I do believe this is going to be the last opportunity that shorters will have to do a short attack on BRN.
They are running out of ammo!
Unproven and untested product - proven and tested
Still in R&D phase - moved to full commercialisation.
No commercial contracts - Renessas, Megachips.
No commercially available products - currently true, but fuck me if Mercedes (and soon many others) doesn't blow this out of the water
No revenue - This is the only argument they still have.
I'm sure there are plenty more arguments that shorter and down rampers have used over the years that have been debunked.
Everyone here can smell how close we are.
Revenue Is incoming
Commercial products are incoming.
It makes sense that institutions are trying to push down the price to accumulate.
There is no way I'm selling 1 single share.
And I haven't because I've done my research and I've had 2 years of informed posts steering me in the right direction.
I don't think I would have made it to the end game with out the amount of information that's been made available to me and every other investor.
Fucking legends the lot of you on this forum.