While I'm not expecting great revenue in the next 4c I am more than a little excited about 2023 and the positives coming from CES. The thing I keep reminding myself of is that our company runs on the smell of an oily rag (presumably this phrase will need to be changed to a "light breeze" in future). So we really just need one of the recent announcements to flow a bit of revenue to cover the $20m costs for us to breakeven for the year. Sure, this may not justify a billion dollar cap - but it is just a start. Remember - as an IP company (which our new CEO and current Board refocused us back to) our costs are not huge. Compare with others - and that is not a poke at Intel - and you really start to understand the "explosive" growth that PVMD speaks of.
I think we are seeing a floor develop. Not necessarily in the SP, but as the platform for the next serious lot of announcements and streams of revenue. The foundations of this company - two decades in the making - are now locked in. The development of the tech, the patents, the establishment of the commercial relationships that are now emerging via announcements by others (not us) - these are the things that mean we are rock solid.
Brainchip is a serious company. Don't get hassled about the 4c, whatever it brings - it is going to be a good year.
Ballista has never been a more relevant word!