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New interview with Anil Mankar

Thanks Chapman, just listened, it was awesome, they talked a lot about automotive sensors & making them smart.

Anil looked happy & relaxed, what a Brilliant Man....
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Thanks Chapman, just listened, it was awesome, they talked a lot about automotive sensors & making them smart.

Anil looked happy & relaxed, what a Brilliant Man....
What I really liked about this presentation:

1. The fact that the interviewer questioned and spoke as someone alive to the potential of AKIDA technology and the revolution it is heralding.

2. The further confirmation by Anil Mankar that Mercedes’ has in part achieved 650 miles or 1,000 kilometres because of what AKIDA technology BRINGS to autonomous vehicles via making sensors smart on a low power budget which means that the vehicles computer gets only actionable data which reduces its power draw. AKIDA makes sensors smart and CPU’s and GPU’s more energy efficient as a consequence.

What I did not like about the presentation:

1. The interviewers moustache.

My opinion only DYOR

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Founding Member
What I really liked about this presentation:

1. The fact that the interviewer questioned and spoke as someone alive to the potential of AKIDA technology and the revolution it is heralding.

2. The further confirmation by Anil Mankar that Mercedes’ has in part achieved 650 miles or 1,000 kilometres because of what AKIDA technology BRINGS to autonomous vehicles via making sensors smart on a low power budget which means that the vehicles computer gets only actionable data which reduces its power draw. AKIDA makes sensors smart and CPU’s and GPU’s more energy efficient as a consequence.

What I did not like about the presentation:

1. The interviewers moustache.

My opinion only DYOR


Haha......I liked his moustache (y)

Yeah I liked the presenter to, he was enthusiastic, excited, very polite, friendly & welcoming to our dear Anil
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I wonder if the happy squad here will be still saying everything good here when we hit $0.80,Management are doing shareholders no favavour,same bullshit answers, one well timed announce the would have seen us included into the ASX2OO and our share price still between $1.80 to $2.50. But they chose to feed us to the shorting dogs!!!. My theory and I stick to it is a reverse takeover by ARM Aussie share holders will be ripped off again and the blind here will be left saying WTF. Seen it before trust no one when it comes to money. Silence in this case is the enemy and management are playing shareholders like fools.
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Founding Member
I wonder if the happy squad here will be still saying everything good here when we hit $0.80,Management are doing shareholders no favavour,same bullshit answers, one well timed announce the would have seen us included into the ASX2OO and our share price still between $1.80 to $2.50. But they chose to feed us to the shorting dogs!!!. My theory and I stick to it is a reverse takeover by ARM Aussie share holders will be ripped off again and the blind here will be left saying WTF. Seen it before trust no one when it comes to money. Silence in this case is the enemy and management are playing shareholders like fools.
Happy I Love You GIF by Warner Bros. Deutschland
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I wonder if the happy squad here will be still saying everything good here when we hit $0.80,Management are doing shareholders no favavour,same bullshit answers, one well timed announce the would have seen us included into the ASX2OO and our share price still between $1.80 to $2.50. But they chose to feed us to the shorting dogs!!!. My theory and I stick to it is a reverse takeover by ARM Aussie share holders will be ripped off again and the blind here will be left saying WTF. Seen it before trust no one when it comes to money. Silence in this case is the enemy and management are playing shareholders like fools.
I’m praying it hits 80cents I have 15k to top up with and brainchip has been validated by the most prestigious automobile manufacturer in the world.
Find me a better investment I dare you.
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I wonder if the happy squad here will be still saying everything good here when we hit $0.80,Management are doing shareholders no favavour,same bullshit answers, one well timed announce the would have seen us included into the ASX2OO and our share price still between $1.80 to $2.50. But they chose to feed us to the shorting dogs!!!. My theory and I stick to it is a reverse takeover by ARM Aussie share holders will be ripped off again and the blind here will be left saying WTF. Seen it before trust no one when it comes to money. Silence in this case is the enemy and management are playing shareholders like fools.
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I can see our regular 5% (nearly daily) share price DROP is coming early today.
On low volume would be nice.

