to see here, as our mate would often say, please do your own research (for a change) for many.

Start digging into deep-water possibilities, US Navy, DOD, Oil and Gas, Cabling, Mapping, Searching fact anything that our
technology could help with, are we pursuing this field, I reckon we are.

I was quietly hoping Anil would be attending this years AGM, but he's confirmed to me that he can't this year, but maybe next year,
so fingers crossed, as I'm sure we here in Australia would give him and Peter a brilliant reception, seeing them together would be a
truly special moment for all true believers in our growing company.

Trust our leaders when they say, we are looking forward to an exciting year ahead, they know, not us !!!

Tech x(y)
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Thought I'd seen something posted before on this Co. I can't find it in a search, so anyway....

Could be worth checking in on occasionally as they are a Telecom Sat Co who appear to follow neuromorphic.

From their blog.

TS2 SPACE provides telecommunications services by using the global satellite constellations. We offer you all possibilities of using satellites to send data and voice, as well as appropriate data encryption. Solutions provided by TS2 SPACE work where traditional communication is difficult or impossible.

The Relationship Between Neuromorphic Computing and Human-Computer Interaction​


Exploring Neuromorphic Computing: What Are the Benefits for Human-Computer Interaction?​

The world of computing is rapidly changing, and one of the most exciting developments is the emergence of neuromorphic computing. Neuromorphic computing is a form of artificial intelligence (AI) that seeks to emulate the functions of the human brain. It uses artificial neurons, instead of traditional transistors, to create a system that is more efficient, powerful, and flexible than traditional computing. This new technology has the potential to revolutionize human-computer interaction, making it more intuitive and natural.

Neuromorphic computing has several advantages over traditional computing.

For starters, it is much more efficient.

Neuromorphic systems can process information faster than traditional systems, and they can do so using less energy. This means that machines can become smarter and more responsive to our commands without using as much energy. Additionally, neuromorphic systems can be highly adaptable and flexible, making them ideal for tasks that require learning and problem-solving.

Neuromorphic computing also offers several benefits for human-computer interaction. For one, it could make it possible for computers to better understand our natural language.

Neuromorphic systems can quickly recognize and process words, phrases, and commands, making it easier for humans to communicate with machines.

Additionally, neuromorphic systems could also be used to create more natural interfaces, allowing us to interact with computers in much the same way we interact with each other.

Finally, neuromorphic computing could also help us better understand the world around us. By imitating the human brain, neuromorphic systems can learn and analyze data, making it easier to identify patterns and trends. This could help us make more informed decisions and take better actions based on our environment.
Neuromorphic computing has the potential to revolutionize human-computer interaction, making it more efficient, intuitive, and natural. This emerging technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with machines, making them smarter and more responsive to our commands. As neuromorphic computing continues to develop, it could become an invaluable tool for solving complex problems and understanding the world around us.

How Neuromorphic Computing Can Enhance Human-Computer Interaction​

Neuromorphic computing is a new technology that is revolutionizing human-computer interaction. It is an artificial intelligence system that mimics the behavior of the human brain, allowing computers to process information more efficiently than ever before. Neuromorphic computing is based on the concept of a neural network, which is a web of interconnected neurons that can learn and adapt to new information.

Neuromorphic computing is being used to improve the way people interact with computers. This new technology can recognize patterns, learn from experience and make decisions based on a set of rules. It can also recognize facial expressions and body language, allowing for a more natural and interactive form of communication.

Neuromorphic computing also has the potential to make computers more intuitive and responsive. By using neuromorphic computing, computers can better understand the user’s intent and offer more personalized experiences. This could allow computers to provide more accurate results and suggestions based on the user’s past behavior.

Neuromorphic computing could also be used to enhance the security of systems.

By using neural networks to recognize patterns, computers can detect anomalies in user behavior and alert administrators to potential threats. This could help to reduce the risk of cyber-attacks and other malicious activity.

Neuromorphic computing is already making a big impact on the way people interact with computers. As the technology continues to evolve, it could provide a more natural and efficient way for people to communicate with computers. This could lead to a more enjoyable and productive experience for users, which could result in a range of new applications and opportunities.

Neuromorphic Computing: A Paradigm Shift in Human-Computer Interaction​

The world of computing is undergoing a paradigm shift as neuromorphic computing shapes the way we interact with computers. Neuromorphic computing is a form of computing that mimics the behavior of human neurons. It is a form of artificial intelligence (AI) where the computer is able to learn from experience, recognize patterns, and make decisions without being explicitly programmed.

Neuromorphic computing has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with computers. By allowing computers to learn from experience and recognize patterns, computers can interact with humans in ways that are more intuitive and natural. This could lead to more efficient and effective user interfaces, as well as more responsive and personalized experiences.

Neuromorphic computing also has the potential to bring about a new era of machine intelligence. By leveraging the power of AI, neuromorphic computing could enable computers to think and act more like humans. This could lead to computers that are better at problem solving, decision making, and other cognitive tasks.

