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Just a correction;
This statement was not made by Sean but by Vianna at the AGM.
Thank you BL I thought Sean said it too I will adjust my post.
Was not really about thet sentence itself so much but the lack of one since. Communication is key -acknowledge shareholders concerns -lead from the Top.
Been rusted on since '15 with a low average so I am lucky in that regard and have no doubt BRN will flourish.
Seems like where almost at bottom but with the artificial manipulation-who knows ,??
What is plain to see however is frustration even for LTHs rising again which can not be good for sentiment.
P.sTony if your reading -I do not envy you your job lol.
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Not Sure if this has been posted from 2021:

BrainChip is starting to deliver its Akida1000 system chip to customers although the company insists that is main business model is intellectual property licensing, similar to ARM’sThe Akida1000 contains 80 neural processors and is implemented in 28nm CMOS (see Brainchip’s Akida is a fast learner) and Brainchip announced the start of volume production in April 2021. This was shortly after Louis DiNardo quietly left the position of CEO in March. Peter van der Made, the founder of Brainchip and previously CTO, has taken up the CEO role.

Anil Mankar, chief development officer, told eeNews Europe: “Chip production volume is just starting now. But you will see a lot of IP licensing going forward.” He added: “We are process agnostic.”

The near-term focus is supplying the Akida IP to 22nm although some customers may go back to 90nm process, Akida executives said.

Rob Telson, vice president of worldwide sales, said BrainChip is drawing up plans for smaller and larger versions of Akida under the names Akida500, Akida1500 and Akida2000. Some of these may well comply to a new generation of the Akida architecture – Akida 2.0 – due to arrive in 2022. It is thought Akida500 could be implemented in 22nm FDSOI manufacturing process, and serve as a demonstrator of the agnostic nature of the Akida architecture.

Mankar emphasizes that the Akida architecture can implement both conventional convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and spiking neural networks (SNNs) that allow for a broader range of data processing models and learnings. The human brain based on spiking signals passed between neurons. “Spikes are spatio-temporal. There’s a lot of information to extract from spikes that we are not yet taking advantage of,” said Mankar.

The scalability of the architecture is also important, he said. “Our IP can from 2 processing nodes to 128,” said Mankar. If a licensee goes to 7nm CMOS then they can go to many nodes, he added.
Ok first Akida ballista gets a month subscription to forum.

Need at least two saucers - tea leaves?
This could just as easily be in collaboration with Synsense rather than Brainchip.

I shared a video the other day with Luca Verra where he confirmed they are using Synsense in commercial applications.

Makes a mockery of RT’s somber warning against shorting BRN…


seeds have the potential to become trees.

Few more views likes and shares on the twitter platform.
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If anyone here thinks my post was about having management control the Share price or ramp on the ASX then you are indeed a fool,its not about the share price its about the MANIPULATION thats been going on for some time. THE ASX and ASIC are a bad joke!Until enough listed companies call this shit out it will continue and retail shs will have to foot the bil!
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Just because “some legends” have posted “reassuring stuff“ that others find comforting, does not necessarily mean it will come true. Nobody on here is a prophet, and nobody who is respectfully posting about their concerns should be shot down in flames or mocked with memes - it’s childish lowers this forums credibility.

Investors and traders alike, can only act on the information at hand, and right now that information isn’t strong enough to prevent this abysmally poor SP performance. This is why we are being shorted, and this is why shareholders have concerns. It’s justified.

Fact - management are being too coy with announcements. Tony and I have spoke face to face about this, and the company has obvious concerns about ramping, but I believe they are now over correcting. The tape out should have been announced, as should the Intel arrangement. They didn’t need to be marked as price sensitive. Other companies are releasing similar announcements without issue, and the company has an obligation for continual disclosure - not by socials, but by the proper platform.

Fact - there has been less commercial adoption than we all expected. Megachips was over two years ago and Renesas was over a year. Two licences in two years is piss poor. Revenue is too low, and somebody needs to be accountable for this.

Fact - the company isn’t releasing enough information to the shareholders about things that matter. What happened to the EAP? How many are still included in the programme? In fact, is the programme still running? Not everyone has the time to spend all day talking to a bunch of anonymous people on a forum to gain insight, nor should they have to. The company needs to do better here.