It would be even more nice tho .......... if management did something to stop the LANDslide which as the Bacon points out, would be I guess the right thing to do.
I guess I will have to buy more when we get to 88c ............ Good news I guess, in some respect but will have a guess that most retail investors (like us) are already hocked up to the ears on this baby.
I know .......... lots of guessing by me here.
But thanks to management .......... I have no other option BUT TO GUESS since they seem to want it kept that way.
Maybe they could also put some jellybeans in a jar and we could all have a guess at how many ....... winner take all.
Not happy ....... I guess.
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I last comment for today.
A Question for the Brain Managers,
Where are the string of announcements you guys alluded are coming soon ......... seems long time ago now ????
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I last comment for today.
A Question for the Brain Managers,
Where are the string of announcements you guys alluded are coming soon ......... seems long time ago


I'm Spartacus!
I last comment for today.
A Question for the Brain Managers,
Where are the string of announcements you guys alluded are coming soon ......... seems long time ago now ????
Hi Newpunta. :)
None of us enjoy seeing the share price going down.
Even those looking to bargain hunt want it to go up immediately upon securing their desired holding.
A question for you.
How long have you been holding?
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I last comment for today.
A Question for the Brain Managers,
Where are the string of announcements you guys alluded are coming soon ......... seems long time ago now ????
Coming soon is a non definitive statement.Maybe they are banking up to become a flood of statements .
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Just reading that Honda and Sony along with Magna international and Bosch have teamed up to produce a new range of EV cars due for release in 2025.
They do look impressive a small SUV type vehicle has Brainchip been linked with these companies previously?
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Well finally someone presents a reason why fair value is not $2.00 at least at the moment.

If I understand the logic it is because Brainchip has revolutionary technology of such importance to the world ARM has conspired for the last 3 years with a number of its former employees to accept positions at Brainchip then drive down the price so that ARM can step in and takeover Brainchip for next to nothing.

Leaves out the fact that Brainchip cannot be taken over against its will if more that 25% of shareholders refuse the offer.

The idea that the technology is so important that this conspiracy was hatched in the first place makes me even happier. The pity is, there is absolutely no substance to this theory, and it is designed simply to raise fear and try and beat the price down to 80 cents.

Must be terrible to be in Ukraine and now know that the fact that Russia is trying to cause World War III by killing innocent Ukrainians and threatening nuclear war is of so little importance that it has had no effect on the share price of BRNASX even though it is crashing values on Wall Street and in Europe.

My opinion only DYOR

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Mate you got a sick sense of humour if you praying for this to hit 80cents if that happens they can bring on the buyout.
I’m praying it hits 80cents I have 15k to top up with and brainchip has been validated by the most prestigious automobile manufacturer in the world.
Find me a better investment I dare you.
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Hi Newpunta. :)
None of us enjoy seeing the share price going down.
Even those looking to bargain hunt want it to go up immediately upon securing their desired holding.
A question for you.
How long have you been holding?
My records show since late 2017 ........... I must be having a lot of fun, COS seems like it was only yesterday.
Definitely in the green ........... with some ......... but since it was all validated added more of the RED.

How about yourself ?
Don't misunderstand my comments ........ I am not knocking the Brain ....... but definitely KNOCKING the manipulation going on long time now.
And very unhappy management is letting this go TTOO FARRR !

Late last year I sold some property ............ to cash up for the coming Crash ..... which PUTIN has now accelerated.
I have full faith in the product here, and this baby is the modern day version of the Goose that laid the gold eggs ........ just waiting for the EGGS.
I was serious when I mentioned I will buy more if she keeps going down FOR NO REASON.

Wait until China gets hit with worldwide economic sanctions .......... if Xi starts selling bombs to his mate Putin......... maybe 66c by then .......
As my username suggest ....... I am a mug punter, but have never been so confident about a 100-1 shot or backed one so strongly before as
I have here - on the BRAIN.

