Nutrition is a pet subject of mine, I almost research it as much as I research the companies I invest in. Please excuse me for extending this non-Brainchip discussion, but hey, we have some time to kill waiting for the year of Akida (aka 2023) to roll around.
Although what you say is 100% correct
@Deadpool, there is no way that WHO are going to vilify carbs. There is just too much money involved. Notice how shipping grain out of Ukraine was one of the “important” news items.
But then also, not all carbs are bad, and equally, not all fats are bad either. Moderation is the key.
Fruit and grains forming the base of the food pyramid has nothing to do with good health, and more to do with consuming products that were overly abundant, easy to transport, and profitable to farm.
The food pyramid was never about keeping us healthy. It was about making corporations healthy.
Eating too much (bad) carbs. The epitome of a 1st world problem. We tend to easily forget that more than half the planet is malnourished. But that is yet another 1st world problem. And yes, I do hate that phrase, but it fits so well.
We all know better, but we tend to reach for comfort first. It is the easy way out. Especially when it is just a short walk to the fridge, or even less to phone in a home delivery.
A little discomfort is good in so many ways. Your body actually needs discomfort, otherwise it forgets how to function properly. Healing is the first thing to go—it’s not just a natural consequence of ageing!
I practice intermittent fasting (18-20 hours a day of consuming zero calories) and have also done extended fasts - only 3 to 10 days (typically 1-2 per month, depending on duration). When fasting, I feel so much more alive and have more energy. I actually no longer like the feeling of being full.
For those interested in doing some research, it is amazing for your well-being. My go to expert is
Jason Fung. First thing to understand is the important role of autophagy.
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