I "feel" you too Buddy.... do some fishin' while we're waiting....helps to pass the time.....View attachment 2584 That's it. No more to spend. Time to go for a long walk and wait for good news. I will be looking out to sea. Waiting for the revenue ship to arrive.
Yep I had a speculative buy order at 98c just in case, didn't expect it to actually get hit tho.....In for a penny, in fer a pound.
Good luck Pal.
This is an excellent post and the only way to look at the present situation.The stock price is beyond our control, but looking towards the positive...
It seems that there is now a steady flow of new companies being revealed that are developing products to work with Akida like:
intellisense SYSTEMS
Quantum Ventura Inc
There is also a steady flow of new companies that are collaborating with brainchip.
I am sure this is just a fraction of what is happening behind the scenes.
New companies just keep being added to the Speculative Investigation Wall + Links thanks to the 1000 eyes.
We all are going to have to accept this is going to be a volatile stock and hold on for the ride,
and be more like Bravo77.
Why couldn't Rob give us half the truth by saying we have recently signed signicant NDA's with significant companies?It’s my belief I have invested in a great company.
The people in each position is highly qualified in their respective fields and I’m sure they are all doing their jobs as best they can. Most have shares in the company, from PVDM down so it’s in their best interest to perform, not that I think PVDM is motivated by more money!
I’m sure for example Rob Telson is doing a great job, promoting Akida and closing deals. But those deals rightly come with NDA’s to get a competitive edge so even though Rob has done his job he currently has nothing to show for it to the shareholders. How frustrating would it be for him?
Anyone in business wants to get a competitive edge which is why NDA’s exist. It is entirely responsible for Brainchip to honour those NDA’s, let alone self-destructive not to.
If you invested in Brainchip you would have some belief Brainchip has invented revolutionary technology which can be applied to almost unlimited areas. The big ones are going to be EV’s, ADAS, Health, Space, Defence etc.
I am guessing it takes a long time to design, build and test revolutionary life changing equipment which also in a lot of cases will involve making us safer.
As a result of my learnings I believe Akida is going to be part of Valeo’s revolutionary Lidar equipment and the Mercedes announcement helped solidify my thoughts. To quote valeo recent announcement:
“The Group now has extensive expertise in ADAS, enabling it to produce ever more efficient solutions at optimal cost. Valeo has sold more than 1.5 billion ADAS sensors over the past 30 years and plans to sell more than 3 billion sensors over the next 5 years.”
However Valeo have alsp stated during their announcements some of their new technology won’t be released until 2024. I’m dissapointed in the wait time but confident that when that occurs the results will be extra-ordinary.
I’m prepared to sit tight, have patience and wait until Valeo and all the other suspected EAP companies have released their products; hopefully by 2025. I am also hopeful most of the EV and ADAS market will be covered by Akida via Valeo, Denso, Ford, Cerence etc which will in itself be enough for me to retire comfortably.
Anything else is a bonus, and likely a really big bonus!
ok so newpunta ...............whats wrong with buying at the current SP of 96c ??? Not a good value for the BRN stock?Just placed a buy at 90.5c ........ I will play with sharks, they don't scare me when there is huge profits on the radar.
Does not mean i have to like the manipulation, even if it leads to a better retirement ahead.
That's the Point...... as you saidGuys, I don't see what all the fuss is about. Have a look a Tesla, nvdia, Microsoft, Intel... all stocks have been bombed by Ukraine war...
I've been accumulating steadily from. 1.78 all the way down.. count your lucky blessings they are so cheap. If I had more cash I'd buy some Tesla too!
Because if they said that the ASX would be entitled to demand full particulars which would include the name of the companies because of the word 'significant'. If a Brainchip states that the NDA is with a significant company how do I as a shareholder value the size and importance of that company. The use of the word 'significant' implies everything and can lead to a false market which can only be addressed by the name of the company or companies so that shareholders can assess if they are significant.Why couldn't Rob give us half the truth by saying we have recently signed signicant NDA's with significant companies?
I tend to agree. And they are yet to confirm if any of the EAP agreements have led to any material contracts. As more time passes, people become more apprehensive as to whether any of these companies are genuinely looking to adopt the product and as a result the shareprice will just keep falling.Funny how the ASX has recovered off its daily low by nearly 50% yet BRN keep going down after the Market turned back up.
Funny how the ASX was up 1% or 95points yesterday yet BRN went down another what 6% ??
