BRN Discussion Ongoing


Short of Nuclear conflict, Taiwan does have the ability to defend itself from China, even more so with assistance from US and others.
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I wish I could paint like Vincent
F, not sure about ur logic there. Plenty of geopolitical, and resource based

F, poor Ukraine has nothing that the US wants? Suggest u do some research.
Ukraine are certainly not insignificant in the big picture, both geopolitically, and resource wise.
Ukraine is sometimes referred to as "the food bowl of Europe" as it has volcanic ash type soil that can grow high yielding crops with very little fertilizer. Remember how Stalin stole all their food to feed Moscow. Millions starved. The hatred runs deep.
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Ukraine is sometimes referred to as "the food bowl of Europe" as it has volcanic ash type soil that can grow high yielding crops with very little fertilizer. Remember how Stalin stole all their food to feed Moscow. Millions starved. The hatred runs deep.
I don’t want to be misunderstood.

My feelings are with the people on both sides of this Puto inspired war crime.

It seems reasonable with so much cross over between the ordinary Russians and ordinary Ukrainians with intelligent leadership the two nations could have prospered together in peace.

My only point was that the USA are not going to step in but this should not be taken as any indication of what they would do were Taiwan attacked by the CCP.

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Top 20
I don’t want to be misunderstood.

My feelings are with the people on both sides of this Puto inspired war crime.

It seems reasonable with so much cross over between the ordinary Russians and ordinary Ukrainians with intelligent leadership the two nations could have prospered together in peace.

My only point was that the USA are not going to step in but this should not be taken as any indication of what they would do were Taiwan attacked by the CCP.

The wheels fell off when Gorbachev resigned .
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The wheels fell off when Gorbachev resigned .
Hey Barrel,

What's your impression of Telstar and KT?
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Just wanted to say first off, the amount of quality posts based off research is excellent, whether you be a long term holder or relatively new in discovering our great developing company, there's certainly a treasure trove of good. solid, positive information, but as FF and others have mentioned, if you disagree with something, it's equally important to state why, and back it up with fact, rather than being just emotional, healthy debate is just that, healthy.

As Peter has mentioned, he expects "explosive sales"...he obviously is privy to certain information, I believe that he also mentioned that revenue was expected to ramp up in the second-half of why am I mentioning this, well, were we ever worth 3.9 Billion AUD...the clear answer in my opinion was absolutely NOT, YET.

On viewing our recent revenue of 1.1 Million USD (approx) you can clearly see why dozens of Institutions who are dealing with the company just can't get their heads around how the stock price could be so high..i.e. $2.00 plus.

Now we all know that many companies listed on the Nasdaq have, shall we say, over inflated stock prices, with many showing Zero revenue, so the argument if you like is the forward revenue predictions, meaning if we are to believe the founder with regards "explosive sales", I'd suggest that the longer the Institutions keep throwing up negatives about our stock price, well, they may well find themselves regretting stalling in trying to get in at a cheaper entry point.

If the analysts can't understand the technology, which I believe is the common problem, as with many engineers, who are hell bent on going down the deep learning path, trying everything possible to process data faster, the writing is on the wall, and has been for a number of years.

Von Neuman architecture is dying of a slow, but sure death, visionaries like Peter and a few other Neuroscientists are clearly heading in the right direction, will Brainchip's technology be leap frogged by a new futuristic technology in a few years, a black project maybe, who knows, I sure don't...never say never in the technology space, but for now, we, Brainchip are clear leaders, are working extremely hard to extend our lead over current and future rivals, that's all that can be controlled.

I have decided to share this photo, it was taken when I visited the Brainchip Headquarters in Perth, the board I am holding had the AKD 1000 engineering sample, the chap on the left, is not only brilliant, he's a great bloke, someone I consider a friend.

Every time you moan to yourself about how our share price has fallen a bit, just remember how hard Peter, Adam, Anup & Tony here in Perth are working in conjunction with Anil, Kris, Sean, Rob & Ken, just to mention a few, who's goal it is to make sure Brainchip succeeds....always be respectful, because as I say, without Peter Van publicly listing Brainchip in the first place, we would never have been given this amazing ticket to ride the Brainchip express to the heavens and beyond.

