Thanks SG. I'm just worried about June 30. I'm running out of time. I'm running out of patience with all this eco-system fluff. For all the pain that the SP drop has caused , I'd just love to see us sign a material deal with some small company that was prepared to take chance on us. I want Tony Dawe to know this.
Thanks again.
We’re not looking to work with small companies.
Someone else (channel partners I think they were called) will do that on our behalf. E.g. AI labs, Edge Impulse, Moschips, VVDN, Megachips
We’re going straight for the large OEM’s. The Fortune 500’s: and how good is it to have a chat with the Accenture CTO who services lots of them (take a look at their client list; I’ve posted it twice). Who happens to be a friend of our CEO. That speaks volume to me of the calibre of the man you are sledging!
The large OEMS such as Ford, Valeo, Mercedes deal in Billions of Dollars. Why sign a deal with a small company when you can go large.
We don’t yet have the resources or time to spend on lots of little companies when we could work on becoming a trusted partner with Valeo for example who are providing parts for Stellantis, BMW and Mercedes. That’s the deals I’d rather we be spending our valuable resources on! But those deals take longer, longer trials, longer negotiations, longer certification. NASA have 9 or 10 steps from memory over many years; from idea to product.
When I first started investing I did my research and bought into a dozen companies and have had varying success.
Once I had skin in the game I read their 4C’s, AGM minutes, financials etc. I quickly came to realise that some of the companies I invested in were talking millions, some 100’s of millions of dollars worth of revenue whilst others were aiming for billions!
Call me greedy but I decided I might just look at the companies with potential in the billions market!
If you ask some they even say AI will be in the trillions In the future.
I’d rather a small percent of billions and trillions than aiming for a market share of millions.
We’re in the right place, right time, with the right technology.
We’re in a much better place than 12 months ago. It’s just the world conditions have changed.