BRN Discussion Ongoing

despite having been a shareholder since about 2015 ( and seen those single figure lows!), I really don't enjoy these downdraughts. BRN is now down almost 50% from its highs and that is material. With such extensive retail interest already, we lack fresh buyers between announcements. I just saw Foxdog's message> hopefully he can generate some interest.
To misquote REM, I am not "losing my religion", but it is testing seeing such large mark-to-market moves in the portfolio. its all about greed and fear.
I just had a quick look over at Commsec for the first time today triggered by your post and Foxdog's.

When we ran out of retail investors and institutions did not have Brainchip on their radars which is 8 to 10 months ago give or take we would have daily volumes of 3 to 9 million odd shares. Today over 30 million have traded according to Commsec as at about 2.40pm. Every share on my watch list, which contains many I do not hold, are very red, one might say blood red. Some have quite low volumes though which indicates to me that the present market conditions mean that retail pretty much have no sentiment for accumulating in the present environment.

So this begs the question who or what are accumulating Brainchip shares in these numbers? Certainly not retail on past experience and on what is happening in the market generally.

If we accept that institutions do understand that there has been absolutely no change in Brainchip's fundamentals then it stands to reason that they are taking advantage of retail fear and gorging themselves giving high fives and laughing all the way to the bar to celebrate meeting targets for less money and sooner than expected.

Perhaps this is totally wrong but just like Foxdog I have not yet pulled the trigger on purchases I intend to make on other shares because I am not certain about what will happen in the Ukraine tomorrow now that Russian Peace Keepers are reportedly going in.

What are other retail meaning those who post here doing?

If you are doing the same as myself and Foxdog then someone or something must be buying and perhaps also selling just the right number to keep sliding the price down to keep the bargains coming??

My opinion only DYOR

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zEE ........ YOU DO REALISE I hope, there is huge difference to the general market downturn and the crashing price we have on the share this thread is only about ....... right ?
This stinks to hi heaven of MaNiPuLaTioN and if this company cared about it's investors a little more ....... they could turn things around very quickly or at LEAST STABILISE THE SHIP ....... don' you think ?
Maybe they are are a party to the stink ......... SORRY but I question everything when it stinks .
Mate plenty of companies have dropped about 50% don’t forget BRN is high risk high reward. If you want your money safe invest in established companies. Perhaps the banks or some etfs.
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Staff member
zEE ........ YOU DO REALISE I hope, there is huge difference to the general market downturn and the crashing price we have on the share this thread is only about ....... right ?
This stinks to hi heaven of MaNiPuLaTioN and if this company cared about it's investors a little more ....... they could turn things around very quickly or at LEAST STABILISE THE SHIP ....... don' you think ?
Maybe they are are a party to the stink ......... SORRY but I question everything when it stinks .

Don't get me wrong, this sucks. Perspective, however:

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Fundamentals haven't changed...great opportunity to add more to stock pile.
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I just had a quick look over at Commsec for the first time today triggered by your post and Foxdog's.

When we ran out of retail investors and institutions did not have Brainchip on their radars which is 8 to 10 months ago give or take we would have daily volumes of 3 to 9 million odd shares. Today over 30 million have traded according to Commsec as at about 2.40pm. Every share on my watch list, which contains many I do not hold, are very red, one might say blood red. Some have quite low volumes though which indicates to me that the present market conditions mean that retail pretty much have no sentiment for accumulating in the present environment.

So this begs the question who or what are accumulating Brainchip shares in these numbers? Certainly not retail on past experience and on what is happening in the market generally.

If we accept that institutions do understand that there has been absolutely no change in Brainchip's fundamentals then it stands to reason that they are taking advantage of retail fear and gorging themselves giving high fives and laughing all the way to the bar to celebrate meeting targets for less money and sooner than expected.

Perhaps this is totally wrong but just like Foxdog I have not yet pulled the trigger on purchases I intend to make on other shares because I am not certain about what will happen in the Ukraine tomorrow now that Russian Peace Keepers are reportedly going in.

What are other retail meaning those who post here doing?

If you are doing the same as myself and Foxdog then someone or something must be buying and perhaps also selling just the right number to keep sliding the price down to keep the bargains coming??

My opinion only DYOR

FF my attitude is that I CAN buy more at these levels but it does leave me a little naked if all continues to go to $hit. I do already have enough shares in BRN so I will only jump in again if the clouds dissipate. I have always found buying on the open usually works for me. But I also have two other companies that will do equally well (almost) as Brainchip in the next 6 months or so. Just checked, one has gone up 9% today.
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It's the manipulation ........ that upsets me ......... part n parcel of high risk shares that have the goods but are not allowed to speak about it.
I understand that .... does not mean i have to like it.
My patience has been a little short of late ......... and this is a high risk investment for the above reason only.
This is not BTC ......... but behaving that way lately.
I have been buying more recently ........ simply cos I cannot ignore a gift horse in my face.
Much MUCH more than a Horse ......... I strongly believe ........... this baby is a Goose.
Similar to,
the one you used to read about as a kid ........ the one that used to lay Golden Eggs ?
This one lays .......... AKIDA Ballistas !!
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My trading strategy is rather simple. I never buy shares unless I have first determined my exit strategy.

