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ISL Wins Urban Air Mobility Challenge

ISL’s Agility Prime project team submitted an innovative idea to the ATI Urban Air Mobility Innovation Challenge in July 2022. The ISL team was notified of selection to pitch the idea to a select panel of judges at the Defense TechConnect Innovation Summit & Expo in Washington D.C. on September 28th, 2022. The innovative idea was centered around providing neuromorphic radar capabilities to the urban air mobility community for safety and autonomous use.
The ISL team was one of 20 selected companies to pitch their autonomous and urban air mobility ideas to the panel. The top 5 pitches were selected to receive “no strings attached” funding. The pitch was limited to 5 minutes with a 3-minute Q&A after to help the judging panel better understand the technology’s use and project goals. The ISL pitch team received a fair number of questions from the panel, many of which were centered around our neuromorphic training capability and modeling and simulation tool RFview®. ISL’s pitch was selected as one of the winners of the innovation challenge and received an innovation award certificate and an innovation medal.

Remember our EAP, Information Systems Labs?

Information Systems Labs Using Neuromorphic Chip-Based Radar Research Solution for Air Force.

More on ISL, as per their website:

ISL’s team of scientists/engineers continue to understand how the morphology of individual neurons, circuits, applications, and overall architectures creates desirable computations. Leveraging this understanding and the newly developed and emerging commercial neuromorphic chips, ISL is developing a new low-power, lightweight detect and avoid (DAA) system for very small UAS platforms that exploits automotive radar hardware, light-weight EO/IR sensors, advanced data fusion algorithms, and neuromorphic computing.

Additionally, ISL has pioneered an AI acceptance methodology that allows for DoD testing of AI solutions using essentially the same statistically based methodology in use today. ISL was awarded a US Patent for this February (see link). The methodology leverages ISL’s RF Digital Engineering tools ( ).
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Hi @Dhm

Back a long time ago I did a lot of reading about accelerators. Probably at least 2 years now so some may have moved on a little but this is what I took away in a nutshell and in my very lay technophobe language which will likely cause the engineer among us to cringe - @Diogenese :

1. An accelerator is used to speed up data transmission from the sensor/source of the data acquisition to the processor.

2. The processor can be in the Cloud or it can just be in the room where they keep the main computer at an office or factory.

3. Traditionally an accelerator simply compressed all of the data in batches which reduces the bandwidth needed to transmit the data to the processor by sending multiple batches rather than one continuous stream.

4. This works OK in a factory as you can anticipate all the data you are trying to capture and might need to send and have sufficient bandwidth installed to cope with your closed system.

5. Out there on the web where you are sending your data over the 3,4 or 5G network you are in competition with others for the bandwidth and your batches of compressed data can be larger than the available bandwidth, notwithstanding being compressed, and it can still be forced to queue if there is a lot of traffic.

6. I do not understand the full technical reason but if you have lots of compressed data batches (packets) queuing up waiting for a chance to send they can actually become jammed (my word). Since I originally read about this problem I have read a couple of papers where solutions to the log jam were being proposed so not sure about the present situation.

This then leads to using AKIDA as an accelerator and its advantages:

1. AKIDA does not compress the data coming from the sensor.

2. AKIDA actually processes the data coming from the sensor to arrive at an actionable insight or to sort out the needed relevant data to make a decision about what action to take.

3. AKIDA can then either take action at the sensor or it can send that actionable insight to somewhere else as meta data.

4. AKIDA's huge advantage as an accelerator is therefore it is sending only tiny little packets of meta data which can reliably slot in to the bandwidth with ease.

5. AKIDA's huge advantage continues when the meta data reaches the cloud or processor where the action is to be taken because that computer does not have to wade through every single piece of data collected and sent to it and sort out what is relevant before taking action. AKIDA gives it just the relevant data so it can action that data almost instantaneously.

This ability or advantage can be critical in health, automotive, aeronautical, defence and space applications.

My opinion only DYOR

My guess is that an AI accelerator is a circuit which performs basic computationally intensive classification functions in recognizing images or speech or other sensor type data faster than doing the job in software (CNN) on a CPU/GPU/cloud server. The CPU/GPU/cloud server can then perform some programmed function in response to the classification of the data.

AI accelerators in the past have been lumped with fixed model libraries which are difficult to update with additional images/sounds ...

Again in the past, AI accelerators used MAC (multiply accumulate) circuits of 8 bits or more.

Akida does data classification using compact model libraries adapted specifically for Akida using 1-bit to 4-bit "spikes", so Akida is capable of performing the function of an AI accelerator faster and more efficiently that previous AI accelerators ... and much more. [#### PS: The result of the classification by the AI Accelerator uses much less data than the input sensor data. ###]

On-chip one-shot learning makes Akida capable of updating its model library to improve accuracy. Such modifications can be shared via the internet to update other Akidas within a specific group or which use the same model library.

If Anastasi is talking about AI accelerators, I'm sure she understands Akida's capabilities in this field.

