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You know how Sean said in his interview that he is not allowed to comment on any collaborations due to client instruction, do you think that Rob Telson is dropping crumbs to us all so we can find our way to all these 'restricted' clients? Obviously my comment is what many of us have believed and hoped for, but do you guys think Rob is deliberately giving us clues? Surely it can't be just that simple? Or can it?
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You know how Sean said in his interview that he is not allowed to comment on any collaborations due to client instruction, do you think that Rob Telson is dropping crumbs to us all so we can find our way to all these 'restricted' clients? Obviously my comment is what many of us have believed and hoped for, but do you guys think Rob is deliberately giving us clues? Surely it can't be just that simple? Or can it?
I think there are three possibilities:

1. It is just that simple;

2. He takes perverse delight in throwing out likes to see what reaction occurs here on these threads. LOL

3. He is a really nice guy revelling in the success of others who just happen, quite often, to work for companies that the former CEO Mr. Dinardo mentioned in his webinars and presentations over many years.

Why I personally believe it is 1. above is for two reasons. The first is point 3. above and the link back to Mr. Dinardo and the second is that his likes are more often than not liked by such persons as Anil Mankar. and Tod Vierra.

None of this is of course proof just speculation.

My opinion only DYOR

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If Russia and China plunge the world into WW3 given that Mercedes Benz is regularly the most popular luxury car purchased in both countries will they elect not to bomb its factories and showrooms so they can continue to buy spare parts and have their Mercs serviced by qualified Mercedes trained mechanics?

We live in such a connected world the events in Ukraine will likely only damage innocent civilians just trying to make a living and look after their families. The way world financial markets leverage these events is quite sickening.

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The market is quite boring really. I love the research and knowledge shared here otherwise I think I would just go and do up a few chairs for my wife. However with the fragility of life being mentioned today by Stable Genius I thought I would share this for older forum members with whom I share a common bond ie closer to the end than the beginning. LOL

Recently as you know I had to have an urgent surgical intervention for what turned out to be a collapsed bypass from 2012 causing the bottom of my heart to complain when not receiving appropriate blood supply. My symptoms have always been atypical.

My first was a chest tightness while listening to my wife talk about her very recent heart attack and stenting. Normally I would have called it stress and moved on. That would have been a mistake but I decided to see my GP. Probably my wife's heart attack spooked me enough to take notice. He said it was likely stress as my BP and ECG were both normal. He looked at when I had last had a stress test and it was a couple of years over due so off to the cardiologist.

Three months later at my non urgent appointment the cardiologist gets the same results BP and ECG and agrees probably stress reaction but listens with stethoscope for a very long time and says he thinks I might have a slight valve noise so rather than a stress test decides to send me for a scan of the heart with contrast.

I go back he says some minor blockages but not really significant only real way to confirm is an angiogram, probably could just medicate, but to be safe. After angiogram told I cannot leave until cardiologist sees me to discuss his findings. His words "Do you want the good news or the bad news?" Bad news please. "You have one vessel 100% blocked and two 80 to 90 percent blocked." What's the good news then "We found it. This is very serious." It all becomes urgent. LOL

So first warning to my cohort do not ignore even a one off symptom.

Most recent episode. Again if I was working physically I would feel a bit off. If I was bent over working say pulling weeds or sanding a piece of furniture I would feel breathless. I went to GP and exactly the same story. Everything normal. Sent back to cardiologist. Everything normal again. Been a while since last stress echo so that is scheduled non urgent and on Monday before Christmas I hit the treadmill and onto the bed to have the ultra sound of the heart.

Cardiologist is quite impressed apparently saying things like "Did you see that?" "Wow, did you see that?" "I don't like the look of that." "Wow." etc, etc, etc for about 10 minutes completely ignoring my presence in the room before turning to me and saying "I don't like the look of what the bottom half of your heart is doing. I suppose you know what I am going to say etc, etc. Three days later in hospital and they find that one of the bypasses had failed and they put multiple stents into the vessel to restore blood flow.

