PUNTER (not so new anymore) has something to say.
I have kept my mouth shut for some time now and just copped this shorting on the chin and buying more at these ridiculous share prices - the previous dip down and also this one for as long as it may continue.
There is a point I wish to make - and will email this message to the management also, in case they miss it here!
Fortunately I can laugh at this predicament and take advantage even tho is not a nice predicament..... but I have doubts many other investors feel the same as I do.
I will inform the management that,
I not only call for, but as a long term investor here and fan of the Brain Tech - DEMAND they do the right thing and fix this mess very soon !
If they have any form of decency & respect for their battle bashed investors, they can turn this share price around in an instant.
This is not a top secret sensitive national or military operation that we are progressing – and when some disclosure is required in the name of decency – it should be provided.
Otherwise, IF they continue to ALLOW this unrealistic share price and unnecessary stress caused to many investors
- it could be viewed as a LOW ACT.
Management have managed to pull out of OUR hat Millions of shares to give away – when clearly there seemed from what I have gathered NO legal requirement to do so, ( a gift ) and I STRONGLY suggest they should be doing some gifting to DO THE RIGHT THING for their shareholders – IN WHAT IS CLEARLY A TIME OF NEED.
If they can do that for ex directors – they can do this for their loyal shareholders !
I suggest they communcate with our clients and quite simply explain to some of them – that OUR share PRICE needs URGENT assist and there is now a need to out some information or positive details to steady this ship.
Such an actiobn could not & will not be detrimental to many of our clients and I am QUITE sure they will be understanding of what needs doing.
We have been under attack for too long and you guys seem to be letting shareholders sit in the water like LAME DUCKS whilst being bombarded for no good reason…… other than GREED.
Is not a good look for Brain Management and by ignoring the bashing your supporters have bin taking for way too long now – may even trigger thoughts by some, that you guys are complicit simply by allowing this to continue and providing lame excuses for not being able to help.
I am not familiar with NDA's ....... but am very familiar with actions that involve doing THE RIGHT THING and is now time for some of that action.
I do understand GREED is a stock market ideology but what management fails to understand at present is we are also a society of humans and with that comes obligations of decency to LOOK AFTER YOUR OWN, which is a much more important principle and ideology.
I ask that you please, DO THE RIGHT THING ……. Or at least TRY.