Bloody Fantastique !
Well done Brainchip team and hopefully the beginning of a sustained rerate.
Hoping now that they come up with a well considered naming regime to dispel any confusion.
Something to hang these various Akida's hats on.
We are all familiar with the first of the breed being the Akida 1000.
Then the recent tapeout through Global Foundries of Akida 1500.
And now this new beast just announced. Is this Akida 2000?
So 3 different iterations of the Spike meister, all known as the Akida xxxx, with tweaked skillsets applicable to different applications.
If memory serves Sean said at the last AGM that we were moving away from the above numerical sequenced nomenclature but as far as I am aware nothing to replace it has been announced?
At the moment is a bit clumsy as most are still using the 1000, 1500, 2000 monikers as otherwise have to refer to them as first, second, third released.
Perhaps they are waiting to see the adoption rates of the various offerings and then maybe describe them by utility?
i.e. Akida Home, Akida Auto, Akida Mr Roboto, Akida Defender, and gosh darn it maybe even an Akida Doorbell for Chrissake.
I'd suggest perhaps a nod to our Aussie heritage and they could call them Akida Taipan, Akida Tigersnake or the ever popular Akida RedbellyBlack for the big hitters and perhaps Akida Funnelweb or Akida Redback for the doorbell type utilities?
Or perhaps they could stay with the Greek thematic and call them after the old pantheon?
eg. Akida Zeus, Akida Mars, Akida Dianna, with the lesser but still heroic versions of Akida Hercules etc?
Maybe not quite so important as an IP product than it would be for a physically discreet Chip, yet as more and more versions are released the problems of identification multiply?
BTW, spare a thought for the poor shortee's caught out with today's announcement.
Hope not too many hurt in their mad dash out.