So second warning to my cohort do not ignore symptoms just because the preliminary results like blood pressure and ECG's are coming back fine.

By the way during all of the above I continued with my normal activities of renovating houses. Moving very heavy furniture. Driving the tractor. The point being these symptoms were very minor but the causes were not.

Not relevant to your investments unless of course you want to enjoy the fruits of having invested in Brainchip. LOL

This is a very poignent lesson, even if you are still 'young' in your 40's. I had an aortic valve replacement at age 46, 16 years ago. There was no clinical reason for it to fail, I'm just lucky we live in a world whereby this and bypass surgery is commonplace.

I have two health messages for you all. 1) Don't be afraid to be a hypochondriac, it will often save your life. 2) Exercise, exercise, exercise. It doesn't have to be too hard, but do it. There is so much evidence that constant exercise will stave of dementia, that disease that will get one in two of us. And I want to be around long enough to spend that astute Brainchip investment that will be apon us as surely as night follows day.
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The market is quite boring really. I love the research and knowledge shared here otherwise I think I would just go and do up a few chairs for my wife. However with the fragility of life being mentioned today by Stable Genius I thought I would share this for older forum members with whom I share a common bond ie closer to the end than the beginning. LOL

Recently as you know I had to have an urgent surgical intervention for what turned out to be a collapsed bypass from 2012 causing the bottom of my heart to complain when not receiving appropriate blood supply. My symptoms have always been atypical.

My first was a chest tightness while listening to my wife talk about her very recent heart attack and stenting. Normally I would have called it stress and moved on. That would have been a mistake but I decided to see my GP. Probably my wife's heart attack spooked me enough to take notice. He said it was likely stress as my BP and ECG were both normal. He looked at when I had last had a stress test and it was a couple of years over due so off to the cardiologist.

Three months later at my non urgent appointment the cardiologist gets the same results BP and ECG and agrees probably stress reaction but listens with stethoscope for a very long time and says he thinks I might have a slight valve noise so rather than a stress test decides to send me for a scan of the heart with contrast.

I go back he says some minor blockages but not really significant only real way to confirm is an angiogram, probably could just medicate, but to be safe. After angiogram told I cannot leave until cardiologist sees me to discuss his findings. His words "Do you want the good news or the bad news?" Bad news please. "You have one vessel 100% blocked and two 80 to 90 percent blocked." What's the good news then "We found it. This is very serious." It all becomes urgent. LOL

So first warning to my cohort do not ignore even a one off symptom.

Most recent episode. Again if I was working physically I would feel a bit off. If I was bent over working say pulling weeds or sanding a piece of furniture I would feel breathless. I went to GP and exactly the same story. Everything normal. Sent back to cardiologist. Everything normal again. Been a while since last stress echo so that is scheduled non urgent and on Monday before Christmas I hit the treadmill and onto the bed to have the ultra sound of the heart.

Cardiologist is quite impressed apparently saying things like "Did you see that?" "Wow, did you see that?" "I don't like the look of that." "Wow." etc, etc, etc for about 10 minutes completely ignoring my presence in the room before turning to me and saying "I don't like the look of what the bottom half of your heart is doing. I suppose you know what I am going to say etc, etc. Three days later in hospital and they find that one of the bypasses had failed and they put multiple stents into the vessel to restore blood flow.

So second warning to my cohort do not ignore symptoms just because the preliminary results like blood pressure and ECG's are coming back fine.

By the way during all of the above I continued with my normal activities of renovating houses. Moving very heavy furniture. Driving the tractor. The point being these symptoms were very minor but the causes were not.

Not relevant to your investments unless of course you want to enjoy the fruits of having invested in Brainchip. LOL

Morning @Fact Finder
Glad you are ok and also good to hear that you are proactive regarding your health. Not many people do that. I am also into my mid 50s and i do have few health issues. It is very important to not ignore the health warning.
As i work in aged care sector I know what happens when one doesn't look after the health or ignores the health warning.
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If Russia and China plunge the world into WW3 given that Mercedes Benz is regularly the most popular luxury car purchased in both countries will they elect not to bomb its factories and showrooms so they can continue to buy spare parts and have their Mercs serviced by qualified Mercedes trained mechanics?