God Bless the Founder.....Tech x

AKD 1000.jpeg
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Just wanted to say first off, the amount of quality posts based off research is excellent, whether you be a long term holder or relatively new in discovering our great developing company, there's certainly a treasure trove of good. solid, positive information, but as FF and others have mentioned, if you disagree with something, it's equally important to state why, and back it up with fact, rather than being just emotional, healthy debate is just that, healthy.

As Peter has mentioned, he expects "explosive sales"...he obviously is privy to certain information, I believe that he also mentioned that revenue was expected to ramp up in the second-half of why am I mentioning this, well, were we ever worth 3.9 Billion AUD...the clear answer in my opinion was absolutely NOT, YET.

On viewing our recent revenue of 1.1 Million USD (approx) you can clearly see why dozens of Institutions who are dealing with the company just can't get their heads around how the stock price could be so high..i.e. $2.00 plus.

Now we all know that many companies listed on the Nasdaq have, shall we say, over inflated stock prices, with many showing Zero revenue, so the argument if you like is the forward revenue predictions, meaning if we are to believe the founder with regards "explosive sales", I'd suggest that the longer the Institutions keep throwing up negatives about our stock price, well, they may well find themselves regretting stalling in trying to get in at a cheaper entry point.

If the analysts can't understand the technology, which I believe is the common problem, as with many engineers, who are hell bent on going down the deep learning path, trying everything possible to process data faster, the writing is on the wall, and has been for a number of years.

Von Neuman architecture is dying of a slow, but sure death, visionaries like Peter and a few other Neuroscientists are clearly heading in the right direction, will Brainchip's technology be leap frogged by a new futuristic technology in a few years, a black project maybe, who knows, I sure don't...never say never in the technology space, but for now, we, Brainchip are clear leaders, are working extremely hard to extend our lead over current and future rivals, that's all that can be controlled.

I have decided to share this photo, it was taken when I visited the Brainchip Headquarters in Perth, the board I am holding had the AKD 1000 engineering sample, the chap on the left, is not only brilliant, he's a great bloke, someone I consider a friend.

Every time you moan to yourself about how our share price has fallen a bit, just remember how hard Peter, Adam, Anup & Tony here in Perth are working in conjunction with Anil, Kris, Sean, Rob & Ken, just to mention a few, who's goal it is to make sure Brainchip succeeds....always be respectful, because as I say, without Peter Van publicly listing Brainchip in the first place, we would never have been given this amazing ticket to ride the Brainchip express to the heavens and beyond.

God Bless the Founder.....Tech x

View attachment 1908
Looking good you two!
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At the MWC, South Korean mobile carriers are expected to promote their 5G services and innovative products related to the metaverse and artificial intelligence.

is also expected to showcase the company’s latest technologies, including an AI robot designed to combat the spread of infection and purify air in indoor spaces.
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Deleted member 118

Just wanted to say first off, the amount of quality posts based off research is excellent, whether you be a long term holder or relatively new in discovering our great developing company, there's certainly a treasure trove of good. solid, positive information, but as FF and others have mentioned, if you disagree with something, it's equally important to state why, and back it up with fact, rather than being just emotional, healthy debate is just that, healthy.

As Peter has mentioned, he expects "explosive sales"...he obviously is privy to certain information, I believe that he also mentioned that revenue was expected to ramp up in the second-half of why am I mentioning this, well, were we ever worth 3.9 Billion AUD...the clear answer in my opinion was absolutely NOT, YET.

On viewing our recent revenue of 1.1 Million USD (approx) you can clearly see why dozens of Institutions who are dealing with the company just can't get their heads around how the stock price could be so high..i.e. $2.00 plus.

Now we all know that many companies listed on the Nasdaq have, shall we say, over inflated stock prices, with many showing Zero revenue, so the argument if you like is the forward revenue predictions, meaning if we are to believe the founder with regards "explosive sales", I'd suggest that the longer the Institutions keep throwing up negatives about our stock price, well, they may well find themselves regretting stalling in trying to get in at a cheaper entry point.