The dilution needs to stop and I don’t want to see anymore performance gratuities or options exercised until the shareholders are rewarded with a stronger SP, or a solid update with fact based optimism of a brighter future. It seems all the Brainchip staff doing well whilst the shareholders are getting F in the A. If staff truely are performing, then they’ll be willing to hang around to be rewarded by revenue. This is how most other companies pay bonuses.

Echos of baseless optimism on here are getting old. The company needs to start performing financially - it’s not a not for profit, it’s a public company with marketable product. Shareholders need and deserve a proper update on what is actually going on, so we can make informed decisions. Seans statement in the 4c was a cop out.
I hate to say it but I have to agree with you.
I am here for the long haul but we should not as you say have to spend hours trying to find information.
Soz but I dont do alot of social media because ot waists to much time and i am to busy for it.
Sean should understand the frustrations of the poor shareholders, but in saying that I am sure he has his work cut out for himself,
But i will just hang in there being a good shareholder and just take whats throwen our way.
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Lots, not perfect but who is,whilst I was less than impressed by this 4C statement I believe he is still the man for the job. Not to mention the contacts he brings from his inner circle-as long as PVDM and the BRN team are happy with him then thats good enough fot me.
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Hi Cassip,

As you say, Tony has confirmed we have got a yellow card and had our hockey stick confiscated.

If we put another foot wrong, the ASX will beat the puck out of us.
I believe that they have already done that.
And the board of directors don’t want to get flogged again
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Confused SH's when BRN occasionally appears to throw us a bone :ROFLMAO:

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Could the fall in the share price be attributed to the capital call notice announced on the 11/1/23?

Below is the quote from the announcement...

The Capital Call Notice pricing period will begin upon exercise of the put option on or around 11 January, with an anticipated ending date in late March or early April, subject to adjustments based on the share price performance throughout the pricing period.
The issue price for the capital call shares will be 91.5% of the higher of the average daily VWAP of shares over the pricing period (subject to any applicable adjustments) and the minimum price notified to LDA Capital by the Company.
As of the date of the capital call notice, available funding under the agreement amounts to $27.9M while the company is committed to drawing down a minimum of $15M no later than 31 December 2023."

Maybe my understanding is wrong but say hypothetically the weighted volume average is 60cents over the "pricing period" then LDA will only pay 91.5% of the 60cents...

The question is does having a low share price until the end of March or early April favour LDA capital?
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I have worked for Silicon Valley based companies in the past so feel qualified to provide an opinion on the current state of affairs.

It is my considered view that US business people do not, in general, understand Australian business, regulations and philospophies. I was the Asia Pacific MD for a SV subsidiary when a fiendly takeover was agreed with another SV company. Our new partner had an office in Australia and decided their leader was to be the one to be appointed to the new merged entity. My parent co agreed to this and told me my services were no longer required and here's 2 weeks pay. There is nothing akin to the Fair Work Act in the US and so they just presumed they could do the same here as they do there. To cut a long story short I took them (the new merged entity) to court and won - 6 months pay including the share options that would vest during that time. Created a precedent that in fact still stands to this day.

My point in telling this story is to demonstrate that things are done differently in the US than they are in Australia. I'm pretty sure that if we had an Australian CEO and Chair there would be quite a different strategy around dealing with the regulators and with retail shareholders.

This is not meant as criticism of Sean and Tony, rather an observation of the different way they think and act to us Aussies.

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There's one thing that can stop the shorting.


I am hoping that Sean and the team can deliver over the next 2 quarters and provide shareholders with a bunch of new sales/license fees.

That will burn the shorters.
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Norse clairvoyant shapeshifter goddess
If anyone here thinks my post was about having management control the Share price or ramp on the ASX then you are indeed a fool,its not about the share price its about the MANIPULATION thats been going on for some time. THE ASX and ASIC are a bad joke!Until enough listed companies call this shit out it will continue and retail shs will have to foot the bil!
yes but complaining here every 5 minutes here is not going to change anything other then bury good posted research here. Management have responded and if people dont like it well then thats their problem, get over it. Start another thread titled how I got my knickers tied in a knot and post there...

