Hi VictorNot sure if Eurotech are in opposition to BRN??
Computer Vision & AI on Edge - Eurotech
Computer Vision & AI on Edge - Unleashing the power of the edgewww.eurotech.com
I forgot to mention that it is important when disposing of AKIDA you should place it carefully in the pocket of your wallet or purse as its tiny form factor may make it difficult to find if you inadvertently drop it in long grass on your way to the recycling depot. FFThank you FF,
Anchorage is a greenfield yet to be explored. Once again you inadvertently identified possible uses of opposition technology that adds value to their technology.
I shall leave the backstage and retreat to the front row.
VG aka Spartacus
Doesn't have any fans - I'm not surprised.Hi Victor
There is only one thing it does better than AKIDA. Read the following then I will give you the answer:
The DynaCOR 40-35 is a compact, liquid-cooled, rugged HPEC networking storage system, suitable for any heavy-duty applications and certified for automotive applications.
The DynaCOR 40-35 delivers an unprecedented sustained write speed of 80Gbit/s (RAID 0) and 76Gbit/s (RAID 5) in a compact, rugged form factor.
It embeds an Intel D2100 series processor with 64GB soldered-down ECC RAM, two 100 GbE and 4x 10GbE interfaces and up to 16 high-performance NVMe. The DynaCOR 40-35 is designed to withstand shocks and vibrations, and it is E-Mark certified for in-vehicle installations.
The internal architecture of the DynaCOR 40-35 features one CPU card and provides five internal bays NVMe and networking modules, connected with a 96 PCIe lane switch.
Off-the-shelf configurations deliver from 31TB to 123TB of Raw capacity, with Linux RAID or Advanced RAID. All configurations feature video out, a GNSS with untethered dead reckoning support for precise geolocation and timestamping, a 12VDC or 48VDC automotive grade power supply and a system management and monitoring unit that ensures safe boot, operation and shutdown of the system.
The DynaCOR 40-35 typically only requires 350W in its richest configuration and its power supply is designed to sustain peak requests of up 500W with an input range of 36 to 58VDC (48VDC nominal) or 9 to 18VDC (12VDC nominal).
The system is totally fanless and with no moving parts, thanks to an innovative technology that interfaces with the vehicle liquid cooling system. The coolant circulates inside cold plates that are tightly coupled with all the components (CPU, RAM, NVMes, power supply), providing efficient heating dissipation and greatly simplifying the deployment in a wide range of electric, hybrid and conventional vehicles.
An optional Docking Station makes it quick and easy to swap or transfer the unit to the data center, whenever immediate dataset availability is required.
Eurotech Professional Services allow for further personalization, including validation and integration of user-selected expansion modules”
The one thing it has over AKIDA technology comes into play at the end of their serviceable lives.
Unlike AKIDA you can use it as a boat anchor. AKIDA has to be dropped in a recycle bin.
My opinion only DYOR
PS: It is recommended that you flush out the vehicle engine coolant before dropping the anchor overboard.
To me it just basically confirms what I've always believed, that these brokers, fund managers, financial analysts, are all a bunch of criminals and can't be trusted..
Being a kiwi myself and seeing links to my old University fills me with immense pride …although the icing on the cake is that we are seeing the true potential of what Rob Telson describes as beneficial AI! The entire health sector will and can benefit from applying this ground breaking tech…can’t wait to see more of these transformational examples. This application alone would help many of my patients who suffer from tinnitus, a condition which can have far reaching effects on individuals sleep and also mental health.Long term investors will be aware of the past links and ties between Brainchip and Auckland University and that this research paper is exploring an area where AKIDA technology will have a direct beneficial application:
Prediction of Acoustic Residual Inhibition of Tinnitus Using a Brain-Inspired Spiking Neural Network Model - PMC
Auditory Residual Inhibition (ARI) is a temporary suppression of tinnitus that occurs in some people following the presentation of masking sounds. Differences in neural response to ARI stimuli may enable classification of tinnitus and a tailored ...www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
My opinion only DYOR
Hard to say where we will end up, but you can see that we are replicating the past, I hope we are at the crossroads now before we move up, being very optimistic that we will follow the trend up as indicated on my chart below with some comments as this is a weekly Heikin ashi chart pointing to a move down in the next week still in the green zone & then moving up where we were previously in the 80c-90c region ...@Bravo77 @JK200SX @Frank Zappa @Violin1
Descending or perhaps ascending to the Dildonics discussion should also bring out @Esq.111 I wonder if @Dolci is about for an analysis whether there is a Chart pattern or correlation to a dead cat bounce? Being quite modest, even old-fashioned, I confess a preference for french knickers rather than a g-thingy. Apologies for the cat reference Bravo. I'll leave now.