If the analysts can't understand the technology, which I believe is the common problem, as with many engineers, who are hell bent on going down the deep learning path, trying everything possible to process data faster, the writing is on the wall, and has been for a number of years.

Von Neuman architecture is dying of a slow, but sure death, visionaries like Peter and a few other Neuroscientists are clearly heading in the right direction, will Brainchip's technology be leap frogged by a new futuristic technology in a few years, a black project maybe, who knows, I sure don't...never say never in the technology space, but for now, we, Brainchip are clear leaders, are working extremely hard to extend our lead over current and future rivals, that's all that can be controlled.

I have decided to share this photo, it was taken when I visited the Brainchip Headquarters in Perth, the board I am holding had the AKD 1000 engineering sample, the chap on the left, is not only brilliant, he's a great bloke, someone I consider a friend.

Every time you moan to yourself about how our share price has fallen a bit, just remember how hard Peter, Adam, Anup & Tony here in Perth are working in conjunction with Anil, Kris, Sean, Rob & Ken, just to mention a few, who's goal it is to make sure Brainchip succeeds....always be respectful, because as I say, without Peter Van publicly listing Brainchip in the first place, we would never have been given this amazing ticket to ride the Brainchip express to the heavens and beyond.

God Bless the Founder.....Tech x

View attachment 1908

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Just wanted to say first off, the amount of quality posts based off research is excellent, whether you be a long term holder or relatively new in discovering our great developing company, there's certainly a treasure trove of good. solid, positive information, but as FF and others have mentioned, if you disagree with something, it's equally important to state why, and back it up with fact, rather than being just emotional, healthy debate is just that, healthy.

As Peter has mentioned, he expects "explosive sales"...he obviously is privy to certain information, I believe that he also mentioned that revenue was expected to ramp up in the second-half of why am I mentioning this, well, were we ever worth 3.9 Billion AUD...the clear answer in my opinion was absolutely NOT, YET.

On viewing our recent revenue of 1.1 Million USD (approx) you can clearly see why dozens of Institutions who are dealing with the company just can't get their heads around how the stock price could be so high..i.e. $2.00 plus.

Now we all know that many companies listed on the Nasdaq have, shall we say, over inflated stock prices, with many showing Zero revenue, so the argument if you like is the forward revenue predictions, meaning if we are to believe the founder with regards "explosive sales", I'd suggest that the longer the Institutions keep throwing up negatives about our stock price, well, they may well find themselves regretting stalling in trying to get in at a cheaper entry point.

If the analysts can't understand the technology, which I believe is the common problem, as with many engineers, who are hell bent on going down the deep learning path, trying everything possible to process data faster, the writing is on the wall, and has been for a number of years.

Von Neuman architecture is dying of a slow, but sure death, visionaries like Peter and a few other Neuroscientists are clearly heading in the right direction, will Brainchip's technology be leap frogged by a new futuristic technology in a few years, a black project maybe, who knows, I sure don't...never say never in the technology space, but for now, we, Brainchip are clear leaders, are working extremely hard to extend our lead over current and future rivals, that's all that can be controlled.

I have decided to share this photo, it was taken when I visited the Brainchip Headquarters in Perth, the board I am holding had the AKD 1000 engineering sample, the chap on the left, is not only brilliant, he's a great bloke, someone I consider a friend.

Every time you moan to yourself about how our share price has fallen a bit, just remember how hard Peter, Adam, Anup & Tony here in Perth are working in conjunction with Anil, Kris, Sean, Rob & Ken, just to mention a few, who's goal it is to make sure Brainchip succeeds....always be respectful, because as I say, without Peter Van publicly listing Brainchip in the first place, we would never have been given this amazing ticket to ride the Brainchip express to the heavens and beyond.

God Bless the Founder.....Tech x

View attachment 1908

Outstanding @TECH 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻
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I have now understood why the war,

……… in a nutshell, Europe and Biden set up some very unrealistic carbon cutting targets and they went about that objective by becoming dependant on Russia to do the dirty work for them.
Plus add to this the incompetent Afghanistan withdrawal disaster by the US ……… Putin just could not resist the opportunity the West provided for him to think he can do whatever he wished.

