start another poll and see what people say....Ok simple. Do I have milk in my cornflakes or 30 year old scotch in my cornflakes?
Are you okay Rocket?..Looks like today might be the day @DingoBorat or do I hold of a little bit longer with the overall SP still falling due to LDA cashing in.
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Well I suppose one advantage of having different offerings in the IP licencing business is that the customers can choose what best fits their needs.I'm also hoping they stick with the 1, 2, and 4-bit options. I assume they will handle 8-bit models as it looked like other members of the AI standards committee were leaning in that direction. Better to conform to the standards now than later.
I am hoping that it doesn't affect the speed too much as they claim to be scalable, where I see it having an effect on benchmarks is in the size of the training data. However, providing modes for the other "bit-ness" would allow for certain applications to still be able to take advantage of less memory for certain IoT devices.
While NVISO provided its own testing benchmarks for the Akida AKD1000, Jetson Nano, and Tegra GPU, I would really like to see some type of independent testing lab providing its own measurements. Hopefully, a full testing suite will emerge and we can compare Akida with the likes of SySense, Qualcomm, GraiMatter, and other competitors, in various AI workloads ranging from image and audio to various sensor processing tasks.
It seems that there are potential customers (such as Prophesee potentially with a commercial engagement) that seem to be very impressed by what Akida has to offer. I'd really like to be able to quantify their excitement.
That being the case, I wonder how it changes the testing process for these potential buyers. One would think if they were waiting on aspect improvements, testing could be accelerated and licences could be signed.For me, this states... we have produced the hardware, it was verified, but there was some modifications required. Hence brainchip went back to the bench and made the required changes... why? Because the akida 1000, although science fiction, didn't have the real world applications needed for massive gross sales... so a bit of feedback from tech monsters in the industry, a bit more tweeking and bam. Here you go, a chip that will work across multiple industries with multiple use cases, with significantly less customisation.
I ask, why would these tech companies help us design a better selling chip, rather that producing their own? Because we have the patents on the base level technology... much easier for them to have us modify it and sell it for us, than risk patent litigation. For me that's a huge deal. Our success is their success... and they are working with us because they know the sales are around the corner. Its just a matter of time now.
I felt like the tech was validated a couple years ago, but this announcement says, the sales are validated....
My opinion, DYOR.
Google should remove them from their search results... most of their articles look like its auto generated garbage...
Looking forward to all the smart city applications. Going to be sprouting up everywhere.Just looking at the products/categories mentioned in the ann today,
small battery powered devices,
hearing aids ( although seen in job ads, this is the first time i'm seeing it in another doc from the comp),
wearable electronic devices,
medical devices for monitoring vital signs,
surveillance systems,
factory management,
augmented reality,
smart home,
smart city
Bloody Fantastique !
Well done Brainchip team and hopefully the beginning of a sustained rerate.
Hoping now that they come up with a well considered naming regime to dispel any confusion.
Something to hang these various Akida's hats on.
We are all familiar with the first of the breed being the Akida 1000.
Then the recent tapeout through Global Foundries of Akida 1500.
And now this new beast just announced. Is this Akida 2000?
So 3 different iterations of the Spike meister, all known as the Akida xxxx, with tweaked skillsets applicable to different applications.
If memory serves Sean said at the last AGM that we were moving away from the above numerical sequenced nomenclature but as far as I am aware nothing to replace it has been announced?
At the moment is a bit clumsy as most are still using the 1000, 1500, 2000 monikers as otherwise have to refer to them as first, second, third released.
Perhaps they are waiting to see the adoption rates of the various offerings and then maybe describe them by utility?
i.e. Akida Home, Akida Auto, Akida Mr Roboto, Akida Defender, and gosh darn it maybe even an Akida Doorbell for Chrissake.
I'd suggest perhaps a nod to our Aussie heritage and they could call them Akida Taipan, Akida Tigersnake or the ever popular Akida RedbellyBlack for the big hitters and perhaps Akida Funnelweb or Akida Redback for the doorbell type utilities?
Or perhaps they could stay with the Greek thematic and call them after the old pantheon?
eg. Akida Zeus, Akida Mars, Akida Dianna, with the lesser but still heroic versions of Akida Hercules etc?
Maybe not quite so important as an IP product than it would be for a physically discreet Chip, yet as more and more versions are released the problems of identification multiply?
BTW, spare a thought for the poor shortee's caught out with today's announcement.
Hope not too many hurt in their mad dash out.
Bloody Fantastique !
Well done Brainchip team and hopefully the beginning of a sustained rerate.
Hoping now that they come up with a well considered naming regime to dispel any confusion.
Something to hang these various Akida's hats on.
We are all familiar with the first of the breed being the Akida 1000.
Then the recent tapeout through Global Foundries of Akida 1500.
And now this new beast just announced. Is this Akida 2000?
So 3 different iterations of the Spike meister, all known as the Akida xxxx, with tweaked skillsets applicable to different applications.
If memory serves Sean said at the last AGM that we were moving away from the above numerical sequenced nomenclature but as far as I am aware nothing to replace it has been announced?
At the moment is a bit clumsy as most are still using the 1000, 1500, 2000 monikers as otherwise have to refer to them as first, second, third released.
Perhaps they are waiting to see the adoption rates of the various offerings and then maybe describe them by utility?
i.e. Akida Home, Akida Auto, Akida Mr Roboto, Akida Defender, and gosh darn it maybe even an Akida Doorbell for Chrissake.
I'd suggest perhaps a nod to our Aussie heritage and they could call them Akida Taipan, Akida Tigersnake or the ever popular Akida RedbellyBlack for the big hitters and perhaps Akida Funnelweb or Akida Redback for the doorbell type utilities?
Or perhaps they could stay with the Greek thematic and call them after the old pantheon?
eg. Akida Zeus, Akida Mars, Akida Dianna, with the lesser but still heroic versions of Akida Hercules etc?
Maybe not quite so important as an IP product than it would be for a physically discreet Chip, yet as more and more versions are released the problems of identification multiply?
BTW, spare a thought for the poor shortee's caught out with today's announcement.
Hope not too many hurt in their mad dash out.
We are still incredibly might even say "cheap as chips!"Are you okay Rocket?..
I can imagine a sinking feeling of dread..