Connecting the down turn of BRN to the current world or ASX Market is a false truth. Good stocks are performing well in these current conditions.
Short positions covered reduced on Thursday last week by 4 Million shares. Thats 4 Million shorts closed out. Fridays and Mondays data is yet to be released ............but I would assume more shorts are being closed out. Especially today being down 5%.
They should be as we have had a (almost) daily drop of 5-8% for nearly 5 weeks now.
Only way to counter a short campaign is to have ASX News released. fact. Not happening . yet.
Ok Yak ........ I am no pro in this arena,ok so newpunta ...............whats wrong with buying at the current SP of 96c ??? Not a good value for the BRN stock?
Why must it always be at a much lower (out of strike) SP that anyone wants to purchase more for a top up or what ever?
By putting in a LOWER buy price hoping to get CHEAPER shares you are feeding the system and helping to push the price down. understand?
BUY @ current strike price or higher to SUPPORT the SP and maybe this shit will stop going down for a change.
Out of interest I never ever buy below the Strike price it is counterproductive. But it is just so the Australian way wanting it "Cheaper". lol.
The problem is Retail are exhausted on the buy side and only want "cheaper" shares in some misguided attempt which just DEVALUES all their current holdings of BRN.
The advantage that "Insto's" have taken during these Market wobbles by driving the SP down to get as many Retail to exit as possible has worked very well. Inst's have "TIME" on their side which they employ to good effect. Retail get nervous as both "Time" draws out & SP drops down which allows Insto's to accumulate & trade.
Out of interest when shorters (insto's) finish taking their profits they will then turn around and buy back up running the SP back up again for profit.
Question is how long will they accumulate before doing this ?
As usual , you are 110% correct.You are a great comfort when I get grumpy . As far as mushrooms are concerned, I had restaurants over 49 years and after a short period of time I realised that washing the mushrooms was not necessary.There was never anything other than the mushrooms in each box and washing them only shortened their shelf life . Still grumpy , but still holding but stronger thanks to youThis is an excellent post and the only way to look at the present situation.
Someone posted today the oft used term "treated like mushrooms and fed on bs."
As it so happens my grandfather was a commercial mushroom grower decades ago and his mushrooms were cared for lovingly. Temperature was kept as it should be and constantly monitored. Water and nutrients were applied in scientific quantities. The beds they were grown on were sterilised before laying down. My grandmother said "Pop looks after his mushrooms better than he ever has me." When he had finished picking his mushroom compost was on sold by him to commercial gardeners because it was a fabulous weed free growing medium.
The reality of this oft used phrase is not based in fact just like most of the negative comments thrown out here today.
Bringing the phrase up to date where Brainchip is concerned it would be "loved like mushrooms and fed on sterile information" because it is not in shareholders interests for Brainchip to release sensitive information that would upset customers and breach non disclosure agreements and US and Australian security laws to address a declining share price as a result of World events over which they have no control.
In fact anyone who is prepared to take a breath and think back to January, 2022 will recall that under the guidance of Ken Scarince the Board and Management of this company you are criticising had the foresight to fully draw down the LDA Capital requirements at record share pricing so that no further draw down is required until 2023. They did not know what Putin was going to do but they had the foresight to weigh all the headwinds that can occur and acted at the absolutely right time in the interests of Brainchip and of course you its shareholders.
At Brainchip itself there are personnel who have been accredited by the US Defence Department to be engaged in sensitive military discussions and projects and those personnel are not permitted to tell others in Brainchip who are not part of the accredited group sensitive information and as far as I am concerned I have not heard about Ken Scarince crying in the corner because he does not know what they know.
Those whose sole criticism is that Brainchip has not stepped in and prevented the current share price retreat need to produce evidence of what other technology companies have done to prevent the decline in their price which Brainchip could have done.
I trust you will appreciate that making a price sensitive announcement will not count as a tactic that Brainchip could employ as such announcements are made on timing controlled by the ASX.
My opinion only DYOR
Looks like you are having a herniaYou guys need to invest in crypto.
A 40% to 50% swing either way will make your 5% red day on ASX feel like vegemite on toast. Yum yum.
I don't understand the logic of complaining about red day when someone is buying. Just doesn't make sense.
Anyways, I am glad we can still celebrate the 1-sh dollar party rather than half a dollar party in Melbourne.
Have a great day all. See some of you in the evening.