We live in such a connected world the events in Ukraine will likely only damage innocent civilians just trying to make a living and look after their families. The way world financial markets leverage these events is quite sickening.

Absolutely makes no sense at all for China to want to be in a protracted conflict when they already dominate with soft diplomacy and through commerce. What does make more sense is for Western govts to manufacture conflict when they're economies and/or their respective leaders' popularity is going down the toilet. Most of it is all hyperbole anyway but who knows what will happen if we continue playing this dangerous game of poking the bear.
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Founding Member
Hey @zeeb0t I just noticed the option to become a paid member for $5 a month and took up the opportunity. If anyone else hasn't noticed there is now an option to become a member of TSEx just down the bottom of the pages at the donate button where there is another link you can click for more information.
Please consider being a regular supporter, there are of course enhanced features for paid members (all explained in the 'more information' link).

GLTA, Hold and keep the faith 🙂
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Top 20
We will get through this. Might take some time, but we will see nice green days agains. Stay healthy chippers.
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Hey @zeeb0t I just noticed the option to become a paid member for $5 a month and took up the opportunity. If anyone else hasn't noticed there is now an option to become a member of TSEx just down the bottom of the pages at the donate button where there is another link you can click for more information.
Please consider being a regular supporter, there are of course enhanced features for paid members (all explained in the 'more information' link).

GLTA, Hold and keep the faith 🙂
Did the same on the weekend...not a lot of money given the quality of the content here...(y)
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I think there are three possibilities:

1. It is just that simple;

2. He takes perverse delight in throwing out likes to see what reaction occurs here on these threads. LOL

3. He is a really nice guy revelling in the success of others who just happen, quite often, to work for companies that the former CEO Mr. Dinardo mentioned in his webinars and presentations over many years.

Why I personally believe it is 1. above is for two reasons. The first is point 3. above and the link back to Mr. Dinardo and the second is that his likes are more often than not liked by such persons as Anil Mankar. and Tod Vierra.

None of this is of course proof just speculation.

My opinion only DYOR

Hi FF,
I like to think #1 is the answer too. But to my mind there is a 4th possibility that Rob is sucking up hard to these guys/ companies, in order to help get the company name there and start relationships. Not a bad thing either.
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I am not an expert at all but i think this is also a good opportunity to buy some shares at a good price. I don't personally think WW3 would happen because it won't benefit anyone. They will find a solution, but I think that both Russia and America need to get out with a victory in form of a deal or something. Through history we human beings have always developed and we "hate" standing still which means we have to develop ourself. This new technology is also a super opportunity for companies to get in as first movers. I am so happy to be a part of BRN. All the other companies have to follow this if they do not want to get behind. It's almost like a dead business of your are a car manufactor and doesn't follow the first movers. Self driving cars, intelligent cameras, food industry, health care I don't know you name it. Look i am the biggest noob investor who only understand the basics of the company but I can just imagine how it will dominate the world. I think in my opinion it will become a standard.
This is just my opinion
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Deleted member 118

Thanks for that thought. It is actually quite easy to push your doctors into testing you. Thanks to lawyers they are all worried about being sued. LOL I think the hardest person to push is yourself faced with the Doctor saying it looks OK. Please make sure you ALWAYS leave the doctor comfortable with the outcome from your own perspective. FF
My dad had major heart surgery when he was 45 and I always said I’d get my heart checked out when I was his age. I did and lucky enough my heart is really good. I’ve had it checked twice now since, I take regular aspirin and statins plus I get my cholesterol checked ever few months and it’s currently 3.6 from when I 1st got it checked it was just over 8.

Sometimes you can’t predict what your body is going to do, but you can take measures to help.