I have been trading shares for over 40 yrs and never did I think I would be a shareholder in a company as promising as BRN, it has the potential to be bigger than each $trillion company known today.

Nothing has changed, I have not lost sight of the fundamentals, I know BRN has many opportunities and even more unknown opportunities that will materialize in time to come.

I have accumulated a nice holding in BRN and aim to add at every opportunity, regardless of where the share price is or what the world markets are up to. Because for me, its all about the the day BRN starts to pay dividends.

Therefore - my exit strategy for BRN is never ever sell!!

Of course, the above is my opinion only and not advice.

Akida Ballista
Mad is Good
Rock and Roll BABY
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Did anyone else notice today's date.......22/2/22

Sorry just needed a distraction from the share price :(
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Did anyone else notice today's date.......22/2/22

Sorry just needed a distraction from the share price :(
Hah, apparently today is referred to as Twosday

Also this was interesting.

When 2 is in sequence like it is in 222, this energy is super-charged. There is a call to approach life with more compassion, to seek better balance, to work cooperatively with others, to seek partnership when you can and strive for harmony.
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I'm feeling comfortable and calm in this climate and it is something special. As a young investor this is the first time I haven't felt sick based on major share price movement and it feels good to finally truly trust the process. Just a reminder to be proud! We are all in good hands.
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So you are saying that even though all of the market has been effected greatly by the current geo-political events, that BRN should be acting differently to others even in this severely negative environment. Is that what you are suggesting here ?
The fall in the broad market indices has been modest compared to the fall from BRN's highs, but I get your point.
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Staff member
The fall in the broad market indices has been modest compared to the fall from BRN's highs, but I get your point.

Technology as a whole is down near 5% last I checked. Of course the speculative stocks get hit harder.
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Did anyone else notice today's date.......22/2/22

Sorry just needed a distraction from the share price :(
Its a Palindrome 22022022 😊
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Dang Son

FF my attitude is that I CAN buy more at these levels but it does leave me a little naked if all continues to go to $hit. I do already have enough shares in BRN so I will only jump in again if the clouds dissipate. I have always found buying on the open usually works for me. But I also have two other companies that will do equally well (almost) as Brainchip in the next 6 months or so. Just checked, one has gone up 9% today.
A good environment for DRO at present with its DoD agreements, as it should be for BRN if it has DoD agreements to speak of and announce.
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FF my attitude is that I CAN buy more at these levels but it does leave me a little naked if all continues to go to $hit. I do already have enough shares in BRN so I will only jump in again if the clouds dissipate. I have always found buying on the open usually works for me. But I also have two other companies that will do equally well (almost) as Brainchip in the next 6 months or so. Just checked, one has gone up 9% today.
Are you allowed to say what they are...
Just asking
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Holding onto what I've got
Did anyone else notice today's date.......22/2/22

Sorry just needed a distraction from the share price :(
Yes today is 22022022 Same way Left-to-Right, Right-to-Left and upside down :D
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I’ll tell you what I’ve been doing Fact…trading.

I sold a parcel at $1.57 on 14 Feb, held my breath for over a week, and got them back plus an additional 170K today at $1.17.

I re-iterate this is not for everyone. I’ve come some croppers, but when my instinct kicks in, I cannot resist.

On another matter, just lately I’ve been reading about philanthropy and some of the largest foundations including that of Belinda and Bill Gates. It made me think about what Akida can do to alleviate disease and illness around the world.

Forty years ago, I accepted advice to have a comprehensive blood test every year, because it would provide a quick diagnosis on how I was travelling. My current GP tells me whilst it’s not the be-all and end-all, it provides a wonderful record, because blood tells a lot about one’s overall health.

I accept we have so many uses for Akida it’s difficult to list them all, but for mine, medical diagnostic applications possible with Akida, both those we have some wind of, and the many others that will come to the fore, will be its major legacy.
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Makeme 2020

The whole market is a sea of red. People panic and this all reminds me the start of the pandemic where the whole market crashed. Those days I decided to not even look at my trading account as it is hard to swallow seeing all your portfolio in red. However, I just ignored the noise for a few months and when I checked again I was in profit. My point is, you can panic and sell at a loss or you can hold and wait.

BRN is going forward and plenty of new things to come. Unfortunately the whole market sentiment is negative and it is not only BRN dropping but most stocks are. I know what I will do. JuSt forget about it for the time being focus on my day job and I believe in a few months things will recover.

I reckon all this Ukraine war thing is being manufactured by the powerful people to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. They are dropping the whole market to buy cheap, once they get their desired allocation they will pump it up again.
Shorters Munching Munching its not the market there been steadily munching for the last week............
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Yes today is 22022022 Same way Left-to-Right, Right-to-Left and upside down :D
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