BRN Discussion Ongoing


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Haha thanks Bacon
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This whole shorting exercise annoyed me so much that I bought a small parcel yesterday in protest. I technically don’t need any more shares as I have enough BRN shares which will assist generations that follow me. I just think I should do my bit to hurt those short positions.

Akida - the unfair advantage!
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Founding Member
Something to keep an eye on.....

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Founding Member
About to go exercising but will post some more information on the DTC when I return that I received this morning.
On the question of manipulation what I would like to see is an environment where no one tells anyone to buy or sell and it is all about rational decision making free of fear or over excitement. FF

FF, could I please suggest posting your next piece and moving your original DTC post across to the DTC announcement thread?
Centralise it all so to speak :)
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Just got this in my inbox think it sums up why being LTH is best approach to investing:​

Patience, long-term focus matters most​

Vihari Ross, Magellan Financial Group
I have learnt many investing lessons over the last 20 years. What I lacked in experience back when I started, I compensated for by devouring everything I could find on investing and trying to know all I could about any new business.
Although reading widely and being thorough are still important parts of my process, what I’ve learnt is that the short-term is inherently unpredictable and that the key to investment success and the building of wealth through investing is patience – taking a long-term approach; and temperament – the ability to navigate and tolerate volatility along the way.
Many in the industry are looking to predict the market over the next year or ‘beat the market’ over a very short period. Patience matters because investing is not speculation and involves taking a long-term view on a company’s prospects, and then waiting for those competitive advantages and tailwinds to play out over time.
Temperament matters here because during those years the company in question will go through the insatiable market news cycle and move around a lot. Temperament also involves having conviction in a well-informed and researched view (purchased at the right price), but equally having the humility to change your view if the facts change.
Putting this into practice by investing in quality businesses will over time enable investors to benefit from the power of compounding returns – and when it comes to compounding, time is definitely on your side.
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A well done and a big thank you to zeebot and cohorts for providing us all with this Oasis.

I must say I do like what you've done with the place.
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I do believe this is going to be the last opportunity that shorters will have to do a short attack on BRN.

They are running out of ammo!
Unproven and untested product - proven and tested
Still in R&D phase - moved to full commercialisation.
No commercial contracts - Renessas, Megachips.
No commercially available products - currently true, but fuck me if Mercedes (and soon many others) doesn't blow this out of the water 🤔
No revenue - This is the only argument they still have.

I'm sure there are plenty more arguments that shorter and down rampers have used over the years that have been debunked.
Everyone here can smell how close we are.

Revenue Is incoming
Commercial products are incoming.

It makes sense that institutions are trying to push down the price to accumulate.

There is no way I'm selling 1 single share.
And I haven't because I've done my research and I've had 2 years of informed posts steering me in the right direction.

I don't think I would have made it to the end game with out the amount of information that's been made available to me and every other investor.

Fucking legends the lot of you on this forum.
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In in Baaaeeeybeee...
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Staff member
Some new react icons added... enjoy :D
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Stealth Mode
Some new react icons added... enjoy :D
Looking good zeeb0t. Nice start today. Love a stock that can shrug off a 4% fall. ;)
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Thank you and happy to be away from all the negative posts.
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Thanks for setting this up Zeebot, much appreciated:)
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Hey zeeb0t good idea and thanks for initiating this forum and great to be part of the group. I dont like what I see on HC currently and I have been a member for many years. They dont seem to be pro active with members concern either so thats a real worry. I have seen moderators censorchips yesterday and they say "off topic" in their reasoning, when it clearly refers to HC members issues with HC itself in particular and the lack of accountability from them with the Herald media fiasco about BRN's disclosures which is clearly bias in my view all of which I find of great concern.

Anyway good to be in a more transparent and honest group of people and look forward to all the chat!! Cheers Eire
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Thanks for setting this up @zeeb0t 🤙

It’s early days but if this stayed green today it would be a nice little up yours to the asx, HC and all the other negative a-holes out there… TGIF I’m off to the pub! 🥴😂
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Founding Member
SP is $1.69
Can we close ASX now please? and Thank you.
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LTH - 2015
Some new react icons added... enjoy :D
Hi Zee,

You may have already advised the boys at BrainChip's HQ, Jerome Nader & Rob Telson about the new forum, in case you haven't yet i think they would be appreciative .

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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
Some new react icons added... enjoy :D
Awesome .... Massive effort you are putting in mate much appreciated.... cheers zeeb0t (y):)
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I've noticed shareman on HC lamenting the fact we've moved over here. This tells me it was the right move.
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Founding Member.
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Founding Member
I've noticed shareman on HC lamenting the fact we've moved over here. This tells me it was the right move.

Well that's because the moderators are downrampers. They cannot control the theme here now. Over there, it is easy to control, moderate, bump their stupid posts up, delete posts claiming ''unsubstantiated info'' etc.

I have sharesperm on ignore, but tell him he is welcome here. He is more than welcome to come here and share his thoughts.
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