Fact Finder
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He does not own the company so his personal financial circumstances are unaffected by whether Brainchip is a one or a hundred billion company.To me, he is either honestly doing this to meet his taxation obligation or desperately dumping his holding to avoid future losses. People, 80K, for a chairman of a 1B+ listed company, i don't have to be educated to make a guess, but it's up to every shareholder to decide
He could go to my accountant and follow his most excellent advice on tax planning and as a result like me he could hold very, very little cash in his own name.
As a result of following my accountants advice if I had an $80,000 personal tax liability I would have to ask my wife to pay. Never my preferred option nor hers.

If I took it from my private company I would have to pay tax so would need to pull more than 80 to net 80.
If I borrowed the 80 the interest would not be tax deductible as money borrowed to pay tax cannot be made deductible.
If I pulled it from super that would mean selling shares.
If I sold real estate that would trigger capital gains events.
In view of how my financial affairs are arranged I would do what he has done as it makes the most sense personally and look to move the remaining shares into our trust.
Perhaps you could expand upon your experience in this area and why you are so certain.
My opinion only DYOR
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