Hi Newpunta.

None of us enjoy seeing the share price going down.
Even those looking to bargain hunt want it to go up immediately upon securing their desired holding.
A question for you.
How long have you been holding?
My records show since late 2017 ........... I must be having a lot of fun, COS seems like it was only yesterday.
Definitely in the green ........... with some ......... but since it was all validated added more of the RED.
How about yourself ?
Don't misunderstand my comments ........ I am not knocking the Brain ....... but definitely KNOCKING the manipulation going on long time now.
And very unhappy management is letting this go TTOO FARRR !
Late last year I sold some property ............ to cash up for the coming Crash ..... which PUTIN has now accelerated.
I have full faith in the product here, and this baby is the modern day version of the Goose that laid the gold eggs ........ just waiting for the EGGS.
I was serious when I mentioned I will buy more if she keeps going down FOR NO REASON.
Wait until China gets hit with worldwide economic sanctions .......... if Xi starts selling bombs to his mate Putin......... maybe 66c by then .......
As my username suggest ....... I am a mug punter, but have never been so confident about a 100-1 shot or backed one so strongly before as
I have here - on the BRAIN.
The Brain will rise when they let the news out, but not until then.............. 10 x MicroSoft.
Akida Ballista ............ and the management I have faith in ...... just not happy to see so much RED for no good reason.
I make it clear to management that read comments here -
NOT HAPPY with their decision to let it go down this far............... I have passion for FAIR PLAY, as a punter ..... and not seeing much
of that with the ASX (they need a stick up their u know what) .......... the local TAB demonstrates more honourable principles and fairness
to its customers.