BRN Discussion Ongoing

Bloody Fantastique !

Well done Brainchip team and hopefully the beginning of a sustained rerate. 🤣

Hoping now that they come up with a well considered naming regime to dispel any confusion.
Something to hang these various Akida's hats on.
We are all familiar with the first of the breed being the Akida 1000.
Then the recent tapeout through Global Foundries of Akida 1500.
And now this new beast just announced. Is this Akida 2000?
So 3 different iterations of the Spike meister, all known as the Akida xxxx, with tweaked skillsets applicable to different applications.

If memory serves Sean said at the last AGM that we were moving away from the above numerical sequenced nomenclature but as far as I am aware nothing to replace it has been announced?
At the moment is a bit clumsy as most are still using the 1000, 1500, 2000 monikers as otherwise have to refer to them as first, second, third released.
Perhaps they are waiting to see the adoption rates of the various offerings and then maybe describe them by utility?
i.e. Akida Home, Akida Auto, Akida Mr Roboto, Akida Defender, and gosh darn it maybe even an Akida Doorbell for Chrissake. 🤣

I'd suggest perhaps a nod to our Aussie heritage and they could call them Akida Taipan, Akida Tigersnake or the ever popular Akida RedbellyBlack for the big hitters and perhaps Akida Funnelweb or Akida Redback for the doorbell type utilities?

Or perhaps they could stay with the Greek thematic and call them after the old pantheon?
eg. Akida Zeus, Akida Mars, Akida Dianna, with the lesser but still heroic versions of Akida Hercules etc?

Maybe not quite so important as an IP product than it would be for a physically discreet Chip, yet as more and more versions are released the problems of identification multiply?

BTW, spare a thought for the poor shortee's caught out with today's announcement.
Hope not too many hurt in their mad dash out. 🤣

I like the simplicity of the AKIDA1000 2nd Gen/3rd Gen.. AKIDA1500 2nd Gen/3rd Gen..
AKIDA2000 2nd Gen/3rd Gen..
Etc etc Nomenclature

Having the different names, reeks too much of Intel's chip names, with their lakes, or whatever they are 🙄..
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No it's ok Pal.
I figure the bad luck surrounding "this particular purchase" is that I didn't have the money available for the lows last week! 🤣
It's ok, fate still managed to fuck me in the bottom!
God's in his heaven and everything's still right with the world. 🤣
Ok we'll double team it then. I'm not going to announce my next purchase because whenever I do price takes a dump a few days or a week or so later and if I make a purchase on the down low price always continues on an upward trajectory. Then I'll say hey I bought back then. And then the comments of yeah bullshit Rise sure you did come flowing.🤣
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Just back home, what an announcement.

I have a feeling there might be one or two quiet smiles on BRN staff. They would never publicly say it, but who would enjoy being manipulated by shorters?

Best part, this has been kept quiet & looks like a total surprise to most!
I now think it will be a steady as she goes build up of information leading us all to the upcoming AGM in May.
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Pretty Pretty Pretty Pretty Good
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I like the simplicity of the AKIDA1000 2nd Gen/3rd Gen.. AKIDA1500 2nd Gen/3rd Gen..
AKIDA2000 2nd Gen/3rd Gen..
Etc etc Nomenclature

Having the different names, reeks too much of Intel's chip names, with their lakes, or whatever they are 🙄..
We could use a suffix like "TX" for "Transformer" to help customers identify the capabilities.
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An typical article would be something like this….

BrainChip Stock: Overhyped or Undervalued?

BrainChip (ASX: BRN) has been a hot topic in the tech industry lately, with its AI-powered neuromorphic processors gaining attention from investors and enthusiasts alike. However, while the company's technology may seem impressive on paper, some experts are questioning whether it's truly worth the hype.

One major issue with BrainChip is its lack of concrete evidence to back up its claims. While the company has touted its processors as being able to perform complex tasks with minimal power consumption, there is little independent research to verify these claims. Some critics have even gone so far as to label BrainChip as a "snake oil" company, peddling unproven technology to gullible investors.

