buena suerte :-)
BOB Bank of Brainchip
Well ... My thinking is that we still have a VERY close relationship and a HUGE future with MB (No doubting that at all) I know this article is from April of this year but it's just a reminder of what was announced back in January!! and on that note I think we were extremely lucky to have had MB come out and publicly state that .. Akida is installed in the Concept car EQXX from Mercedes ... you couldn't get more of an endorsement and huge exposure from a World automobile leader for AKIDA than that! If MB were not 100% happy they would not have released that statement! With MB we know for a fact that we are a partner and maybe they are already testing the New Akida 2.0 as maybe many other big players are too! So who knows news/updates from our newest member of the Brain Fam could be released SOON!! Looking forward to the 4C anytime now.. but most probably next Thurs/Fri 27th/28th?
Have a great week Chippers
Probably one of the most exciting listed chip newcomers is BrainChip. The Australian technology company is working on solutions in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning. The Akida chip is the Company's current flagship product. It is a neuromorphic processor. It is said to be very close to the workings of the brain and thus, in particular, very energy-efficient. BrainChip sees applications in autonomous driving, IoT devices, robotics, medical diagnostics and security technology. The Australians caused a sensation at the turn of the year when it became known that Akida is installed in the Concept car EQXX from Mercedes and, among other things, makes the "Hey, Mercedes" voice control up to ten times more efficient than conventional voice control. There were also reports of interest on the part of the US Air Force. As a result, the share price exploded to EUR 1.20. In the context of the general weakness on the stock markets, the price returned to EUR 0.60. Operationally, the Company continues to step on the gas.Most recently, BrainChip reported a cooperation with nViso SA. The Swiss company says its technology is the only one capable of analyzing human behavior signals such as facial expressions, emotions, identity, head posture, gaze, gestures, activities and objects with which users interact. In robotics and vehicle applications, human behavior analysis detects the user's emotional state to provide personalized, adaptive, interactive and safe devices and systems. This technology will be integrated into BrainChip's Akida processors. The partners see initial applications in the area of robots and surveillance systems. BrainChip CEO Sean Hehir said, "nViso's AI systems for analyzing human behavior offer fascinating possibilities in homes, cars, buildings, hospitals and more. We are excited to support these capabilities with BrainChip's processing power and energy efficiency." This may not have been the last interesting news from BrainChip this year.