BRN Discussion Ongoing


Ha akida ballista
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White Horse

Better take my happy pill then and pretend I’m in magic lollipop land.

Go back to the crapper Weird Horse. The forum there is much more suited to your style, or distinct lack thereof.....
Funny, that's what I was thinking about you and some of your fellow bleaters.
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I feel for some that have been with BRN for the long hall. Like me, I'm sure many hoped this great organisation may be our answer to an early retirement. It may not be as quick as we'd hoped, but there are still so many reasons why I still believe this company is the one to do so. Good luck to you all in 2023 and I'm sure all of your patience will be rewarded.
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How about predicting the weather a week in advance with at least 99.98% certainty? :)
That's a good use case ;).
But i assume the quality of prediction would be less dependent on the type of computing (of course there is some horse power for number crunching needed) but more on the amount of quality data collected (temperatures, barometric pressures, humidity, wind directions, cloud movements, etc. ...)
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Funny, that's what I was thinking about you and some of your fellow bleaters.
I just say it as I see it pony.
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Dear Dodgy-Knees,

Do you think you could squeeze Cerence onto your list as a special favour to me?

Thanks in advance, Bravo (BFF’s 4ever)
Sorry Bravo,

I still have Cerence in my Black Hats list.

All the companies I listed are confirmed sightings, not dots joined.

As long as they are behind an NDA, or worse, a competitor, they don't get a White Hat.
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That's a good use case ;).
But i assume the quality of prediction would be less dependent on the type of computing (of course there is some horse power for number crunching needed) but more on the amount of quality data collected (temperatures, barometric pressures, humidity, wind directions, cloud movements, etc. ...)
It would be an awesome use case if the weather wasn't a chaotic system.
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@JDelekto Thanks, yes the link works for me too but previously that link would have taken you to a different megachips website, not the English version of the Japanese site.
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Hi to all,
I appreciate this place of discussion and would like to add something.
  • what would be different now if there had been an ASX-announcement for AKD1500?
  • did CEO have significant reasons for keeping information on a lower level? Sure there were several for this: concerns about ramping (atm LDA capital shares are beeing sold). So the consideration that the announcement does not make a significant difference (as it is more an successful but expected update of the known company progress and as 4C is due as separate source of information) may has influenced this decision.
  • important: is information consistent, as same words are used in the last two 4Cs? Yes: because it was pointed out that there were (macroeconomic and other) headwinds that caused delay. In the present 4C the assumptions on market penetration and broad adoption are confirmed.
  • If there is a prospect to (even more) important updates it may be better to limit the official announcments to that.
  • In between: current market environment is difficult, for shareholders and for companys as well/all the more.
Just some thoughts.

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Hi to all,
I appreciate this place of discussion and would like to add something.
  • what would be different now if there had been an ASX-announcement for AKD1500?
  • did CEO have significant reasons for keeping information on a lower level? Sure there were several for this: concerns about ramping (atm LDA capital shares are beeing sold). So the consideration that the announcement does not make a significant difference (as it is more an successful but expected update of the known company progress and as 4C is due as separate source of information) may has influenced this decision.
  • important: is information consistent, as same words are used in the last two 4Cs? Yes: because it was pointed out that there were (macroeconomic and other) headwinds that caused delay. In the present 4C the assumptions on market penetration and broad adoption are confirmed.
  • If there is a prospect to (even more) important updates it may be better to limit the official announcments to that.
  • In between: current market environment is difficult, for shareholders and for companys as well/all the more.
Just some thoughts.

Hi Cassip,

As you say, Tony has confirmed we have got a yellow card and had our hockey stick confiscated.

If we put another foot wrong, the ASX will beat the puck out of us.
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Sorry Bravo,

I still have Cerence in my Black Hats list.

All the companies I listed are confirmed sightings, no dots joined.

As long as they are behind an NDA, or worse, a competitor, they don't get a White Hat.

Does a confirmed sighting in my crystal ball qualify?
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Evening Chippers,

Have not read the last few hours of conversation.... today .

Another day in the wilderness....

The 4C was on par with my expectations , yet nothing to to rejoice over.

Like a few here I am a little bewildered at the mere mention ( in the 4C of our AKIDA 1500 getting the equivalent of a foot note comment.

How can TAPING OUT another, more advanced AKIDA chip (( man power involved , time & $ invested ) , yes Shareholder time and company money invested) not be worthy of a Standalone ASX Announcement????.... to be honest I waited a day , thought it over & still cannot come to a logical reason why the company chose otherwise.

Would have to say I'm disappointed on that judgement call.

It's one thing to engaged 110% behind the scenes achieving and kicking goals, Congratulations, but for Christ sake a little thought to Shareholders and their physical capital, floating down , investments would go a long way .

Absolutely nothing to do with putting fluff on the ASX, this was a MAJOR MILESTONE together with a SERIOUS FOUNDRY.

I seriously hope thay engage..
Shareholder Intelligence Services, LLC - ( Shareintel.)
151 Rowayton Avenue Roway,
CT 06853,
To keep track of who is doing what with our issued stock.

Personaly getting the feelin our Chief & Board are 110% focused on our physical endevours & neglecting the fact this is actually a publicly listed company on three separate countries exchanges.