Another red flag for BrainChip is its lackluster financial performance. Despite the hype surrounding its technology, the company has yet to turn a profit and is burning through cash at an alarming rate. In its most recent financial report, BrainChip posted a net loss of $15.6 million for the first half of the 2021 fiscal year, with operating expenses outpacing revenue by a wide margin.

Finally, there is the issue of competition. BrainChip is not the only player in the neuromorphic computing space, and it faces stiff competition from established giants like Intel and IBM, as well as up-and-coming startups like Cerebras Systems. While BrainChip may have an innovative product, it remains to be seen whether it can carve out a sustainable market niche in the face of such fierce competition.

In summary, while BrainChip's technology may seem impressive at first glance, its lack of concrete evidence, weak financial performance, and fierce competition make it a risky investment at best. Investors would be wise to exercise caution when considering BrainChip stock, and to do their own research before making any investment decisions.“

Hey don't do their work for them!

They will probably just copy and past that 🤣
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I like the simplicity of the AKIDA1000 2nd Gen/3rd Gen.. AKIDA1500 2nd Gen/3rd Gen..
AKIDA2000 2nd Gen/3rd Gen..
Etc etc Nomenclature

Having the different names, reeks too much of Intel's chip names, with their lakes, or whatever they are 🙄..
I'm happy they have chosen to stick with Akida I'm assuming Peter came up with the name for the chip in the first place .
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We could use a suffix like "TX" for "Transformer" to help customers identify the capabilities.
You'ld think our customers, being OEMs wouldn't need it?

It's basically just for us shareholders, to know the foundation of our investment is continually improving 😉
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Predictive production line maintenance...

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Fantastic annoucement. So much going on, and imo.... about to happen...

Highlight for me:

Mr Hehir added, “The development of the second generation of Akida was strongly influenced by our customers’ feedback and driven by our extensive market engagement. We have recently expanded our sales organisation to become truly global and we are focused on executing more IP licence agreements and generating revenue growth over coming years.
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Fantastic annoucement. So much going on, and imo.... about to happen...

Highlight for me:

Mr Hehir added, “The development of the second generation of Akida was strongly influenced by our customers’ feedback and driven by our extensive market engagement. We have recently expanded our sales organisation to become truly global and we are focused on executing more IP licence agreements and generating revenue growth over coming years.
I expect sales shortly.
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Wow such a cool way to start the week.
Another 'Result' Sean can discuss at the AGM following his neck on the line statement at the 22AGM.
Maybe "Full Beast Mode" @MrRomper is the delivery mode for price sensitive announcements,
Could another blockbuster be dropped before May 23rd to help LDA capital exit left more speedily?
This may then remove the SP shackles and confirm TEAM BRN KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING

My first gif seems as fitting as them all:

Happy So Excited GIF by TikTok
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Wondering when moschip will sign a licensing agreement since they were very keen a while back.
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Predicti pm.png
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You'ld think our customers, being OEMs wouldn't need it?

It's basically just for us shareholders, to know the foundation of our investment is continually improving 😉
I was thinking more of our customers' customers, and the customers of our customers' customers ...
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I was thinking more of our customers' customers, and the customers of our customers' customers ...
But what about our customers, customers, customers, customers, customers, customers? 🤔..

It might just be confusing for them..
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But what about our customers, customers, customers, customers, customers, customers? 🤔..

It might just be confusing for them..
Who's on first.
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But what about our customers, customers, customers, customers, customers, customers? 🤔..

It might just be confusing for them..
That's where the customer referral system kicks in.
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Be interesting to see how the market reacts. My guess is that they will generally not understand the $$$ attached to the announcement.

Don't get me wrong. For those of us who follow this technology and the BRN story this is a breakthrough achievement. Congrats to Peter, Anil and the team!!!
Todays announcement is a technical document and its significance may not be fully understood


Those in the industry fully understand it's significance.

Qualcomm knows exactly what this means so does Samsung and Nvidea and IBM and Intel etc..

To them it basically means that Akida embeded into todays technology making sensors extremely smart and incredibly efficient means that those companies who do not or will not adopt will be significantly disadvantaged.

The competive advantage that Brainchip now holds is leaps and bounds ahead.
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