I haven't lost any money today at all.............because I haven't sold any shares
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Yes I thought about loosing some money too but then decided not too.
Now if someone will answer my question and post a link I may regret that decision but with each passing hour it looks like the only reason the price has dropped is because of the lumpy revenue that was predicted by the CEO has now occurred.
I feel very sorry for the CEO Sean Hehir.
Damned when he does and damned when he doesn't.
If he had not told shareholders that revenue was going to be lumpy so they could make provision for when it occurred he would have been the worst CEO in the history of the world.
He tells everyone that revenue will be lumpy and what he predicted occurs and he gets called out as the worst CEO in history of the world for not preventing it.
For goodness sake by telling shareholders that this was going to happen he was admitting that a lumpy revenue stream was inevitable and unable to be prevented when selling IP as a wholesaler in the semiconductor space.
Ask yourself when did you expect the lump to occur in ten years time or during one or more of the quarters between when the CEO stated it would be lumpy and when he asked to be judged at the 2023 AGM.
Some people just like to play the victim and blame everyone else for their decisions by denying the truth of the Facts that they were given to manage their own affairs.
The CEO Sean Hehir predicted this therefore he told you the truth.
A truthful CEO what a bummer. Why can't we have a CEO like the one that GetSwift had who makes up false and misleading statements to pump the share price so he and his mates can sell the bounce.
Today's over reaction is because so called investors do not do their own research and when something they did not understand or take the time to find out about occurs they panic and play into the hands of the manipulators. A fool and his money are soon parted.
Anyone claiming to be surprised by the lumpy revenue needs to accept that Brainchip tells the truth.
Good, bad or indifferent it tells the truth.
This is not like other companies spin does not take place.
The closest thing to spin is left to the sales team who each day try to find new superlatives to described AKIDA technology.
My opinion only but if you go back and then think logically at least one 4C had to produce a lumpy result but DYOR or not which is much easier.