Last year, or possibly late 2019, BrainChip presented a slide deck at the quarterly or annual meeting. The slide deck had one slide that showed, in theory, a bar chart of how/when royalties start kicking in after IP license. BRN then took out that slide, and reissued the slide deck.
If anyone know what I am talking about and has a screen shot, please share! Thanks.
Just one small thing it does not show royalties only chip and module sales according to the heading. FFView attachment 2499
Found it! In my opinion…
Year 1 = 2021?
Year 2 = 2022? TacheonPi?
I think, proportionally speaking, the chart as good an educated guess by BRN.
Just one small thing it does not show royalties only chip and module sales according to the heading. FF
The release of the Renesas MCU with AKIDA on board matches the projection on the above table for royalties commencing kindly posted by Beebo.Even if it’s not AKIDA this time note there are 350 sensors IN A MERCEDES EV.
Note Brainchip does not make sensors it makes them smart. Any sensor from all five senses as well as Radar & Lidar.
Note AKIDA processing Radar is according to ISL good enough for the US Airforce.
Note that AKIDA has found a sweet spot in Lidar.
Note Renesas the third largest supplier of semiconductors to the automotive industry in the world three places ahead of Bosch is releasing an AKIDA powered MCU for multiple products this year.
Note that billions and billions of MCU’s are sold each year across the globe by Renesas and ARM.
Renesas and ARM are partners.
Note that FF is very happy.
My opinion only DYOR
yes Priceless momentEvery now and again (quite often actually) we get a Fact Finder classic. Below I have reproduced a classic by Fact Finder from June last year when he 'cross-examined' Marcus Burns after his statement on Livewire Buy, Hold, or Sell, where Marcus said "Who knows what a neuromorphic chip is anyway". As a matter of interest the closing price for BRN on that day was 58.5 cents.
On Livewire 4/6/21 Buy, Hold, or Sell
Ally Selby: I’ll start with you, Marcus. First up we have Brainchip Holdings (ASX:BRN). It’s share price is up a whopping 650% over the past 12 months. Do you think it is a buy, hold, or sell?
Marcus Burns (SELL): (From Spheria.) I think it’s a screaming sell. The business has no revenue, has $15 million-plus of costs. Who knows what a neuromorphic chip is anyway?
Ally Selby: Chris over to you. Do you think it’s a buy, hold, or sell?
Chris Stott (SELL): (From 1851 Capital). It’s definitely a sell. Yeah. Less than a million dollars of revenue, they’ve probably got a year’s worth of cash in the bank. So, if I was them, I’d be out there raising money right now.
Dam it Rob I just have to take the cheap shot and I tried to be so sophisticated about these posts but its the cross examiner in me coming out just cannot put him to bed:
FF. "So Marcus is it correct you have no idea what a neuromorphic chip is?
Marcus "Yes."
FF. "Have you any idea who NASA, Renesas, Ford, Valeo, DELL Technologies and Socionext are and what they do?
Marcus "Yes."
FF. "Well can you tell us how you know about them?"
Marcus. "Well as part of my general research as a portfolio manager I make it my business to know about the major players in the technology world."