Kind regards,
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I have worked for Silicon Valley based companies in the past so feel qualified to provide an opinion on the current state of affairs.

It is my considered view that US business people do not, in general, understand Australian business, regulations and philospophies. I was the Asia Pacific MD for a SV subsidiary when a fiendly takeover was agreed with another SV company. Our new partner had an office in Australia and decided their leader was to be the one to be appointed to the new merged entity. My parent co agreed to this and told me my services were no longer required and here's 2 weeks pay. There is nothing akin to the Fair Work Act in the US and so they just presumed they could do the same here as they do there. To cut a long story short I took them (the new merged entity) to court and won - 6 months pay including the share options that would vest during that time. Created a precedent that in fact still stands to this day.

My point in telling this story is to demonstrate that things are done differently in the US than they are in Australia. I'm pretty sure that if we had an Australian CEO and Chair there would be quite a different strategy around dealing with the regulators and with retail shareholders.

This is not meant as criticism of Sean and Tony, rather an observation of the different way they think and act to us Aussies.


It depends upon the company, and of course, it may be few and far between depending on the knowledge of the employees and the area of expertise.

The US-based company I work for has customers in several countries, and portions of our product include rule enforcement for labor laws that differ between countries. We have several employees (including contractors) from different countries and must understand the rules and regulations.

It's an educational thing, and I can see how tech companies or acquisitions that are narrowly focused and unaware of international labor laws could be completely ignorant of them. Unfortunately, it can be an expensive lesson to learn.

I like to think that if there comes a day that I own my own company, I have collected enough notes from my workforce tenure to not make the same mistakes in dealing with international business regulations or human resource issues.
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Could the fall in the share price be attributed to the capital call notice announced on the 11/1/23?

Below is the quote from the announcement...

The Capital Call Notice pricing period will begin upon exercise of the put option on or around 11 January, with an anticipated ending date in late March or early April, subject to adjustments based on the share price performance throughout the pricing period.
The issue price for the capital call shares will be 91.5% of the higher of the average daily VWAP of shares over the pricing period (subject to any applicable adjustments) and the minimum price notified to LDA Capital by the Company.
As of the date of the capital call notice, available funding under the agreement amounts to $27.9M while the company is committed to drawing down a minimum of $15M no later than 31 December 2023."

Maybe my understanding is wrong but say hypothetically the weighted volume average is 60cents over the "pricing period" then LDA will only pay 91.5% of the 60cents...

The question is does having a low share price until the end of March or early April favour LDA capital?
Higher the share price, the more commission ($) LDA will make.
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Can anybody tell me what our CEO has achieved so far in his tenure. Just wanting to know, that's all. He's shut out the shareholders so there must be something in his KPIs that are keeping him afloat. I mean he must have achieved something to be be able to just dismiss us out of hand.
He's pushed v hard to sell the Akida IP into OEM manufacturers and chip designers.

No doubting there has been some resistance into these companies not wanting to pay for reconfiguring their designs. They're probably telling us to manufacture and sell them the hardware that they can just plug and play with whatever device they make.

So lo and behold he's pushed us into taping out the latest and greatest akida chip, all made possible by freeing up our engineers.(founders)

It's all about overcoming the fear of the new as far as implementing solutions that use the akida IP.

I dare say that if intel had the akida product it would be a no- brainer to sell.

But we don't have intel shares and all their legacy designs hanging around our neck, do we?

So consider yourself lucky that our CEO has achieved what he set out to do with minimum fuss and expense, that the investor relations guy listens and responds to your queries, that the designers have worked another miracle, that sales haven't lost anyone, and that our competitors, while growing in number are not making any headway in closing our lead.

Therefore I give our CEO 4.5 stars. Margaret?
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Higher the share price, the more commission ($) LDA will make.
Correct….. I think they will making approximately 60% more if they were selling at $1 instead of 62 cents.

Better for LDA if the share price goes up not down.

LDA will be hoping Sean comes out with a nice nugget before late march/ early April.
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Correct….. I think they will making approximately 60% more if they were selling at $1 instead of 62 cents.

Better for LDA if the share price goes up not down.
Exactly! I fully support LDA and hope they make a lot of money out of this deal. I would expect them to pay 91.5% of a VWAP of around $5.
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