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Are we there yet?
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I love this from the MegaChip page-

“In a much more aggressive move, in mid-2020, founder and Chairman, Masahiro Shindo, identified AI/ML technology to be critical to Megachips’ future and asked the US operation to take a leadership position in moving the company in that direction.

MegaChips began an internal training program to allow a group of dedicated engineers to become experts in this important technology. The company made significant investments in the US to identify key partners, build relationships with local universities, and acquire key talent in this space. In 2021, the company made multi-million-dollar investments in two key AI/IP partners, Brainchip and Quadric, to bolster its offerings in the Edge AI market. The company is now positioned to make an aggressive move into the US ASIC market, using its skills in Edge AI as a key component of that move”

After reading that I have a sudden urge to climb up on my desk like after Robin Williams’s speech on Dead Poets Society

dead poets society GIF
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Wouldn't it be nice to see a reasonable jump in revenue in the soon to be released quarterly and to then extrapolate the same percentage increase (compounding) over future quarterlies. Although revenue will be chunky it might give us a glimpse (worst case?) of what's possible in the next 5 years.
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If anyone from Brainchip is reading our wonderful forum, can I please suggest that we pretty please release the only price sensitive announcement that we have control over the timing (the quarterly report) before the 27th of October and after the Nasdaq had a green day within the next week? If news is positive, it could hopefully burn some shorters.

Next Friday morning (Aussie time), US GDP figures come out and if they are not favourable it could bugger up any trading on the ASX on Friday the 28th of October and Monday the 31st of October.
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Wouldn't it be nice to see a reasonable jump in revenue in the soon to be released quarterly and to then extrapolate the same percentage increase (compounding) over future quarterlies. Although revenue will be chunky it might give us a glimpse (worst case?) of what's possible in the next 5 years.
I think it’ll be a large increase but there’s not enough data points yet in my opinion to adequately extrapolate for next year let alone for next 5 years
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I think it’ll be a large increase but there’s not enough data points yet in my opinion to adequately extrapolate for next year let alone for next 5 years
Agree, but I reckon it would show a reasonable worst case scenario as I expect adoption and revenue to climb exponentially so the percentage increase would naturally follow. This is more of a very non-scientific starting point to buoy one's investment thesis (mine anyway 😀).
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@charles2 published a video of Qualcomm and others opined that a relationship with them would be the 'holy grail' for us. Does anyone believe that we may have s good chance of this? I seem to remember they are dealing with MB to deliver tech into the cabins of new MB's. Then @Falling Knife published this on Sept 23:

Screen Shot 2022-10-20 at 4.30.45 pm.png

Does this dream have any place in reality?
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I was just reading a tax rant by a Fool. He was calling for a tax on superannuation recipients as if they were normal income earners with a few nuances thrown in.

What made him out to be the poorly researched Fool that he is was his use of the fact that while superannuation recipients currently pay no tax in pension phase on their earnings hard working police, nurses and teachers are all paying high levels of income tax on every cent they earn.

The problem with this story is that in the Fools fairy tale world the hard working police, nurses and teachers must all die before retirement.

Unfortunately these hard working essential members of society who are paid during their working lives far less than they are worth retire and then receive superannuation pensions which are far less than their previous earnings but because they are untaxed they can live in retirement taking a modest reduction in lifestyle.

If a Government accepted this Fool’s advice these hard working police, nurses and teachers would all be forced to work part time to survive in retirement.

The Fool also forgets that there would be large numbers of self funded retirees including police, nurses and teachers who are now too old or infirm to return to any form of paid employment whose present life style would collapse if their current superannuation was suddenly taxed as normal income as he is suggesting.

I suppose the Fool having failed as an investment advisor is attempting a career change but I am thinking something that is less cerebral in nature is perhaps the direction he should be heading.

My opinion only DYOR

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Norse clairvoyant shapeshifter goddess
It's ok Wilzy. Just calm down, take a deep breath and count one cat and dog 10,080 times, and the 4C arrival guesses will stop.
4C will be on Monday at 0830pm

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I was just reading a tax rant by a Fool. He was calling for a tax on superannuation recipients as if they were normal income earners with a few nuances thrown in.

What made him out to be the poorly researched Fool that he is was his use of the fact that while superannuation recipients currently pay no tax in pension phase on their earnings hard working police, nurses and teachers are all paying high levels of income tax on every cent they earn.

The problem with this story is that in the Fools fairy tale world the hard working police, nurses and teachers must all die before retirement.

Unfortunately these hard working essential members of society who are paid during their working lives far less than they are worth retire and then receive superannuation pensions which are far less than their previous earnings but because they are untaxed they can live in retirement taking a modest reduction in lifestyle.

If a Government accepted this Fool’s advice these hard working police, nurses and teachers would all be forced to work part time to survive in retirement.