FF. "Would it surprise you to learn then that NASA, Renesas, Ford, Valeo, DELL Technologies and Socionext have in the last 18 months all engaged with Brainchip and have either entered agreements to use, market or test the AKIDA technology offering from Brainchip?"
Marcus. "Sorry what do you mean? I didn't know that."
FF. "Would it surprise you to hear that Brainchip has entered a partnership with a Japanese company Magik-Eye to jointly develop and market their 360 degree vision system that can not only see but provide depth perception?"
Marcus, "No, I have never heard that."
FF. "As part of your in depth research that you do does it extend to reading ASX price sensitive announcements made by companies?"
Marcus, "Yes."
FF. "Did you read the Brainchip price sensitive ASX announcements before expressing your opinion this morning?"
Marcus, "Not sure. I probably would have."
FF. "Do you recall reading one covering a partnership with Biotome by any chance?"
Marcus, "Biotome not sure. What do they do?
FF. "I am here to ask the questions Marcus your job is to answer them. Have you heard of an Israeli company NaNose Medical and its revolutionary sensor that can identify 17 different cancers using a handheld device?"
Marcus, "No, I am not sure."
FF. "Would it surprise you to learn that Brainchip is a Strategic Partner with NaNose Medical?"
Marcus, "Yes. Look I don't want to answer any more questions.'
FF. "Why is that Marcus."
Marcus, "Isn't it obvious I am making myself look like an idiot."
FF. "Point taken. No further questions."
My opinion only DYOR
AKIDA Ballista
One other key partner which wasn't specifically listed in the AI ecosystem catalogue is Fujitsu. Arm partnered up with them to develop their latest ArmV9 architecture to focus on the future needs of AI and security amongst other things. Some common ground there for us with Socionext being formed from the Fujitsu and Panasonic SoC businesses.When you go hunting ARM's website under Ai you will find a section Partner Ecosystem Catalogue.
It is broken up in a number of different ways to search for an ARM partner the one that grabbed my attention was the search for an ARM partner by Industry and I found the following:
Automotive: Edge Impulse, Renesas
Wearables: Edge Impulse, Renesas
Mobile: Edge Impulse, Renesas
Frameworks & Tools: Edge Impulse, Renesas
Industrial: Edge Impulse, Renesas
Healthcare: Edge Impulse, Renesas
Then if you search by Geographic Location:
North America: Edge Impulse, Renesas
Now the interesting thing beyond the obvious at least to me is that the partners under these categories are not listed alphabetically. Edge Impulse has been a partner to ARM for a very long time. Edge Impulse comes up first on all these lists.
Whereas Renesas which is a larger more significant company by a country mile than Edge Impulse is well down the list. Renesas on this basis is a more recent inclusion.
If ARM did not want to be directly linked to Brainchip as has been discussed Renesas provides a way to shield their involvement with each other.
@ManChildreborn has pushed the ARM connection for a long time now and has found many dots and the above are just a few more but with Renesas being a Brainchip licensee, Edge Impulse having been on the Brainchip podcast with Rob Telson, Brainchip being littered with ARM personnel if a full blown connection is found it will probably not surprise many here I suspect.
For some reason I cannot post the link so Google ARM Ai Partner Ecosystem Catalogue
My opinion only DYOR
Hi AndyBeing a kiwi myself and seeing links to my old University fills me with immense pride …although the icing on the cake is that we are seeing the true potential of what Rob Telson describes as beneficial AI! The entire health sector will and can benefit from applying this ground breaking tech…can’t wait to see more of these transformational examples. This application alone would help many of my patients who suffer from tinnitus, a condition which can have far reaching effects on individuals sleep and also mental health.
Akida Ballista!!
Thx DioHi supersonic001,
I think you're on the right track.
From your article:
Getting smart: the AI software that taught itself
Over in Perth, our researchers have just finished trialling a world-first, artificial intelligence-driven technology that enables GPs to scan people for diabetic retinopathy themselves.