Someone needs to update Wiki:

Emergence of dedicated AI accelerator ASICs[edit]​

While GPUs and FPGAs perform far better than CPUs for AI-related tasks, a factor of up to 10 in efficiency[34][35] may be gained with a more specific design, via an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC).[citation needed] These accelerators employ strategies such as optimized memory use[citation needed] and the use of lower precision arithmetic to accelerate calculation and increase throughput of computation.[36][37] Some adopted low-precision floating-point formats used AI acceleration are half-precision and the bfloat16 floating-point format.[38][39][40][41][42][43][44] Companies such as Google, Qualcomm, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, AMD and Samsung are all designing their own AI ASICs.[45][46][47][48][49][50] Cerebras Systems has also built a dedicated AI accelerator based on the largest processor in the industry, the second-generation Wafer Scale Engine (WSE-2), to support deep learning workloads.[51][52]
My most humble thank you both @Diogenese and @Fact Finder.
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View attachment 21657
Hey - just a tip - you can actually get the URL for said tweet by hitting share/send and then "copy URL"... then you can just paste that URL into your post here and it will natively place the tweet into your post (i.e. the actual tweet instead of just a screenshot of it). The upshot is that it is then more likely to be engaged with. (y)
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Cant stop buying, managed to get a good parcel at $0.595, i hope thats the bottom as I cant afford to buy anymore 😳
Same, 60c and same (I'm not prepared to sell others to buy more). I've bought 4 days in a row now.

@FJ-215 most have been in here or the other joint for well over 12 months so will be in the green. I've been averaging up.
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Hey - just a tip - you can actually get the URL for said tweet by hitting share/send and then "copy URL"... then you can just paste that URL into your post here and it will natively place the tweet into your post (i.e. the actual tweet instead of just a screenshot of it). The upshot is that it is then more likely to be engaged with. (y)

yeah thanks @wilzy123 i normally do just that from my phone, but today off lappie and got thrown by different interface...... Cheers

i'll stick with phone tech !!
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Founding Member
yeah thanks @wilzy123 i normally do just that from my phone, but today off lappie and got thrown by different interface...... Cheers

i'll stick with phone tech !!

Just hit this thing if using lappy :)

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Chimera yet another reference to Greek mythology
First Brainchip Akida
Second ARM ethos
Now Quadric Chimera
What is it with AI chips and Greek
It’s in the secret 🤫 sauce of Peter Van Der Madge’s making. That’s the connection
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I'm Spartacus!
Yes, it really would be appreciated :)
We talkin' dick pic's, or, just what did you have in mind? 🤣

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I noticed PainChek was listed as a partner on the Nviso page. It was on a page seemingly dedicated to Brainchip technology. What a great use of Akida , if indeed it is Akida, especially for the elderly who can’t communicate

The first PainChek® clinical pain assessment in aged care was at Barossa Village in South Australia. Three years on, PainChek® has now established itself as the new standard in pain assessment and has expanded across the whole of Australia and around the globe.

PainChek® Universal is a medical device and has regulatory clearance in Australia, UK, European Union, Canada, Singapore and New Zealand.

PainChek® is now licensed in over 1,500 aged care facilities covering four regions of the world and more than 850,000 cumulative pain assessments have been conducted to date1. This has enabled better pain management for people who cannot reliably verbalise their pain – particularly those living with dementia and cognitive impairment.

Introducing the Universal Pain Assessment Solution​

As part of the next step in the evolution of pain assessment, PainChek® continues to innovate with the Universal Pain Assessment Solution – enabling best practice pain management for all people, everywhere.

The PainChek® Universal solution enables better pain management by:

      • Giving a voice to those who cannot reliably verbalise their pain, through a unique AI driven assessment tool
      • Document the pain for those who can self-report, and
      • Providing the right pain assessment solution for those whose ability to communicate fluctuates
All directly available at the point of care. Click here for more information

PainChek® is a fully digital healthcare solution and can be operated from up to 3m away from the person being assessed. This aligns with social distancing requirements, minimising infection risks during both the current COVID-19 crisis, and any future viral outbreaks which may impact the vulnerable.

Finally, PainChek® Universal helps to keep all your processes aligned as it integrates directly into Care Management Systems. Pain data is safely stored in one place from which powerful real-time reporting via PainChek® Analytics supports your critical clinical decision-making.

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Tony Coles

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This is interesting although I’m not surprised.
A person by the name of Manish Pandey who works for Synopsys as Fellow, Vice President of R&D is also a adjunct professor at Carnegie Mellon University with Machine Learning, Systems and Computer Architecture.

Now we know that Brainchip has the “BrainChip University AI Accelerator Program which shares technical knowledge, promotes leading-edge discoveries and positions students to be next-generation technology innovators”

We also know that Synopsys is offering us in their Data Centre AI thanks to the Synopsys investor presentation back a few months ago, well it’s suspected they are as they were using a photo of Brainchip accelerator, which is hard to find even if you Google it, not to mention it’s a copyright issue if they weren’t working together and Synopsys has taken it upon themselves to just use somebody else’s photo of a product that’s not theirs.

Is this a coincidence? I think not.

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His in retirement as everybody knows and maybe 🤔 the Mrs wanted a new kitchen! Or suffer the consequences of continuous headaches from the non stop 🛑 yapping. 😂
He’s chairman
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bavarian girl ;-)
The idea of #neuromorphic computing has now really caught up and we want to see how far we can go in this path. Let me invite you to the TCS Forum: Thought Leadership Conversations organised by Tata Consultancy Services on this topic - "Neuromorphic Computing for Transformation of the Industrial Future" where leaders from the academia and industry will take us on an enthralling journey through this evolving concept.

Our distinguished guests are Dr Mary Doborje, Dr. Zohreh Doborjeh, Dr. Priyadarshini Panda, Dr. Manan Suri, Anupam Singhal, Dr. Arpan Pal, and Vincent Ofrecio.

ase join us on 16th November to get a glimpse of the future. The registration link is -
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I'm Spartacus!
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bavarian girl ;-)
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