Mad Scientist
Dingo,I respect both their opinions, but that doesn't mean I would be persuaded to agree with their's or anyone else's, if it goes against what I can see as the truth, in my own mind (which can admittedly be a scary place).
While the horse is definitely not dead, I've said my piece on the subject and I'm not going to continue beating it (although I reserve the right to give it another prod..)
Too many people, take as Gospel, the words of those in positions of authority, or those that should be telling things as they are, whether that is Government, the Media, Companys, or what have you..
In my opinion, there are too many sheep in the World, only too willing to be led, but there would actually be chaos, if that wasn't the case..
View attachment 35073
The issue of the shares to MH - is not even noticible on your holding, with the number of RSU in question.
It will be passed .
The now incumbent CEO has to espouse to previous agreements. Let the CEO do what he is doing ,as he is not doing this without approval of the present Board of Directors. (see previous Brainchip released and reread /repeated statements.) After this vote he then has a clean slate without fufilling obligations that he has inherited with the position.
You have the right to vote the way you want to vote.
Please just stop giving this vote unnecessary oxygen, - the legal ramifications are going to be far more detrimental to the company if this has to play out in a Court of Law.
Think about it - there are far more recent positives with awards and exposed connections to discuss on this public forum.
Stop carrying on as though you are being personally robbed.