The Fool also forgets that there would be large numbers of self funded retirees including police, nurses and teachers who are now too old or infirm to return to any form of paid employment whose present life style would collapse if their current superannuation was suddenly taxed as normal income as he is suggesting.

I suppose the Fool having failed as an investment advisor is attempting a career change but I am thinking something that is less cerebral in nature is perhaps the direction he should be heading.

My opinion only DYOR

I wouldn't Truss some of these financial whizz-kids as far as you could throw them.
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I wouldn't Truss some of these financial whizz-kids as far as you could throw them.
Well I would not lend them money because they cannot hold down a job for more than a couple of months even one where they just have to check things off with an ‘X’.

Seems a pretty easy Council job for someone with a degree but apparently not so. 😂🤣🤡😂🤣
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I was just reading a tax rant by a Fool. He was calling for a tax on superannuation recipients as if they were normal income earners with a few nuances thrown in.

What made him out to be the poorly researched Fool that he is was his use of the fact that while superannuation recipients currently pay no tax in pension phase on their earnings hard working police, nurses and teachers are all paying high levels of income tax on every cent they earn.

The problem with this story is that in the Fools fairy tale world the hard working police, nurses and teachers must all die before retirement.

Unfortunately these hard working essential members of society who are paid during their working lives far less than they are worth retire and then receive superannuation pensions which are far less than their previous earnings but because they are untaxed they can live in retirement taking a modest reduction in lifestyle.

If a Government accepted this Fool’s advice these hard working police, nurses and teachers would all be forced to work part time to survive in retirement.

The Fool also forgets that there would be large numbers of self funded retirees including police, nurses and teachers who are now too old or infirm to return to any form of paid employment whose present life style would collapse if their current superannuation was suddenly taxed as normal income as he is suggesting.

I suppose the Fool having failed as an investment advisor is attempting a career change but I am thinking something that is less cerebral in nature is perhaps the direction he should be heading.

My opinion only DYOR

I've noticed fools have become emboldened in the last few years. They express their opinions as if from the dawn of time, humanity has been waiting to be enlightened with their intelligence. I have also noticed my temperament has become somewhat shorter and my interaction with such fools ends with them retreating to their safe places while I return to my ice cold beer.
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3rd Grade Report - Motley Fool
Dear Mr & Ms Fool
We'll be seeing Motley in 3rd Grade again next year.
English and comprehension [F] - we only have your word for his origin, but comprehension is totally lacking.
Maths [F} - I don't know what you've been teaching him at home, but one plus one still equals 2, not "Whatever you think is a fair thing" .
History [F] - When asked why he didn't tick any of the boxes for the answers, he replied: "There was no box for "Fake News""

At first we thought he was hiding his light under a bushel, but there was no bushel.
I suppose he will soon be in long trousers, which will be a good thing because we have had more than enough of finding him playing in his shorts.
The Brainchip fb group constantly supports mf..implying to me, they support shorters. Please, prove me wrong.
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The Brainchip fb group constantly supports mf..implying to me, they support shorters. Please, prove me wrong.
I refuse point blank. Sorry.😞
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I refuse point blank. Sorry.😞
Don't disagree with your convictions, but that's the impression I get. Trust your opinions as always, my good man.
Adam aka vCIS123
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Evening Chippers,

After several steadiers, personaly, I would love to see another positive 4C preferably released on the close of trade , Australian time, this friday after the late trade auction window has permanently closed , eg after about 8:30 - 9:00 ish.

If the report contains positive momentum, this would in turn semi force the wankers , which are pressently having a field day to...... if they were half smart ????.... to start trying to close out their unlimited
liability / losses on the German & American exchanges..... which as we all know have insignificant volumes transacting....minimal positions able to be closed out would serve three purposes,

1 , Rush of volume on offshore exchanges would be unusual , hence draw more attention from our foreign friends, both retail & Instotutional, which have a long view.

2, Potentialy free up some prime realistate, used as collateral by shorters, which can then be acquired by BRN long termers in a fire sale when their , shorters, loans are called in.

3, Create a bloody good short squeeze for the incoming Monday, Australian time.

Only two Fridays left in the month.....

Question is ..... are you feeling lucky punk ?

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We are the weiners!


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Don't disagree with your convictions, but that's the impression I get. Trust your opinions as always, my good man.
Adam aka vCIS123
The reason I would not argue against the proposition is because Facebook and Twitter have both been exposed in criminal prosecutions related to market manipulation across all forms of securities from crypto to futures.

Just as you are told never to believe cold callers claiming to be from the tax office, police, Nigerian Royal families etc; my default is prima facie all investment discussion Facebook or Twitter is manipulative or corrupted.

As usual I take the if it has an aroma then if it is not off today it will be tomorrow.

My opinion only DYOR

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