Glad your ok FF
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Hi FF,
I like to think #1 is the answer too. But to my mind there is a 4th possibility that Rob is sucking up hard to these guys/ companies, in order to help get the company name there and start relationships. Not a bad thing either.
Yes I agree with the 4th possibility.

I did not include it as I was focused on the ones where he is liking the ones Mr. Dinardo previously referenced and where time and again those references have proven to be much more than just a list of companies to consider.

I know I am quite old fashioned in many of my views. If someone was liking me this way then contacted me to try and sell me something I would probably hang up.

If I had an existing relationship with the person their likes would probably not offend me and would probably be well received.

So for those here living in this Twitter business world I need your up to date thinking or knowledge.

How does this work? Do you throw out random likes then make contact or the other way around ie; establish a relationship then compliment it with ‘likes’ going forward?



PS: db you might actually be one of the new Twitter generation so not dismissing your expertise if that is the case and would welcome your insights.
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My last health comment before I get back to Brainchip... Often it doesn't matter much re heart and cancer awareness. Sometimes the best laid diets and exercise come second place to your genes, or family medical history. If your dad had heart troubles, be especially wary. If there is a history of cancer, be especially wary. Thats enough from Dr. Dhm
p.s. I'm not a doctor. I would describe myself as a BS artist. My favourite saying, "Don't bull$hit a bull$hitter"
Last edited:
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Dow futures up around 100 points. Perhaps the invasion may still be avoided:

Putin cites security as a reason why he doesn't want a potential NATO member on his border ... however that is nonsense imo given Russia is a super power and will never be invaded because it would result in WW3 and the destruction of the planet.

If Putin does invade Ukraine it will be purely an ego thing ... a legacy he wants to leave behind as being the one who brought Ukraine back into the folds of Mother Russia ... and he doesn't care how many lives will be lost in the process and the immense suffering he'll wreak on the citizens of Ukraine as well as his own country.

'Tis to be hoped sanity prevails and Putin withdraws his troops.

While BRN's share price is down I think if there is one stock that will benefit from global tensions it will be BRN given the important role Akida is likely to play in the future defence capabilities of the US and its allies. I'm certainly holding tight.
Please go to UK Column's website and watch a balanced and informative show 3x a week that is run by actual international journalists . Maybe Wall Street should watch too ?
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The market is quite boring really. I love the research and knowledge shared here otherwise I think I would just go and do up a few chairs for my wife. However with the fragility of life being mentioned today by Stable Genius I thought I would share this for older forum members with whom I share a common bond ie closer to the end than the beginning. LOL

Recently as you know I had to have an urgent surgical intervention for what turned out to be a collapsed bypass from 2012 causing the bottom of my heart to complain when not receiving appropriate blood supply. My symptoms have always been atypical.

My first was a chest tightness while listening to my wife talk about her very recent heart attack and stenting. Normally I would have called it stress and moved on. That would have been a mistake but I decided to see my GP. Probably my wife's heart attack spooked me enough to take notice. He said it was likely stress as my BP and ECG were both normal. He looked at when I had last had a stress test and it was a couple of years over due so off to the cardiologist.

Three months later at my non urgent appointment the cardiologist gets the same results BP and ECG and agrees probably stress reaction but listens with stethoscope for a very long time and says he thinks I might have a slight valve noise so rather than a stress test decides to send me for a scan of the heart with contrast.

I go back he says some minor blockages but not really significant only real way to confirm is an angiogram, probably could just medicate, but to be safe. After angiogram told I cannot leave until cardiologist sees me to discuss his findings. His words "Do you want the good news or the bad news?" Bad news please. "You have one vessel 100% blocked and two 80 to 90 percent blocked." What's the good news then "We found it. This is very serious." It all becomes urgent. LOL

So first warning to my cohort do not ignore even a one off symptom.

Most recent episode. Again if I was working physically I would feel a bit off. If I was bent over working say pulling weeds or sanding a piece of furniture I would feel breathless. I went to GP and exactly the same story. Everything normal. Sent back to cardiologist. Everything normal again. Been a while since last stress echo so that is scheduled non urgent and on Monday before Christmas I hit the treadmill and onto the bed to have the ultra sound of the heart.