The Brain will rise when they let the news out, but not until then.............. 10 x MicroSoft.
Akida Ballista ............ and the management I have faith in ...... just not happy to see so much RED for no good reason.
I make it clear to management that read comments here -
NOT HAPPY with their decision to let it go down this far............... I have passion for FAIR PLAY, as a punter ..... and not seeing much
of that with the ASX (they need a stick up their u know what) .......... the local TAB demonstrates more honourable principles and fairness
to its customers.
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I can see our regular 5% (nearly daily) share price DROP is coming early today.
On low volume would be nice.

It would be even more nice tho .......... if management did something to stop the LANDslide which as the Bacon points out, would be I guess the right thing to do.
I guess I will have to buy more when we get to 88c ............ Good news I guess, in some respect but will have a guess that most retail investors (like us) are already hocked up to the ears on this baby.
I know .......... lots of guessing by me here.
But thanks to management .......... I have no other option BUT TO GUESS since they seem to want it kept that way.
Maybe they could also put some jellybeans in a jar and we could all have a guess at how many ....... winner take all.
Not happy ....... I guess.
I too have that sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. But I reason that we will read an announcement of significance before the 7th of April . With a continuum of a 5% drop in share value each business day the value will be just a few cents .This will build momentum in all parties concerned to respond .No one wants anything to do with a Penny dreadful after so much hard successful work and a constant development of reputation.It will be brought to the attention of even the geeks in the company who are forging new boundaries in their technological advances .Addressing the share price later in the year or in 2023 or 2025 is not going to cut the mustard. Let’s see what sort of skills management can hone in for the short term other than their incredible abilities to create advances in their chip . In many cases the future is not today . Today believe it or not is today .Just my grumpy thoughts . You allow me to express them when the shares increase in value . I certainly would not be the life of the gathering in Richmond today if I was going . That’s a plus I suppose. Definitely time to bring on a substantial announcement- no cloudy innuendos and rinse and repeats .Time for management to man up for shareholders.JP Morgan has a few more shares than me . They may even be wound up enough to management a carrier pidgin with the hope our chip can feel the love in its message
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My records show since late 2017 ........... I must be having a lot of fun, COS seems like it was only yesterday.
Definitely in the green ........... with some ......... but since it was all validated added more of the RED.

How about yourself ?
Don't misunderstand my comments ........ I am not knocking the Brain ....... but definitely KNOCKING the manipulation going on long time now.
And very unhappy management is letting this go TTOO FARRR !

Late last year I sold some property ............ to cash up for the coming Crash ..... which PUTIN has now accelerated.
I have full faith in the product here, and this baby is the modern day version of the Goose that laid the gold eggs ........ just waiting for the EGGS.
I was serious when I mentioned I will buy more if she keeps going down FOR NO REASON.

Wait until China gets hit with worldwide economic sanctions .......... if Xi starts selling bombs to his mate Putin......... maybe 66c by then .......
As my username suggest ....... I am a mug punter, but have never been so confident about a 100-1 shot or backed one so strongly before as
I have here - on the BRAIN.

The Brain will rise when they let the news out, but not until then.............. 10 x MicroSoft.
Akida Ballista ............ and the management I have faith in ...... just not happy to see so much RED for no good reason.
I make it clear to management that read comments here -
NOT HAPPY with their decision to let it go down this far............... I have passion for FAIR PLAY, as a punter ..... and not seeing much
of that with the ASX (they need a stick up their u know what) .......... the local TAB demonstrates more honourable principles and fairness
to its customers.
What the hell do you mean management decision to let it go down?
We are not brainchips customers are you serious?
The honourable thing for brainchips customers is if mgmt honour all NDAS
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Keep up the great work Brn management,some of us realise you are here to look after the best interests of the business and LTHs,not worry or be distracted about short term share price gyrations!
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Makeme 2020

I last comment for today.
A Question for the Brain Managers,
Where are the string of announcements you guys alluded are coming soon ......... seems long time ago now ????
We are mushrooms kept in the dark and feed bullshit
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