Most people expect milestones for the companys thay invest into on an exchange to be informed via the exchange .

And yes it was announced on the cover to the 4C , albeit in a very lacklustre fashion.

HUGE MILESTONE ----> SHOUT it out separately on the exchange.

I'm a relatively substantial holder & managements disclosures are starting to wear thin.

Looking foward to the pissle whipping from all and sundry, though I will not reply.

Still holding firm & it's not through the announcements from management to the ASX.

On a lighter note...

- Gioli & Assia - #Diesis Live @ Vulcano, Aeolian Islands ( Handpan Set)

- and yes , CRANK it -

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One aspect that we haven't focused on is that if you are the only game in town in a hot area (neuromorphic hardware) which saves power, no cloud, rapid inference, ubiquitous applications etc etc......raising unit prices with market acceptance seems a no brainer. Higher prices for a product that saves money and makes companies more competitive. And profit goes ballistic with higher margins.

And what do the markets like....revenue and profit (and near monopoly).

What is not to like??
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What's going on here today?!
I'd rather look in again when the withered leaves have been shaken off the tree. 🤣 whops 😶‍🌫️

That I respond is due to the fact that I support zeeb0t and my phone responds
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bavarian girl ;-)

Another award for EVK4! 🏆
Our #Metavision® Evaluation Kit has been chosen as Product of the Year Award Winner by Electronic Products.
This ultra-light, compact #HD EVK was honored for being the first comprehensive evaluation kit to enable immediate evaluation of industry’s only commercial-grade Event-Based Vision stacked sensor - IMX636ES HD, realized in collaboration between Sony and Prophesee - featuring the industry’s smallest pixels and superior HDR performance.

Thank you to Electronic Products and congratulations to the other category winners Synaptics Incorporated, Analog Devices, Texas Instruments and more!


Get your own EVK4 today 👉

#eventcamera #eventbasedvision #computervision #neuromorphic #sensors #artificialintelligence
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Founding Member
Well if these shareholders find so many negatives and have so many concerns about the company they should move on. If the timelines don’t suit or they’re not happy sell and get on with life. You’ve been whinging for a long time about most things so why are you still invested? If the company isn’t doing anything to your satisfaction then honestly why the fuck are you and others still invested. Constantly sooking that things aren’t going your way on here isn’t going to change anything.

Can we stop giving financial advice on the site?
Asking share holders to SELL is financial advice and if you are not holding a licence it's illegal.

Also, abusing people is not okay. We are all shareholders here, it's not a cult. I know a few people who don't say anything because they're afraid of a couple of posters' bullying and abusing behaviour.

Are people this sensitive and insecure about their investment that they cannot listen to what others have to say?

I'm more than happy to support the company and its efforts, doesn't mean I'll keep my mouth shut and simp at whatever comes my way.
Plenty of examples on ASX as to why.
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Morning fellow brners, I for one am a happy shareholder. And that's because I hold shares 😀. It's that simple. Have a fantastic hump day. ❤
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The Pope

Just because “some legends” have posted “reassuring stuff“ that others find comforting, does not necessarily mean it will come true. Nobody on here is a prophet, and nobody who is respectfully posting about their concerns should be shot down in flames or mocked with memes - it’s childish lowers this forums credibility.

Investors and traders alike, can only act on the information at hand, and right now that information isn’t strong enough to prevent this abysmally poor SP performance. This is why we are being shorted, and this is why shareholders have concerns. It’s justified.

Fact - management are being too coy with announcements. Tony and I have spoke face to face about this, and the company has obvious concerns about ramping, but I believe they are now over correcting. The tape out should have been announced, as should the Intel arrangement. They didn’t need to be marked as price sensitive. Other companies are releasing similar announcements without issue, and the company has an obligation for continual disclosure - not by socials, but by the proper platform.

Fact - there has been less commercial adoption than we all expected. Megachips was over two years ago and Renesas was over a year. Two licences in two years is piss poor. Revenue is too low, and somebody needs to be accountable for this.

Fact - the company isn’t releasing enough information to the shareholders about things that matter. What happened to the EAP? How many are still included in the programme? In fact, is the programme still running? Not everyone has the time to spend all day talking to a bunch of anonymous people on a forum to gain insight, nor should they have to. The company needs to do better here.

The dilution needs to stop and I don’t want to see anymore performance gratuities or options exercised until the shareholders are rewarded with a stronger SP, or a solid update with fact based optimism of a brighter future. It seems all the Brainchip staff doing well whilst the shareholders are getting F in the A. If staff truely are performing, then they’ll be willing to hang around to be rewarded by revenue. This is how most other companies pay bonuses.

Echos of baseless optimism on here are getting old. The company needs to start performing financially - it’s not a not for profit, it’s a public company with marketable product. Shareholders need and deserve a proper update on what is actually going on, so we can make informed decisions. Seans statement in the 4c was a cop out.
Hi. With some of your facts noted in your post, are you able to send to Tony Dawe to see if he is willing to respond or give the TSE guys a update.
For example, What is happening with the EAP and how many are still included and is the program still running?

The above may assist concerns for some on TSE etc on direction or lack of comments provided by BRN in the 4c.
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