Affectionately dubbed ‘Dr Grader’, the software learned by analysing ophthalmologists’ grading data, improving its ability to detect various signs of the condition.
It was recently trialled at the GP Superclinic @ Midland Railway Workshops. GPs scanned 187 diabetic patients’ retinas, and the high resolution images were then analysed by both our grading software and a real-life ophthalmologist for signs of the condition.
Our research director, Professor Yogi Kanagasingam, said the results speak for themselves: the technology detected signs of DR as effectively as the ophthalmologist.
Professor Yogi Kanagasingam is the inventor of the patent application I just retrieved. They were using AI software then. The patent application dates from 2019 and still does not mention NNs.
So they've had a couple of years to get to know about Akida.
What a post, can’t stop laughing,Every now and again (quite often actually) we get a Fact Finder classic. Below I have reproduced a classic by Fact Finder from June last year when he 'cross-examined' Marcus Burns after his statement on Livewire Buy, Hold, or Sell, where Marcus said "Who knows what a neuromorphic chip is anyway". As a matter of interest the closing price for BRN on that day was 58.5 cents.
On Livewire 4/6/21 Buy, Hold, or Sell
Ally Selby: I’ll start with you, Marcus. First up we have Brainchip Holdings (ASX:BRN). It’s share price is up a whopping 650% over the past 12 months. Do you think it is a buy, hold, or sell?
Marcus Burns (SELL): (From Spheria.) I think it’s a screaming sell. The business has no revenue, has $15 million-plus of costs. Who knows what a neuromorphic chip is anyway?
Ally Selby: Chris over to you. Do you think it’s a buy, hold, or sell?
Chris Stott (SELL): (From 1851 Capital). It’s definitely a sell. Yeah. Less than a million dollars of revenue, they’ve probably got a year’s worth of cash in the bank. So, if I was them, I’d be out there raising money right now.
Dam it Rob I just have to take the cheap shot and I tried to be so sophisticated about these posts but its the cross examiner in me coming out just cannot put him to bed:
FF. "So Marcus is it correct you have no idea what a neuromorphic chip is?
Marcus "Yes."
FF. "Have you any idea who NASA, Renesas, Ford, Valeo, DELL Technologies and Socionext are and what they do?
Marcus "Yes."
FF. "Well can you tell us how you know about them?"
Marcus. "Well as part of my general research as a portfolio manager I make it my business to know about the major players in the technology world."
FF. "Would it surprise you to learn then that NASA, Renesas, Ford, Valeo, DELL Technologies and Socionext have in the last 18 months all engaged with Brainchip and have either entered agreements to use, market or test the AKIDA technology offering from Brainchip?"
Marcus. "Sorry what do you mean? I didn't know that."
FF. "Would it surprise you to hear that Brainchip has entered a partnership with a Japanese company Magik-Eye to jointly develop and market their 360 degree vision system that can not only see but provide depth perception?"
Marcus, "No, I have never heard that."
FF. "As part of your in depth research that you do does it extend to reading ASX price sensitive announcements made by companies?"
Marcus, "Yes."
FF. "Did you read the Brainchip price sensitive ASX announcements before expressing your opinion this morning?"
Marcus, "Not sure. I probably would have."
FF. "Do you recall reading one covering a partnership with Biotome by any chance?"
Marcus, "Biotome not sure. What do they do?
FF. "I am here to ask the questions Marcus your job is to answer them. Have you heard of an Israeli company NaNose Medical and its revolutionary sensor that can identify 17 different cancers using a handheld device?"
Marcus, "No, I am not sure."
FF. "Would it surprise you to learn that Brainchip is a Strategic Partner with NaNose Medical?"
Marcus, "Yes. Look I don't want to answer any more questions.'
FF. "Why is that Marcus."
Marcus, "Isn't it obvious I am making myself look like an idiot."
FF. "Point taken. No further questions."
My opinion only DYOR
AKIDA Ballista