BRN Discussion Ongoing


Awesome... thx to everyone involved in setting the this up, much appreciated 🙂 looking forward to the $10 party 🥳
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Did someone say KFC
Hi Everybody, thank you to the good people behind this new Brn forum, may it live long and prosper.
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Good Morning Chippers,

Just switched over ,
Looking foward to listening & learning from all the great contributors, without all the rubbish.

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This is fantastic. Well done zeebot and all involved. I have valued the legitimate research and insightful speculations so much over the years and look forward to many more to come.
Many new chapters being written for brn everyday, this forum is symbolic of yet another one.
Great work
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Founding Member
Thanks @JDelekto

This was on at 6.30 pm in my time zone so I was able to watch. My hurriedly scribled notes are as follows:


- Sean’s intro was similar to his recent interview on Pro... (can't remember full name…)
- He provided a good explanation of conventional vs Edge AI
- He explained neuromorphic computing well (using the example of a human recognising a face)
- Sean mentioned we have a solution to the global IOT power consumption problem
- He spoke about the importance of software automating conversion (perhaps @uiux can elaborate on what that means)
- He talked about power saving being important for the world as well as particular use cases

- Sean emphasised IP licensing for our revenue model – this brings revenue from multiple sources – royalties are “margin rich”.
- We have 15 EAP customers
- Renesas will build our IP into their products to sell to the market
- Sean referred to Mercedes as a “customer”
- “demand will shift from cloud-dependent AI devices to solutions where data is captured on the device”

My take on Sean
- He knows the company’s history and where we are going
- He clearly understands the technology and the market for it
- He spoke fluently throughout and his presentation and speaking flowed very well
- I have confidence in Sean being the main voice for our company. Very easy to listen to.

Slides are hopefully attached or can be found here Slides (you might need to sign up). The presentation will be available for replay.
I will also post my notes to HC but am putting them up here first where they can be read in peace and quiet 😉
Is there a recorded video anywhere that we could watch...

Z... jesus here it is easy to read without putiing zillions on ignore..
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Thank you for getting this one up and running.
I'm sure there was a lot I missed because the amount of useless comments filling up space on the copper.
I hope there is a way to block / ban those users who spam the forums with constant negativity and unsubstantiated information or this will just become copper part 2.
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I can already feel the peace here. Thanks for setting this up.
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Hello World
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Top 20
Morning fellow brners,

Even if its not green today, wanted to share the green man that i found to have a nice pale ale. when i saw the words green man i thought thats my pub for the day :)
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Sind schon irgendwelche unserer internationalen Investoren aus Deutschland etc. hier? Ich hoffe, sie finden diese Seite und steigen von giftigem HC ab.
Greetings from Germany, and thank you for letting us be there. .. Word has gotten around about the new forum, and some are already here. Personally, I won't write much because my English is very bad. I only work with translators, but I and many others read & write here. ... Akida Ballista -----------------------------------
schöne Grüße aus Deutschland, und Danke das wir dabei sein dürfen. .. Das neue Forum hat sich schon rum gesprochen, und einige sind schon hier. Ich persönlich werde nicht viel schreiben, weil mein englisch sehr schlecht ist. ich arbeite nur mit übersetzer, aber ich und viele andere lesen & schreiben hier. ... Akida Ballista
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Thank you Zeeb0t. Looking forward to informed, civil discussion, and a few stories, without the deception and bunkum.
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About to go exercising but will post some more information on the DTC when I return that I received this morning.
On the question of manipulation what I would like to see is an environment where no one tells anyone to buy or sell and it is all about rational decision making free of fear or over excitement. FF

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Thanks to those who suggested this forum and started it up. Look forward to being a part of it here.

I'm still going to be connected to HC, so will be back & forth between forums.

Trying to work out how this forum works. I have trouble navigating directly to the very latest post. Is there a way of doing it without doing all this clicking just to get there?
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Staff member
Thanks to those who suggested this forum and started it up. Look forward to being a part of it here.

I'm still going to be connected to HC, so will be back & forth between forums.

Trying to work out how this forum works. I have trouble navigating directly to the very latest post. Is there a way of doing it without doing all this clicking just to get there?

If you click 'home' on the navigation (or click the little TSEx icon at the top) it will take you to a page which shows you the latest new stuff you haven't seen (and you can customise that view to how you want it, too)
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Founding Member
About to go exercising but will post some more information on the DTC when I return that I received this morning.
On the question of manipulation what I would like to see is an environment where no one tells anyone to buy or sell and it is all about rational decision making free of fear or over excitement. FF

No overexcitement!!?? Lol boo


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Holding onto what I've got
Good Morning All,

Ok, so, I agree this is not 100% perfect and needs a lot of work, more to be added and changed, the solid lines are what we strongly know/believe. the dotted shows a link future out from there. (but I hope you get the idea)

I can grant access to a few members if interested that want to help collaborate this to the site I am using :)

EDIT: let me know if you want to join :) in a private message

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Founding Member

Tajminur Rahman - Assistant Security Manager - Commonwealth Bank Square​

Posted on Linkedin

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Greetings from Germany, nice to be here
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Thanks for this Zeebot.
Such a shame. I really liked the humour forum.
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Founding Member

Tajminur Rahman - Assistant Security Manager - Commonwealth Bank Square​

Posted on Linkedin

View attachment 78

He is a shareholder and an HC poster TG.

Possibly on this forum too lol
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