Cardiologist is quite impressed apparently saying things like "Did you see that?" "Wow, did you see that?" "I don't like the look of that." "Wow." etc, etc, etc for about 10 minutes completely ignoring my presence in the room before turning to me and saying "I don't like the look of what the bottom half of your heart is doing. I suppose you know what I am going to say etc, etc. Three days later in hospital and they find that one of the bypasses had failed and they put multiple stents into the vessel to restore blood flow.

So second warning to my cohort do not ignore symptoms just because the preliminary results like blood pressure and ECG's are coming back fine.

By the way during all of the above I continued with my normal activities of renovating houses. Moving very heavy furniture. Driving the tractor. The point being these symptoms were very minor but the causes were not.

Not relevant to your investments unless of course you want to enjoy the fruits of having invested in Brainchip. LOL

I'm fast approaching preservation age for my Superannuation and fully intend to retire then, maybe a little earlier. We are a long time dead and I fully intend to fill my remaining years with experiences. Travel being the main, I have made good fortune with my Super so will make the most of it. Not going to sit at home trying to get richer and richer to end up a wealthy man in a box at the end. Money isn't everything
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Founding Member
Yes I agree with the 4th possibility.

I did not include it as I was focused on the ones where he is liking the ones Mr. Dinardo previously referenced and where time and again those references have proven to be much more than just a list of companies to consider.

I know I am quite old fashioned in many of my views. If someone was liking me this way then contacted me to try and sell me something I would probably hang up.

If I had an existing relationship with the person their likes would probably not offend me and would probably be well received.

So for those here living in this Twitter business world I need your up to date thinking or knowledge.

How does this work? Do you throw out random likes then make contact or the other way around ie; establish a relationship then compliment it with ‘likes’ going forward?



PS: db you might actually be one of the new Twitter generation so not dismissing your expertise if that is the case and would welcome your insights.
I never liked twitter but I use it now more than other social media. Takes time to get used to it.
It's like a live feed of posts of those who you choose to follow.
So if you want to follow Rob Telson and Brainchip for example, you'll see their posts when they post something on Twitter. Brainchip likes using Twitter which is why I joined.
You do have the option for chats too, just like on this forum, and have the ability to remain anonymous if you choose to do so.
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I wish I could paint like Vincent
Please go to UK Column's website and watch a balanced and informative show 3x a week that is run by actual international journalists . Maybe Wall Street should watch too ?
There is a large separatist movement in the East that wants to seperate from the West. Most in the East speak only Russian. Putin will/may go in using the excuse that he is only protecting his own people. Western society has done the same thing on many occasions
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Yes I agree with the 4th possibility.

I did not include it as I was focused on the ones where he is liking the ones Mr. Dinardo previously referenced and where time and again those references have proven to be much more than just a list of companies to consider.

I know I am quite old fashioned in many of my views. If someone was liking me this way then contacted me to try and sell me something I would probably hang up.

If I had an existing relationship with the person their likes would probably not offend me and would probably be well received.

So for those here living in this Twitter business world I need your up to date thinking or knowledge.

How does this work? Do you throw out random likes then make contact or the other way around ie; establish a relationship then compliment it with ‘likes’ going forward?



PS: db you might actually be one of the new Twitter generation so not dismissing your expertise if that is the case and would welcome your insights.
Hahaha, unfortunately FF I’m probably as illtwitterit as you! I’m 52, but not interested enough to pay too much attention to it. But I assume that similarly to linked In and the like, people will self promote and schmoose business clients where possible.
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Please go to UK Column's website and watch a balanced and informative show 3x a week that is run by actual international journalists . Maybe Wall Street should watch too ?
Thanks ... will have a look. In the meantime have a look at this absurd vision of Putin addressing his obedient lap dogs arranged at some distance in front of him.
Must say ... Putin reminds me of the pig leader Napoleon in Orwell's Animal Farm ... not just in his deeds but in also in looks.
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