The possibilities of neuromorphic computing are only just beginning to be explored. It could revolutionize the way we interact with computers, as well as lead to better machine intelligence. As the technology continues to progress, we may soon see an entirely new paradigm of human-computer interaction.

Neuromorphic Computing and Human-Computer Interaction: New Opportunities in Automation​

Neuromorphic computing is a rapidly growing field of research that presents exciting new opportunities for automating human-computer interactions. This technology relies upon artificial neural networks, which are computer systems modeled after the human brain, and can be used to process large amounts of data.

Neuromorphic computing has the potential to revolutionize the way humans interact with computers. By simulating the way the human brain works, neuromorphic computing can be used to help computers understand human emotions, learn how humans interact in certain scenarios, and even make decisions and take action on their own. For example, by using neuromorphic computing, computers could be programmed to detect facial expressions, recognize voice patterns, and even respond to a conversation in a natural way.

Neuromorphic computing can also be used to automate more complex tasks, such as medical diagnosis and financial trading. By using neural networks and machine learning, computers can be trained to recognize patterns and make decisions based on past experience. This could lead to faster and more accurate diagnoses, as well as more efficient trading strategies.

The possibilities for automating human-computer interactions are virtually limitless. As neuromorphic computing continues to develop, more and more applications are likely to emerge. This could lead to more efficient and accurate solutions for a variety of problems, and could even open up new opportunities in the automation of everyday tasks.

Neuromorphic computing is an exciting new field that could revolutionize the way we interact with computers.

Neuromorphic Computing: The Road Ahead in Human-Computer Interaction​

The road ahead in human-computer interaction is rapidly shifting as we enter the era of neuromorphic computing. Neuromorphic computing is a revolutionary form of computing that mimics the behavior of neurons and synapses in the human brain. It combines Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to enable machines to learn and adapt in complex environments more quickly and accurately than traditional computers.

Neuromorphic computing has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with computers. The ability of machines to learn and adapt to their environment allows them to perform tasks more efficiently and accurately than ever before. This could have vast implications for the way we interact with computers in the future. For example, machines that are able to learn and adapt to their environment could help us to better understand, predict, and interact with the world around us.

Neuromorphic computing also has potential applications in areas such as robotics and autonomous systems. By combining AI and ML, machines will be able to make decisions in real-time and act on them, allowing for more efficient and accurate decisions and actions. This could lead to more efficient and accurate autonomous systems, such as self-driving cars and drones.

Neuromorphic computing has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with computers and the world around us. By combining AI and ML, machines will be able to make decisions in real-time, leading to more efficient and accurate decisions and actions. This could lead to a new age of human-computer interaction and bring about a new era of automation. As we move into the future of computing, neuromorphic computing is sure to be at the forefront of the conversation.
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StereoSpike has resolutely been developed in the philosophy of spiking neural networks. As a result, it is essentially implementable on dedicated neuromorphic hardware, such as Intel Loihi [7], IBM TrueNorth [8]. These chips can leverage the binarity and sparsity of spike tensors navigating through the network. In addition, we believe that our model being feedforward and requiring a reset on all of its neurons at each timestep is not a problem, because resetting membrane poten- tials is actually less costly than applying a leak. Therefore, statelessness can be seen as an advantage over recurrence in spiking models with similar performances. However, we are aware that current neuromorphic chips are initially designed for the implementation of stateful units, and acknowledge that we do not leverage this feature. Consequently, we believe that it rather fits to dedicated hardware for stateless models with sparse quantized activations. We therefore consider that Brainchip’s Akida chip [9] is a good fit. As it imposes weights to take at most 8 bit, we quantized StereoSpike’s weights using PyTorch natively available post-training static quantization. The process resulted in an even lighter model with 8 bit wide unsigned integer weights, for the price of a minor performance drop (i.e., MDE of 17.1 cm on indoorflying split 1). Presumably, quantization-aware training would do even better. This demonstrates the efficient deployability on such hardware. Finally, we would like to emphasize that our class of model with sparse binary activations and less constrained weights provides a good compromise between Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) and Binary Neural Networks (BNN)
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May already have been posted

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Currently existing neuromorphic architectures include
  • IBM TrueNorth,
  • Intel Loihi,
  • Tianjic,
  • SpiNNaker,
  • BrainScaleS,
  • NeuronFlow,
  • DYNAP, and
  • Akida.
Some of the above architectures are fully neuromorphic [31,32], while other remain hybrid, meaning that they use asynchronous circuits together with synchronous processors [33,34]. Despite the field being still in its infancy, the first commercial neuromorphic processor was made available worldwide in August 2021. It is Akida from Australian company BrainChip. Unfortunately, these hardware platforms are very expensive at the time of writing and (apart from Akida) not feasibly available.
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For a sobering reflection of where we were and how far we've come, listen to the first few minutes of this video.

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