I also learnt of the amazing courage and bravery of the Ukraine people which will require Putin to make decisions this week that could lead to real escalation and complications he was not expecting.

The talk of CYBER-war is now in the spotlight and from the little I understand, sounds more devastating than a military war (which is hard to imagine) …….. just a few hours ago a mob called
"Anonymous" breached and released Russian military data which may get the ball rolling.

The question I propose is

Would the incorporation of AKIDA Ballista to the present cyber protections in place is be able to offer unique increase of these protections in any valuable way ?
Hope this is not a stupid, or off topic too much question and hopefully this will all end very soon.

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Respect to the Ukrainian people, military and its president. As a German, I'm currently not affected by the actions taking place.
But for the first in a long time, I feel like the European Union finally gets together serves its purpose and is able to electrify their respective nations.
Not often before in my life did I feel like politicians were standing up for our interests. Today when our new chancellor spoke to the nation it marked something special, at least to me, it did. We're all aware of what might come next. Nevertheless, we will support the Ukraine and their independence.
Might be off-topic now, but could turn into something that won't be any more real quick.
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I have now understood why the war,

……… in a nutshell, Europe and Biden set up some very unrealistic carbon cutting targets and they went about that objective by becoming dependant on Russia to do the dirty work for them.
Plus add to this the incompetent Afghanistan withdrawal disaster by the US ……… Putin just could not resist the opportunity the West provided for him to think he can do whatever he wished.

I also learnt of the amazing courage and bravery of the Ukraine people which will require Putin to make decisions this week that could lead to real escalation and complications he was not expecting.

The talk of CYBER-war is now in the spotlight and from the little I understand, sounds more devastating than a military war (which is hard to imagine) …….. just a few hours ago a mob called
"Anonymous" breached and released Russian military data which may get the ball rolling.

The question I propose is

Would the incorporation of AKIDA Ballista to the present cyber protections in place is be able to offer unique increase of these protections in any valuable way ?
Hope this is not a stupid, or off topic too much question and hopefully this will all end very soon.

View attachment 1911


A processing strength of AKIDA is the ability to recognise previously unseen repeating patterns.

I am not a cybersecurity expert but current systems are trained with known attack patterns and as such what hackers try to do is create new or novel attacks.

AKIDA can be trained with all known attack patterns and in addition it can look for and block attacks that it has not been trained to recognise.

My opinion only DYOR

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Deleted member 118

I thought we got enough rain up here in Cairns, but wow some of those daily totals they have been getting down south are insane. So if you effected or know some one effected my prays go out to all of you.
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Founding Member

Good Morning!

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I thought we got enough rain up here in Cairns, but wow some of those daily totals they have been getting down south are insane. So if you effected or know some one effected my prays go out to all of you.

Had over 1000mm since Thursday. Brisbane close to 900mm since Friday morning.
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I was just at HC seeing how another Share thread was holding up and noticed I had been moderated today for the following post on 1.2.22. Getting too many likes would be the message. LOL

Fact Finder
9,359 Posts.



Post #: 59281117
Originally posted by barmy44: ↑
The important thing to keep in mind he is actually saving a particular subset of mum and dad investors. The ones who bought at 4 cents through to 97 cents back down to 33 cents and back up to $1.66 do not need saving and many have become millionaires. It is only that subset who bought at above $1.66 who need saving.

It is a very small elite subset even of that group because a loss is only realised when you sell.

His help only goes so far however as he does not set out a way for that very tiny subset who elected to sell at a loss can make back the balance of their lost funds.

Given his claimed expertise it is very mean spirited really.

I wonder if Abraham had hidden the Ten Commandments and came back to his people and said OK you guys you are doing some stuff wrong not going to tell you which stuff but stop it before it’s too late and do other stuff if he would have had much written about him.

My opinion only DYOR

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Deleted member 118

View attachment 1922 ---------- View attachment 1921 Had over 1000mm since Thursday. Brisbane close to 900mm since Friday morning.

That’s mad and I see on the news places have been getting around 500mm in 24 hours. Least the rain seems like it’s moving off. Just hope this other low off the coast stays away for everyone.
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